Yin Yoga: Embracing Compassion<br>Kira Sloane

Yin Yoga: Embracing Compassion
Kira Sloane

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Sandra Židan
Nice practice! Thanks, Kira!
Camilla C
1 person likes this.
Wonderful. Thanks 
Kira Sloane
Camilla C, thank you for being here! xok
Devina S
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I love this class!  Thank you so much, Kira!  Your attention to the subtle is brilliant.  This really helped me to understand how I can prepare my body so that I can be more compassion.  One thing, it would be great to see alternatives to saddle pose--with and  without props--so I can be moving towards doing it.  If feel if I just skip it, I will not get more flexible in the areas required to do the pose.  Thank you so much!  I find your teaching so attuned, gentle, aware and clear.
Kira Sloane
Devina S, yes saddle is so demanding and currently not on my dance card either as I had a total knee replacement surgery 2 + years ago! There are lots of alternatives sprinkled along in these seasons (lunges gets a similar thigh stretch without compression of the knee, reclining Budhha with the foot held behind, 1/2 saddle with hips lifted on blankets or blocks to reduce flexion of knee are some ideas). Personally, I am back to working on child's pose and squat as targets. So happy you are here. xoK
Susan R
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Loved both these series .  💕.   Thankyou
Kira Sloane
Susan R, thank you so much for sharing your practice here. xok
Sara S
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Now that I know what is happing with all the facia, I'm better connected to the postures
Peter Ferber
I just finished Kira's cycle; and I like the derp dive into compassion as a verb and distinct from empathy.  I do have people in my life palpable in need of compassion; and I've long since voluntarily left the roll of telling others what to do to make it better, unless I prefer to be ignored and dismissed.  I think compassion is the more effectual strategy for gaining alliance than empathy is.  I never considered the question from this perspective before and am glad to now.  Thank you, once again, for the deep dive.
Kira Sloane
Peter Ferber, thank you for sharing in this understanding so sincerely. Love, Kira
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