Welcome to Yoga: Moving with Our Breath<br>Kira Sloane

Welcome to Yoga: Moving with Our Breath
Kira Sloane

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Kira Sloane
Eva! Welcome back! Happy to be together. xok
What a likeable instructor! I really enjoyed this. I feel like it helped me with the rhythm of breathing for yoga. This is the first time I have done yoga where I am not breathing all over the place haha
Kira Sloane
Hi Gina! So happy you found success! xo kira
Maria Elena D
Namaste Kira, and thank you for this lovely practice.
Kira Sloane
Good to be practicing together, Maria. xokira
Silke S
Thank you for that great lesson. As a teacher I am still always a beginner, and I love to teach the basics. They are so effective and you can immidiately feel the change in your body. I love the way you explain the poses. Special the movement: hands in front of the heart and then palms facing downwards and with an exhalation moving the hands down. I can feel the grounding in this moment.
Kira Sloane
Dearest Silke, yes, me too, I always feel like a beginner. In fact, I know I am in trouble when I don't. Happy to be here together. xok
Kim W
1 person likes this.
Thank you Kira, I've just started yoga this week. Thank you for guiding me through the basics so clearly and sweetly. Feels gooooooood!
Kira Sloane
Dearest Kim, welcome to the practices of yoga! So glad you are here!
Vikki H
this is exactly what I have been looking for and really need to help my back, shoulders and bad breathing habits - thank you so much :)
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