The Sweet Heart Challenge: Day 4: Removing Obstacles<br>Wade Gotwals

The Sweet Heart Challenge: Day 4: Removing Obstacles
Wade Gotwals

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Hi Eilis this is so great to hear ! I love when the timing works perfect and things seem like the are lining up when we need it most! So happy to have you on the challenge and thanks for sharing

Kate M
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Wow! Such an appropriate theme for the obstacles we're all facing on the little blue planet third from the sun at the moment!.Thanks, Wade : ) (And lovely little surprise to serenaded at the end of the practice : )
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Hi Kate this is so timely as I was recording the Ganesha chant today and thinking the same thing about how we all are going through this challenge on our planet - its really appropriate even more so a year later! Jai Ganesha!
Kate M
Jai Ganesha! May our obstacles be occasions for growth! xo k8
Vanessa D
Oh Wade, so sweet. Thank you for the chant 🙏🏽
Vanessa so glad you connected with it!
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Dearest Wade what a shinning star you are. Thank you for the way you are bringing lightness of being into your practices. I love them all. The chanting s bring sweet nectars to my soul. I feel today the obstacles just melted away 3ith smooth awareness of them, I smiled, laughed during practices with some of your fun sharings...MTV 🤣😂...hilariously put ...and rather well done ☺️ Namaste to a very beautiful human being x
Laura M
Wade, I love how you make the poses more about the journey than the end result. This espisode was my favorite so far!
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Hi Laura M, it's so great to hear from you and love that you are feeling the 'journey'! Challenges are great, but it's so much kinder on our bodies and mind to be 'wherever our body' is in the practice as opposed to always trying to achieve the hardest version of the posture! Then on those days where you get deeper its just the cherry on top!
thank you! Peace on earth and blessings to Ukraine! Peace and love !
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