Shakti Shazaam: Moving to Your Heart Beat<br>Jessica Magnin

Shakti Shazaam: Moving to Your Heart Beat
Jessica Magnin

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Michelle L
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That is great for a breastfeeding mama thank you!
Jessica Magnin
Thank you beautiful Yogini!!
Diana P
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This was exactly what I needed to unwind from the day. Thank you!
Simon ?
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Very awakening and energising. Blessings!
Jessica Magnin
Thank you Simon! Awakening and energizing are two of my favourite words! Blessings to you!
Alayne T
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absolutely lovely
Ashley S
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Thank you so much for sharing this practice! Absolutely amazing!!
Jessica Magnin
Thank you Ashley for practicing with me ! ;)
Makenzie S
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Dont forget Spinal Love! I had back pain from a long road trip, and this not only opens the heart, but also my spine! This is my go-to morning routine for opening.
Jessica Magnin
Thank you Makenzie for your beautiful feedback and for sharing it with me. Yes, spinal love, heart and body love, just love, love, love!
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