The Art of Vinyasa Sequencing Artwork
Season 2 - Episode 1

Welcome to Season 2

1 min - Show Intro
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Rosemary welcomes us to Season 2 of The Art of Vinyasa Sequencing. This season, we look at three new sequences with the theme of accessing the subtle through asana. You will learn how Rosemary structures classes, how to safely lead students to a peak pose, and move through the arc of a class from warm up to cool down. These sequences will assist your student's experience of meeting their edges through connection with the inner realm, whether moving towards a challenging pose or receiving deep rest.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Let's connect with our internal support system to deepen our asana practice. I'm Rosemary Garrison. Welcome to season two of The Art of Vinyasa Sequencing on Yoga Anytime. This season we look at three new sequences with the theme of accessing the subtle through asana. You will learn how I structure classes, safely lead students to a peak pose, and move through the arc of a class from warm-up to cool-down. Together, we discover tools to assist your students' experience of edges.

The primary tool is a connection with the inner realm. This relationship can support both moving towards a challenging pose or receiving deep rest. I hope that this season will spark your curiosity and ignite your own creative vinyasa sequencing. So glad you're here.


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