Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 25: Integration 1<br>Nathan Briner

Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 25: Integration 1
Nathan Briner

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I found this super- interesting. I have been experimenting with a standing desk at work and have also started wearing barefoot shoes. I have noticed that I am often rolling my feet out into their outer edges (extreme supernation) to wake myself up. Now I know why! I loved this first integration class. Thank you.
Nathan Briner
Ali, super happy to have you all this way through the challenge. And thank you for stopping in to share your experiences along the way. It’s been great connecting with you here. 
Kate M
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As I mentioned in a previous post, I am in the process of rereading Iyengar's Light on Yoga. These sequences are providing me with an experiential awareness of the concepts BKSI talks about! Spreading the awareness throughout the body: this may require a few lifetimes!! LOL!
Nathan Briner
Kate! I hear you. There is so much to discover and uncover. It’s great to be on the journey with you :)
Lyse B
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This was so interesting.... I have fallen arches so the pronation was easy but what I noticed when consciously supinating is that my balance improved. In the wide leg posture however, rolling out the straight leg, I seemed to have less forward bend. Maybe I was relying on stretching the ligaments instead of the chest? I loved staying in the poses long enough to raise awareness in my body vs. trying to do the pose. Thanks Nathan, look forward to the next.
Lyse B
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Oh, and I'm starting to understand the use of the block to provide support, not as a crutch because I can't do what you do, but as a way to relax supported in the pose. That has been an Aha for me in the last couple of classes...
Nathan Briner
Lyse, your first question about less forward bending capacity... when the thighs roll externally (quads out) it effectively halts deeper forward bending. Those who have very mobile hips will often over fold the hips joints. So having the cue to roll the thighs out is helpful for them. Tighter folks often need to learn to move the inner, upper thigh back (through) to allow for better hip folding. 
Nathan Briner
Lyse, yes! You nailed it! That is exactly what props are for. And when the calm ease is produced in the pose, the mind can become tranquil. This provides an open clarity to become acquainted with the observing principle of awareness. 
Christel B
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Great to have this deep focus time!  I've been finding it difficult (It never was an issue before....age?) to reach over my head, to get the long line foot to hand, in side angle to the floor pose.  When I used the block it was available again.  
Nathan Briner
Christel, I am happy to hear that you’ve been able to tap into new depth with the help of the block. I am right there with you. Sometimes the body just doesn’t quite want to go that extra inch. Props are so helpful to finding the pose deeply and safely :)
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