Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 23: Flexibility 5<br>Nathan Briner

Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 23: Flexibility 5
Nathan Briner

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Kate M
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Loved your observations about the relationship between our body and mind. I'm just rereading Iyengar's Light on Yoga and you both are speaking the same language. Also appreciate the recognition that we all have a unique ROM that needs to be respected. Great class!
Nathan Briner
Thank you Kate. I cannot recommend Light On Life as well. It really expands the concepts of Light On Yoga to make them more relatable. 
Lyse B
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I'm a day late posting but 64yo and that was as close to a split I will ever be able to do! wow! And today's session felt so healing... loved the train... wondered if that background was real, now I know LOL. See y'all tomorrow for last of flexibility
Nathan Briner
Wow Lyse!! So great hear! And happy birthday 🎉 
Until tomorrow 🤸‍♀️
Daniel C
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great sesh. was awesome sitting in meditation afterwards. my hips felt loose and strong which let me really engage the support from that area and enjoy stillness. something to take away from this practice as well as some tips doing marichyasana c. Thanks!
Great whistle pull too there! top work! ;)

Nathan Briner
Thanks daniel!
Maria N
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Hi Nathan, I'm really enjoying your series and its been interesting to learn more about the poses in yoga. I'm incredibly stiff to the point where I can't even sit up straight so I'm always using either a blanket or a block. My hip flexibility is very limited so I'm unable to do most of the moves you have shown. Do you have any advice for me? 
Nathan Briner
Hi Maria N! Good to have you here on the 30 day challenge. I would love to help and I suspect the best way to do that is to get more specifics on what poses you are having trouble with. Then we can build a plan together. 
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Feeling a little stiff to start, but always smoothed out by the end of the session. I am finding I am a little cranky if I do not get my yoga in first thing in the morning. This is becoming a non-negotiable part of my life. Thank you!
Nathan Briner
Michelle movement is medicine for the soul :) Especially when it’s aware, connected exploration. 
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