The Vinyasa Show: Watery Neck & Shoulders<br>Sarah Beston

The Vinyasa Show: Watery Neck & Shoulders
Sarah Beston

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Francesca Venturini
You Made my day Sarah!
Nadine R
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This is the area I hold all my tension . It was a perfect class for letting go!
Sarah Beston
That makes me so happy to hear, Francesca Venturini! I hope you are enjoying the start of summer.
Sarah Beston
I'm happy to hear that you were able to let go of some tension, Nadine R! Wishing you all the best. 
Kate M
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Loved this practice, Sarah! Lovely sequencing, lovely guidance.
Christel B
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Lovely practice! Just the right amount of repetitions nicely spaced.  Enjoyed garudasana in different positions. Thanks for a perfectly nourishing  flow.
David G-
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Not much to add, but I loved the ankles falling apart "like books" cue. Glad to be moving with you again. Always good for my body. 
Sarah Beston
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Thank you for sharing, Kate M! Lovely to be practicing together in this new season!
Sarah Beston
Thank you for sharing your experience, Christel B! So happy to be practicing together in this new season. Warmly, Sarah
Sarah Beston
Great to be moving with you again, David G-! Thank you for sharing.
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