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Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Artwork
Season 7 - Episode 5

Sensation Meditation

25 min - Practice


James guides us in a meditation to bring awareness to the pulsations and sensations in the body. We do a body scan to tune into the subtle. You will feel spacious and aware.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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So, taking a comfortable seat, though you can do this meditation lying down or standing up as you prefer, but if you do take a seated position, take care that it's one that allows you to feel both steady and easy. It allows your spine to feel spacious and relaxed. Closing the eyes. Allow yourself to notice now the subtle impact of the movement of the breath on the body in physical space. So, noticing as you breathe in that subtle lateral expansion across the body and as you breathe out that subtle drawing back in towards the center. With your next exhalation, deep in the sense of relaxation in the skin of your forehead. With your next exhalation, deep in the sense of relaxation all around the shoulders. And if they're not already, place the hands in such position that your palms face upwards. So if you've chosen to do the meditation standing, get the palms facing forward. If you're lying down, let them face up towards the sky. And seated on the thighs, knees or in the lap with the palms facing upwards. And now, bring your attention to the palms of the hands. And allow yourself to notice there a sensation of energy. And as you notice that presence of energy moving in the palms of the hands, softly but audibly, say yes. And now, bring your awareness to the fingers and fingertips. And allow yourself to notice there, pulsation.

And as you notice the pulsations in your little fingers, say yes. As you notice the pulsations in your ring fingers, say yes. As you notice the pulsations in the middle fingers, say yes. As you notice the pulsations in the index fingers, say yes. And as you notice the pulsations in the thumbs, say yes. These pulsations are like the echo of our heartbeats. Allow yourself to notice for a few moments now, the heartbeat. And how really the whole body is pulsating. Maintain an awareness of that pulsation. Bring your awareness once again to the fingers and fingertips. And now, allow yourself to notice there subtler sensations, like electricity or a gentle tingling. And as you notice those subtle electric sensations in their little fingers, say yes. As you notice those subtle electric sensations in the ring fingers, say yes. As you notice those subtle electric sensations in the middle fingers, say yes. As you notice the subtle electric sensations in the index fingers, say yes. As you notice those subtle electric sensations in the thumbs, say yes. These subtle electric sensations are an indication of the prana, the subtle life force within us. And it's always there. Noticing that subtle presence of life force and vital energy through the whole body now, bring the awareness to the nostrils. And allow yourself to notice the easy movement of the breath in and out of the body through the nostrils. And as you notice that easy movement, allow yourself to notice how as the breath moves in, the sensation there is relatively slightly cooler. And when the breath comes out, the sensation there is relatively slightly warmer. And as you notice that slightly cooler sensation on the inhalation through the nostrils and the slightly warmer sensation on the exhalation through the nostrils, say yes. And maintaining awareness of that subtle breath pattern. Bring the attention once again to the hands and the fingers. And allow yourself to notice how there too, there is a subtle inhale exhale sensation. And as you notice that subtle inhale exhale sensation in the hands and the fingers, softly say yes. And when we notice that subtle inhale exhale sensation in the hands and the fingers, it's an indication that our awareness is clear and relaxed. And it's with this balanced, clear and relaxed awareness that we'll continue now with the technique. Feeling the toes, feeling for subtle vital presence, pulsation, all types of sensation now. Feeling the toes. And feeling the balls of the feet. Feeling the heels. Feeling the space between the balls and heels of the feet. Feeling now the outsides of the ankle joints. And feeling the insides of the ankle joints. And now feeling from the ankle to the knee, sensation through the area of the shins. And feeling the area of the Achilles tendons. And feeling now the area of the calf muscles. Feel now the insides of the knee joints. Outside the knee joints. Feel now the very center of your knee joints. And allow yourself to notice there perhaps the sensation of pulsation in a place that we might not normally associate with pulsation.

And feel now the insides of the thighs. Connecting from the knees all the way to the perineum. And feel now the outsides of the thighs. Connecting all the way from the outer part of the knee to the hip. Feel now the parts of the body in contact with the ground or the seat beneath you. Feel the genitals. Feel the pelvis. Feel the hips. And now feel from the hips all the way down to the toes. The whole of the lower part of the body as one sensation. As one field of unified energy. And feel now the abdomen. Noticing how the belly expands easily with the inhalation. And draws back in little with the exhalation. Feel the lower part of the back. Feel the sides of the waist. Feel now the sides of the ribcage and the mid part of the back. Feel now the space between the shoulder blades and all across the upper part of the back.

Feel the armpits. Feel the shoulders. Feel now the upper arms. Elbow joints. Feel the arms. Feel now the forearms. And the wrist joints. And feel now the hands and the fingers. And now feel from the shoulders all the way down to the toes. The whole of the trunk and lower body as one sensation. As one field of unified energy. And feel now the neck. Feel the back of the neck. Sides of the neck. And feel the front of the neck. Now feel the space of your throat. And as you feel the space of your throat, allow yourself for a few moments to notice the subtle impact of the movement of the breath on the sensation of the space of the throat now. Feel now the jaw. Feel the tongue. And take a moment to notice the presence of so much subtle intelligence on the tongue, even if we might not be tasting anything in particular and feel the roof of the mouth. And feel the insides and outsides of the cheeks. And feel the back of your head. And feel the sides of the head and the temples. And feel the forehead. And feel the eyes. And now feel the space of the eardrums. And as you feel the space of the eardrums, allow yourself to notice there for a few moments the subtle impact of the gentle movement of the breath on the sensation of the space of the eardrums now. And feel the nose. And feel the lips. And then feel now the space between the upper lip and the nostrils. And now allow yourself to notice the easy move to the breath into the body through the nostrils. And as the breath enters and exits the body through the nostrils, allow yourself to notice if it's moving evenly through the two nostrils. And if it's not, just invite the breath to move evenly through the two nostrils. And as we invite the breath to flow in an even manner through the two nostrils, it will by and by begin to flow a little bit more evenly. And as you allow yourself to notice the easy movement of the breath and out of the body through the nostrils, feel as you inhale how the energy of the inhalation smoothly flows up evenly through both nostrils to meet at a midpoint in the brain. And from that midpoint, feel the energy of the exhalation washing down evenly through both sides of the body. Feeling the energy of the inhalation move up smoothly, easily through the two nostrils to meet at that midpoint in the brain. And feel the energy of the exhalation flowing down from that midpoint evenly down both sides of the body. And allow yourself to track that subtle breath pattern now for a few moments. Noticing the way that the inhalation and the energy of the inhalation rises smoothly through the two nostrils to meet at a midpoint in the brain. And then washes down from that point evenly through the two sides of the body. And we'll track that subtle breath pattern now for a few moments. Paying particular attention to the sensation at that midpoint in the brain. And particularly perhaps to the sensation in that midpoint in the brain. During the subtle pause or gap that may begin to open up or may already be apparent between the inhale and the exhale. And between the exhale and the inhale. tank as well closely around your ears.

crowds shake up with the air in addition to your eyes.


Ellen V
Loved it!! Thank you!
Jimena B
Thanks a lot for this meditation James, Namaste
I found this meditation to be integrating and soothing. Thanks so much.
Rylla R
Fabulous meditation. I love connecting with my body in this way. Thank you. 🙏🏼

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