Maturing With and Through Your Yoga Practice (Blog)

Maturing With and Through Your Yoga Practice (Blog)

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Brenda S
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Birgette, thank you for sharing your thoughts on your yoga practice. I too enjoyed the rigors of yoga, but now I’m my 60’s I’m finding so much more in the benefits of the level 1-2 classes. I have enjoyed classes offered on Anytime Yoga which introduced me to Nathan and Sunti (they both emphasize alignment) . I’m going to check out your class. Grateful for your sharing. ✌🏼❤️
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Brenda S Hi Brenda, Thank you so much for your feedback/comments. Yes, i am enjoying slowing down and keeping things a bit more simple...yet challenging in a mindful way to create strength and stability. Hope to "see you" in class. If we listen to our bodies we mature very 'sweetly' and compassionately in our practice. Namaste, Birgitte
Kate M
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At 62 I'm discovering that the embodied practices of yogāsana and (more recently) Indian classical dance are becoming more and more important in my life. It is such a blessing to have access to these teachings here on YogaAnytime, and of course also through our dear gurujis. Thank you for sharing your yoga journey with us! I'm enjoying your class here also! Blessings...!
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Kate M Dear Kate, Wonderful to hear. India has indeed gifted us with so many treasures. Thank you for sharing your journey and for exploring my classes. Namaste, Birgitte
Catherine A
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Hi Birgitte, thank you for sharing your story and I identify strongly with some of what you describe. I am about to turn 70 and yoga has (in the last 20 years) become my go to 'sport' - replacing squash and other activities involving rackets and Sticks of one sort or another . Quite early on in my yoga journey I fell in love with  vinyasa flow and still practice this dynamic style almost every day. But I have discovered Nathan Briner recently and with his focus on alignment I find myself enthusiastically endorsing (at least some of the time) a different and more measured style and benefitting greatly from slowing down my practice a bit......! Won't be giving up my flows any time soon but I can see that I am going to very much enjoy incorporating your classes into my practices. Namaste, Catherine 
Catherine A Dear Catherine, Thank you for your feedback here. Sometimes a good flow practice can be so uplifting and energizing. I am also reminded that we are all different and I am thankful for all the different approaches. I agree with you, that alignment is so important and I know that sometimes students are in a hurry to get a workout, and alignment takes a backseat....that is until something starts hurting. I also love how the attention to detail, gives us a point of focus and can make the practice even more mindful. Yoga is indeed such a blessing. Namaste, Birgitte
David G-
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What a beautiful essay! You often speak of how Yoga is healthy addiction, and so too is this open-state of interconnectedness, which my practice with you has cultivated in a just a few months.  It is wonderful feeling to know I can continue this process with daily practice on the mat, and the desire to learn more challenging asanas is not as important as shaping this wisdom. Namaste. 
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David Goldstein Hi David, What a great way to describe this: Open-state of interconnectedness. I love that! I am so appreciative of your feedback ....I am so inspired by my students. Namaste, Birgitte
Aurora del Villar
Hi, Birgitte! I am mexican, 52, and really enjoying both your show and this article. Thank yo for teaching with  love and clarity. And thank you for make me love my practice as I grow older and my body changes. Namaste
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Aurora del Villar Dear Aurora, So lovely to meet you here. It is so important to honor ourselves in our practice, so I commend you for listening to your body. I think being in our fifties can be so empowering..especially as we accept all the changes and embrace our innate wholeness. So happy that you are practicing with me. "See you" soon. Namaste, Birgitte
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