Awaken to You: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 30: We Made It!<br>Shelley Williams

Awaken to You: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 30: We Made It!
Shelley Williams

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Aurora del Villar
loved this challenge 100%%%% thank you very much!
Elizabeth M
1 person likes this.
Aurora del Villar woooo congrats!! 🙌🏼 Thank you for sticking with it!!
Shelley Williams
Aurora del Villar Yaaay Aurora! Big congratulations and a warm hug to you!!  I am so glad to know you both enjoyed and found this challenge helpful! What a great accomplishment! Thank you for your note! 
Jo S
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Hi Shelly, just wanted to say how much I enjoyed this! - I am a big fan of these 30 day challenges having repeated Nathan's at least half a dozen times, I'm now heading straight back to day one of yours! I must say I find the flows hard as I transition slowly  so often get behind, but am hoping as I progress this will get easier for me. I love your use of metaphor and the little asides you have added in about the meaning of things... great first half hour of the day - thank you! Joxx
Shelley Williams
Jo S Jo! By now perhaps you have completed this again! Huge congrats and props to you, and such nice feedback to read here. Sorry for delay in getting back to you. And yes, you will find that repetition with purpose has meaning, and things unfold and become more familiar in so many ways. The magic in yoga is in the regular engagement with it, so keep on keeping on! Thank you for your wonderful words!
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