Thank you so much Rosemary - as always, it has been such a joy and comfort to listen to your soothing tone throughout the week - curious compassion is a lovely way to end/ begin!
Tender, wild, spacious heart. Oh so beautiful. This invitation to open the heart falls into my life at such an opportune time. Your teaching is a blessing, Rosemary. Love.
Great ending to this 7 day series with the heart opening. Always looked forward the next session and was vey well supported by your guidance and options. Namaste.
This heart opening practice was exactly what I needed today. It provided some real relief for my sore shoulders and was also a kind and gentle practice that allowed for plenty of warming up before going into the deep postures.
Thank you for this series, Rosemary! I'm returning to yoga after having to take a break for several months due to chronic pain. This challenge was a wonderful way back in, reinvigorating and accessible. It took more a bit more than seven days to get all the way through it, but now that I have made it to the end I feel stronger and rejuvenated. Perfect. Thank you!
How's the prize looking, David G- ?! Of course, it's truly about the whole flow and this precious moment... but I am curious about your wheel. ; ) I am thrilled to hear about your shift in perspective and the natural high of the mountains. Keep shining!
Dearest, Francesca Venturini , I cannot thank you enough for sending love back. I am receiving it a the ideal time and am truly touched by your kindness. May the practice continue to embrace and support you.