Feeling Alright: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 6: Burst of Gratitude<br>Robert Sidoti

Feeling Alright: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 6: Burst of Gratitude
Robert Sidoti

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very nice - many thanks.
Glenford N
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I'm grateful for many things. This practice, my son Elliot my daughter Isabella and their mums Eve and Caro. I'm very grateful for life and another beautiful day in Melbourne and especially grateful for Yoga Anytime. Great job Rob.
Cheryl Wray
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Hi Rob I missed the previous 2 days, but was so happy to get back to the mat today. :)
Robert Sidoti
Welcome back Cheryl !! 7 Days ago, apologies for slight delay in response! You must be around Day 13 or so by now? How are you feeling?
Cheryl Wray
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Hi Robert Sidoti no apology needed. I am at day 14 over :) I am feeling quite well. Little tightness in my quads and lower back, but all is well. Thank you!
1 person likes this.
Is there a 45 minute to 1 hour practice Robert? I love these 20 minute sets but would love to something longer sometimes. You're awesome!
Robert Sidoti
Hello inNourish! How are you?! I do have several longer videos I believe. If you search my name or 'Keppin it real', you should be able to find something of that length. I will also be shooting a new series soon (released in New Year), 10 videos at 45 minutes length, that should work for you as well :)) Thank you so much for practicing with us here! You are in New Zealand right?
great practices - i keep coming back to them with new things still to discover. thanks.
Stacie C
Was needing a little extra movement to end my day with, so came back to Day 6! This was one of my favorites. Only 5 more days left until I complete this challenge! Then on to the next ;P
Sheryl U
Grateful for this Series. Thank you Robert Sidoti
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