Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 18: Power 6<br>Nathan Briner

Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 18: Power 6
Nathan Briner

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Martha K
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Power has been challenging for me. Especially the arm balances, but I appreciate the opportunity to give it a try and see how far I can go. I often go deeper that I think I can! Your encouragement help me to trust my strength. Thank you
Nathan Briner
Martha, sounds like you are in a great place with the practice! I love that you are working your edge and exploring possibilities :)
Whitney B
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Thank you Nathan, I just finished day 18, power poses, loved it all. I can’t seem to manage the pose where you do figure 4 leg and then end up balancing on your arms (can’t remember what you called it). I can’t touch the floor with my hands with my leg in figure 4, so without further practise, I’m afraid that pose is lost on me. Aside from that I am felling stronger and empowered, can’t wait for the next phase with flexibility! 
Nathan Briner
Whitney, I think you mean galavasana. That’s a tough pose for a lot of reasons. If your hip won’t allow you to bring the hands to the floor then perhaps doing a figure 4 chair pose could be an option. Or if you want to continue to challenge the hand balance then eka pada Baka Dana is an option. Here is the pose below (it’s also a tough one! But it doesn’t require the hip to fold as in galavasana.)
Check back in if you try these options and let me know how it goes. 
All my best!

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Hi Nathan, I completed the 30 day challenge recently  - this segment has become one of my favorites to practice. I love the mini-challenges embedded here. As my strength, confidence, and understanding of mechanics build, I find more joy in exploring how my body and mind work together in new ways. Thank you! [a note on a different episode... I have a mental block in understanding how to enter into side crow. The journey continues!]
Nathan Briner
GIGI! Congratulations on completing the challenge. And thank you for sharing your experiences along the way. The way you describe your growth in strength and confidence is exactly what I am hoping people would find through this challenge so it is exciting to hear this from you. If I can be of any assistance with side crow, please don't hesitate to reach out. I hope to hear from you in the future, even if it is just to stop in and say hello. 
All my best!
Meagan P
I loved this practice! I love standing poses so much,  even when I'm feeling like the floor is made of jello.  Haha.  

I have a question about the crow poses. I've never been able to do them,  even at my most strongest and most flexible.  They're some of the only ones that give me a big problem.  Don't know if it's my wrists and elbows not being stable enough,  or if it's something with my hips or what.  My old yoga instructor I went to for years couldn't figure out how to help me.  Even blocks don't help.  
Anyway,  is there another pose I could do instead of the crow poses that would allow me to work my body in a similar way? Meaning building the same muscle strength, balance, etc.  Thanks! 
Nathan Briner
Meagan, I would love to help you with the balance poses. Can you give me more info into what seems to go wrong? Is it getting the knees onto the arms? Balance? Wrist pain? Etc.... once I know where you’re most challenged I can offer some advice :)
Caterina C
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Hi Nathan.  Really challenging poses.  Couldn't do galavasana posture completely.  My arms and abs couldn't face this effort, at least now. We'll see in the future. However,  I loved warrior three. I could stay in this pose for a long time. I use to stand in ARDA CHANDRASANA quite often, sometimes when I watch tv and when I prepare family meals (ahahaha) We often laugh about that.  Also repeating chaturanga up and down in sequence was challenging. The third time I fell on the mat. Great teacher, you make my day brighter.
Nathan Briner
Caterina C, thank you for those kind words! 
I feel confident that if you work this lesson a few times, you’ll the your chaturanga and Galavasana really improve. If you decide to come back to this lesson, stay in touch and let me know how it’s going :)
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