The Sweet Heart Challenge: Day 1: Attitude of Gratitude<br>Wade Gotwals

The Sweet Heart Challenge: Day 1: Attitude of Gratitude
Wade Gotwals

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hi Annabelle thanks for joining the challenge!!
Joanne D
Lovely practice thank you for such an Open hearted movement practice 🌟🌈🌸
Veronica L
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Delightful! Thank you.
HI Joanne! than you so much for being open and joining the challenge!
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HI Veronica! Great to have you joining us!
Ruth O
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This was a perfect practice to start my day. Thank you very much.
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HI Ruth! So glad you are joining us in the challenge!
Rachel B
This was a lovely practice. Breathing cues were very helpful. 
Rachel great to hear from you and so glad you are doing the challenge!
HI Wade
I really really enjoyed this practice this morning! I awoke early so anxious about the world and what we are all going through and i really needed to step into myself for a while to reconnect and find some form of reassurance and peace.
 It is a bright sunny day and I was practicing with the sun on my face and I felt so good. Your practice was so well paced and just seemed to open and relax in all the areas I really needed
Thank you so much  I will be doing Session 2 either later today or tomorrow.
Namaste x
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