Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 5: Strength 5<br>Nathan Briner

Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 5: Strength 5
Nathan Briner

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Carol Y
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Nathan ,I’m still loving these practices and how you teach. I’m not having trouble keeping up using my own modifications. Yesterday I was having trouble with low back pain during the warrior sequence. I paused the video and did knees to chest for a few minutes and then started the video again. Today I had trouble keeping up with the pace of the transitions because my hip tightness does not allow me to step into lunge from down dog. I need to transition thru kneeling. I found using child’s pose instead of down dog allowed me to keep up. Thanks so much
Nathan Briner
Barbara, that’s outstanding!! Great to have you with us on this challenge. Please stay in touch  and let me know how you’re coming along :)
Nathan Briner
Luna, thank you very much! Great to have you here. 
Megan M
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This week was twists week in my teacher's class here in Glasgow.  Last night we spent what felt like 2 hours in Parivrtta Parsvakonasana.  It is one of my least favourite asanas of all time.  Today practising with you I felt something like relief and then joy that firstly, I didn't fall over and secondly,  something changed.  Working on alignment creates subtle changes that become significant changes through time.  Grateful for these wonderful practices and your teaching. 
Nathan Briner
Megan that must have felt great to experience! I really believe the alignment of the pose is a huge key to feeling that joy, openness and energy of yoga. Thanks for sharing that experience 😊
Nancy M
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Hi Nathan, I’m back and not surprisingly your pace, cues and attitude are a gift.
Nathan Briner
Nancy, welcome back! I am always here for you if you need and help. Have fun and please do share your experience as you progress through the lessons.
Charlie S
Nathan, I appreciate you and the way you teach, it is so encouraging. Feeling very good while on this Challenge. Thank you 
Nathan Briner
Thank you, Charlie. Great to hear you’re enjoying the challenge. I’m always here for you if you have any questions on the poses. I hope hear more of your experiences as you continue through the challenge!
Rain T
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Excellent practice. Thank you so much. Rain
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