Happy Father's Day

One of our favorite dads at Yoga Anytime, teacher Robert Sidoti, talks about what it means to be a man and a father, and how his health and yoga practice help him maintain a deeper connection with his son Miles. "The physical connection I find with my son, and the relationship I have with him is everything," says Sidoti.

Happy Father's Day to all the dads!


Glenford N
Hi Robert. That was a moving talk. I also have a son. His name is Elliot and he's 23. We also enjoy a close physical relationship. He's 195cm tall, plays semi-professional soccer, works out three times a week and is a qualified referee. It's important I stay fit physically, spiritually and mentally so I can be the best father  I can.  We hug, do physical stuff together and say "I love you" Namaste.
Glenford N
Hi Robert. That was a moving talk. I also have a son. His name is Elliot and he's 23. We also enjoy a close physical relationship. He's 195cm tall, plays semi-professional soccer, works out three times a week and is a qualified referee. It's important I stay fit physically, spiritually and mentally so I can be the best father  I can.  We hug, do physical stuff together and say "I love you" Namaste.
Glenford N
Hi Robert. That was a moving talk. I also have a son. His name is Elliot and he's 23. We also enjoy a close physical relationship. He's 195cm tall, plays semi-professional soccer, works out three times a week and is a qualified referee. It's important I stay fit physically, spiritually and mentally so I can be the best father  I can.  We hug, do physical stuff together and say "I love you" Namaste.

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