Feeling Alright: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 30: Trust How You Feel<br>Robert Sidoti

Feeling Alright: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 30: Trust How You Feel
Robert Sidoti

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Ady A
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Hi Robert, I just completed the 30 day challenge, i too am a novice yogi, and I loved it. You did such a good job at facilitating and I loved the flow and progression of your videos. I am now hooked and can’t wait to try another and continue with Yoga and Yogaanytime. Thank you, I feel great!
Maria S
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Just completed your challenge and absolutely loved it!  It’s helping me get through our third full lockdown in England!  You cheer me up every morning and I feel so much better mentally and physically!  Thank you!!!!!!
Deb T
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Hello Robert, I have just completed my fourth 30 day session with you which included both your first 30 Day Challenge and the Feeling Alright Challenge twice!  My husband had joined me until he tore his MCL on his snowboard about two weeks ago. 😩 Once healed he will definitely be back at yoga.  You have instilled a liking for yoga we never thought would exist. I absolutely loved the 20 minute in and out practice of the challenges, love that your style and vocabulary is consistent and feel relaxed going into a class where my comfort level is not being challenged by an unknown.  As much as I prefer the 20 minute sessions, I have decided to give your “Keepin’ it Real” and “The Yoga Show” a try.  Thanks again for your delightful presentations.  I feel years younger both physically and mentally!  Cheers from Kelowna, ...Deb
Lina S
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Thank you for your encouragement and guidance. It was a pleasure to take each class of this 30-day challenge. I'm looking for the next one
Robert Sidoti
Good day Lina S !! Congratulations on completing the 30 days!! I always enjoy seeing and reading your comments, seems like you're doing and feeling well in your practice :)) All my best to you, Robert 
Robert Sidoti
Hi Deb T  :)) Been awhile, 6 months or so since your lovely comment, apologies for delay in responding! For all the classes you've taken with me - I feel we must be super close by now, at least you get a sense of who I am, funny thing these virtual offerings. I'm so happy you have found Yoga Anytime, it seems you're feeling good - "younger both physically and mentally", love to hear that Deb! How has your husbands MVL healed?? Have you found any other good classes or teachers you enjoy? So many amazing instructors here to choose from! Anyway, thank you again for your comment and sharing, big hugs, Robert
Robert Sidoti
Hey there Maria S !! been awhile since your comment - How are you?! Still surviving these lockdowns? I'm so happy we can provide a sense of positivity for you during these challenging times! I'm still here, please feel free to reach out if you need any guidance toward new videos etc ... Big hugs!!! Robert 
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