Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 18: Power 6<br>Nathan Briner

Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 18: Power 6
Nathan Briner

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4 people like this.
I loved this sequence of standing postures, and felt I could integrate some of the elements of strength and balance that we have been working on.
Kate M
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Very grounding sequence. It explores our relationship to earth with balancing postures and the warriors. Galavasana is a real challenge!
Nathan Briner
Ali that’s great hear. I am hoping that everyone can feel a progressive thread through this challenge that brings ongoing strength, space, and awareness to all parts of the body. 
1 person likes this.
I feel great - love the power days. Thank you!
Eden M
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Nathan, I’m really enjoying this challenge.  I’ve been practicing yoga for nearly two decades,  these days on my own with yogaanytime in the early morning hours.  I’ve been missing the hands on instruction from a live instructor,  but have found your cues and instruction so clear and well communicated, as good as any live class I’ve taken.  I’ve been able to tweak poses that are not at all new to me, bringing back that exhilarating feeling of being new to yoga.  Thank you!
Nathan Briner
Wow that’s great to hear Eden! Stay in touch and let me know if I can offer any tips in the poses. 
Christine F
Nathan, this is such a great program. I feel that my body is waking up all over and that I am discovering my body's intricacies in turn. This is such a comprehensive series.  I sometimes feel emotions coming to the surface as well, waking up places within my body and my lie that had become stagnant. One small example; I am writing this cross-legged on the floor, which I haven't been able to do in a few years! What a pleasure...ok. now I must uncross : - )
Nathan Briner
Wow Christine!! What a wonderful thing to hear. I am so happy to hear that you are sensing changes and growth is many areas. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience. 
Ruth O
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I really love your methodology. You're making more complicated shapes really accessible and the parts of practice I shy away from because of fear are shifting for me because of your sequencing. Thank you so much, Nathan. 
Nathan Briner
Thank you, Ruth. Making the poses accessible was something that was very important to me as I was creating this challenge. It’s great to hear that you have had that experience 😊 🙏
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