Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 7: Balance 1<br>Nathan Briner

Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 7: Balance 1
Nathan Briner

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Joan J
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I enjoyed the half frog knee lift, I could really feel that in my hip.  I will do this one often.  The balancing poses I had to do against a wall, fallen arches have destroyed my balance.   Love the stretches at the end of the session💮
Nathan Briner
Joan you might feel those for a few days 😉 that’s deep hip work. If you don’t already, standing Single leg heel raises are great for arch strength. I’d recommend working up to two sets of 25 per leg. 
3 people like this.
Loved this class. I have been feeling frustrated with my balance recently, but I think that might be part of retraining my body to take weight in a different way. I feel like I opened up a lot of space today and freed myself from unhelpful patterns. I think I will practice those simple balances through the day. Thank you!
Kate M
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For those 1/2 frog prone leg lifts - I find myself having to roll somewhat onto the straight leg outer front thigh to get any lift at all. Is this an acceptable "cheat", Nathan?
Nathan Briner
Kate absolutely. Your hip joint just needs a little extra room to allow for movement. This observation also is instructive for the standing lateral poses and hip/pelvic positioning. It helps to understand that the “square your hips” cue is not appropriate for all bodies. 
Patricia P
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I am really enjoying this challenge.  I am rather new to yoga but have practiced pilates for a long time.  Yoga is more challenging to my balance which has always seemed like a challenge for me.  However with the cues you give I felt myself grounding better and realize that maybe part of my problem was tightening in the hips when I try to balance.  I was able to do these poses and it really surprised me.  For one I had to touch the wall briefly but then was able to let go.  Really good for my confidence and will keep me working towards better balance.  
Nathan Briner
Patricia, very nice to hear this. I am glad you’re sticking with the challenge and building new strength and balance!
Paula E
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I am surprised that I have been able to keep up so far (being 71). Really enjoying your instructions.  I think this series will be a go to for me because of the strength challenges that I need.  My only  slight problems are an inability to step between my legs for lunge position from down dog, so I fall behind, and sometimes I wish the pauses for mountain were a bit longer.
Nathan Briner
Paula thanks for sharing your experience. Im glad you’re enjoying the challenge. As for the lunge step through, if you have yoga blocks, try using them (the flat way) under the hands when you go from dog to lunge. This will give you more height to bring the leg through. Let me know if that works for you. 
Daniel C
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hi Nathan. Im enjoying your challenge.  In some poses like the hip opener varient of 3legged downward dog, i usually cramp up in the hip crease of the supporting leg. is it just me or is there something i can do?
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