Yin Yoga and Mythology: Dhumavati<br>Kelly Kamm

Yin Yoga and Mythology: Dhumavati
Kelly Kamm

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Kelly K
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Diane C thanks for sharing Diane I find the same thing - so much more respect and care for myself the older I get. How fortunate we are to feel this way!! 
Elizabeth M
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Kelly! Love this class. Love the poses (all of which I could do - rare!) and the story of Dhumavati really resonates with me. Thank you for another amazing season of classes ❤️
Sandra Židan
Thank you very much, Kelly, for this beautiful and deep practice - some things you've said in it made me cry - I've felt very well on myself how much human society is shallow and has wrong values and behaves bad to a woman when she is no more young and doesn't look great any more but it is very important that you appreciate and love yourself no matter to what others tell to you and think about you! Namaste! ❤️
Kate M
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I'll be turning 64 this year and this lovely meditation on Dhumavati resonates strongly : )
Another beautiful practice. Thank you Kelly K  : )
Italia B
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Beautiful and meaningful practice, thank you!
Petra S
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Thanks so much for this beautiful series. Love to listen to your voice!!
Kelly K
Petra S thanks Petra! ❤️
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