As flaky as it sounds, I often allow an intuitive combination of YA's "suggestions" and my own gut to bring me to a class I might not have ordinarily or logically searched for, and SO OFTEN it turns out to be exactly what I needed at that moment. Here's a wonderful example! I don't currently have hip issues, but I DO have recurring problems with instability in my SI joints leading to lower back pain and sciatic trouble. The stability offered in this practice working with the strap, the co contraction in bridge: it worked like magic to re set my painful sacrum yesterday, so I'm adding this to my "favorites" and will be returning to it for sure and would recommend anyone else struggling with SI problems to try this class. Thank you so much Olivia! Off to try your other remedies now :)
Hi Laura G! I love your discovery! It's so often true that something that creates stability in one region of the body can be uber therapeutic for another region as well, especially the neighbors (i.e. SI joints are neighbors of the hip joints). I suppose this class could have had multiple names, so thank you for shedding light for others that this class might help with SI joint issues too. Glad you enjoyed it! Olivia
Olivia I love your classes....I've had some hip flexor / psoas discomfort so i hope this sequence helps. Thank you and keep teaching PLEASE...we need your therapeutic knowledge.