Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 25: Integration 1<br>Nathan Briner

Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 25: Integration 1
Nathan Briner

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Ishara S
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This was a wonderful class (not that I haven't enjoyed them all!). It was this particular integration of material into an asana workshop I took with you some years ago that made so delighted to meet you then. Thank you for the thoughtful and clear practice--it is deeply appreciated.
Nathan Briner
Thank you very much, Ishara!
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great practice and a very interesting, very useful instruction to feel the whole body at once rather than bits at a time - and use this to guide adjustments when in the poses. hadn't come across this before. yet it seems so obvious now you mention it. thanks Nathan. :)
Nathan Briner
Matthew, glad to hear that hit home for you. It definitely changes the view of the pose and it’s effects within. I am currently creating an online program with an in-depth look at what I call the Alignment Principles and how they guide students to dive deep into the body and meditation of Asana. Check out my Instagram @nathan_briner. I’ll be posting more about it there. Hope to see you :) 
will do!
Nathan Briner
Daniel C, not sure on that one. 
Brenda S
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I definitely feel the opening, oneness and expansion. So cool!
Nathan Briner
Brenda S 💪🙏
Laura M
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What a beautiful practice! Thank you!!
Nathan Briner
Laura M 💛🙏
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