Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 16: Power 4<br>Nathan Briner

Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 16: Power 4
Nathan Briner

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Jenny S
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This challenge must be working- I made it through this core practice in one piece and I actually enjoyed the process...who knew THAT was possible ???
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Bravo, Jenny! Glad to hear you're enjoying the process :)
Nathan Briner
Jenny outstanding!! Persistence and commitment. You’re doing great!!
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I thought this couldn’t get much more delicious and then we went into pigeon. I have never practised with arms raised before but now I will! Like Jenny, I thought the core work was really interesting and satisfying. I feel like I have come a long way with my abdominal wall! 😂
Kate M
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Really well-designed core workout!! I think this will become a "go-to" for me : ) Some surprises too, like the raised hands in Pigeon. That was challenging - ! This workout really felt good : ) Thanks, Nathan!
Nathan Briner
Kate I remember filming the core sections and definitely getting a good sweat on 🥵Glad you like it!
Steven Z
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Core work is my favorite!  Thank you.  I have never done the "Thunderbolt" pose.  This session was a fun one, but my abs might not agree tomorrow. 😜
Nathan Briner
Ha! Yes Steven! You might feel a little something :). I Learned Thunderbolt pose from Eric Schiffman. Great guy and yoga instructor who is also on YogaAnyime. 
Daniel C
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was going to ask when we would learn to levitate LOL!!!! getting value for money here LOL!!
Christel B
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Yes, my chest did feel more open throughout the day.  Holding one arm up in Kapotasana is challenging for me much less two.  I'm so used to going to the floor in that asana.
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