Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 23: Flexibility 5<br>Nathan Briner

Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 23: Flexibility 5
Nathan Briner

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Lauri K
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Hi, You talk a lot about hip flexibility, mobility, and architecture. My hips are very flexible however my lower back is tight during this session. What’s your advise on lessening the lower back aching. Thanks
Jenny S
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Ok so this episode made me smile throughout and even had me LOL a couple of times. We get to see a glimpse of your funny side Nathan! Mini spoiler: im glad the “blooper” wasn’t edited - I love to see the human side of this yoga video making process. I believe it helps to connect Yoga Anytime to their cyber friends and vice versa. On a more personal note, I loved how you stressed the importance of one’s OWN rename of motion. For me, the egoic “battle” I have with yoga is my super tight hamstrings. For all my life of first ballet, then gymnastics and now many years later having done yoga for the past 2 decades, I never could and still can’t forward fold deeply (or anywhere even NEAR deeply.) it’s always bothered me. Then today when you said each body has a different range of motion I had an “aha” moment! Maybe it’s actually ok?!? Thank you 🙏🏻
Jenny S
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Darned spellcheck! Not “renamed” of motion! Obviously “range” of motion. Guess I just had a blooper too ☺️
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Jenny (and Nathan Briner), all bloopers are welcome! :)
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Hi Lauri, as a fellow yogi and teacher who also has flexible hips (and sometimes feels compression in my low back), here is my experience. I find that if I allow myself to come out of my 'deepest' stretch in my hips a little bit, there is more room and stability to focus on and lengthen my low back. It helps me to breathe not only into my low belly, but also in my back body. It's a good reminder that even in a stretch may focus on the hip muscles, that the low back muscles are also connected. While I can't know specifically what low back ache means in your body, I hope I can offer some insight. I'm curious to hear what Nathan Briner can share, too.

Ashl ey from Yoga Anytime
Lauri K
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Thanks for that. I agree with you 100%. I have very open hips probably to open. And when I feel my lower back it’s not an injury it’s more of an ache. It usually occurs when I’m doing very deep hip opening.
Joan J
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Many thanks for using the strap, I would not be able to do a bind or lavish in those deep hip stretches.  I love the hip stretch in pigeon, I felt such a deep releasing stretch in my hips.  I am so pleased I was able to balance in the last pose and stretch my legs out.  Grateful for this practice🌾💮
Nathan Briner
Lauri, what pose seems to bring the most trouble to your back?
Nathan Briner
Jenny, yes, each body has its unique range of motion. It’s a drawback of the superficial aspect of seeing someone else perform a movement and the notion that “I should or, am supposed to now to that”.  In simplest terms, my hope is that everyone will discover *their* body and what it’s gifts and and limits are. This goes with our mental structure as well, though mind is more malleable than the physical body. This is one of the reasons I love asana. It is a way to learn to observe oneself on a deep, intimate level and eventually turn that skill inward to the mind. 
These bodies do come with limits. Can we discover and merge (yog) with our truth?
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I really enjoy your reflections about range of motion for your unique body. I am really enjoying tuning into the ‘brightness’ inside each posture.
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