Too Tight to Stretch: Ease Sciatica Discomfort<br>Kari Sims Anthon

Too Tight to Stretch: Ease Sciatica Discomfort
Kari Sims Anthon

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Michelle F
2 people like this.
Hi Kari,
Thank you so much for  sharing this practice which ive done a few times this week in midst of a sciatica attack - it´s certainly helping! So soothing
Have a wonderful day
Kari Sims Anthon
Michelle F YIPPEEE!! I am so happy to hear that this is helping to bring you some relief and ease. Sending peace and love back to you, and hope to continue on this journey together!

Erika M
1 person likes this.
Amazing class, it really worked and not only release my pain but let me completely relax and reconnected with my body that was at the end what I most needed, thank you
Kari Sims Anthon
Erika M  thanks so much for practicing with me, and taking the time to comment and more importantly- reconnect with yourself! ❤️
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