Wake Up with Yoga: Santosha: Gratitude<br>Birgitte Kristen

Wake Up with Yoga: Santosha: Gratitude
Birgitte Kristen

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Sandra Židan
Thanks, Birgitte, for this beautiful practice! I feel that the time has passed so quickly while doing it! Namaste! ❤️
Catherine A
That was wonderful, Birgitte. Exactly what I needed today; a nice measured and luxurious practice. I also always appreciate a practice that focuses on length, given that I am only 5 ft 1 inch - anything extra added is a gift ❤️
Lyn O
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Thank you for a beautiful start to my day. I have missed doing my own yoga practice but will follow your classes daily
Laura M
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What a beautiful practice ! Thank you!
Laura M HI Laura, So glad to hear that you enjoyed the practice. I always appreciate hearing from students....so, thank you for sharing. Warmest, Birgitte
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Lyn O Hi Lyn, How wonderful that you are back to practicing on your own. Thank you for practicing with me and leaving me this feedback. Warmest, Birgitte
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Catherine A Hi Catherine, I practice mostly like this...measured and luxurious....so really happy to share this with Yoga Anytime students. We may not be able to get any taller at this point, but the energetic felt sense of length and space makes up for that. Thank you for practicing with me and leaving me your feedback. Namaste, Birgitte
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Sandra Židan Hi Sandra, Great to hear. When time passes...good sign that you were totally focused and immersed in your practice. Yeah! Warmest, Birgitte
Wendie Heijmer-Arendse
Thank you Birgitte for this  practice, I'm ready for the day! :) have a good one and greetings from the Netherlands!

Wendie Heijmer-Arendse  Dear Wendie, Thank you for practicing with me and leaving me this feedback. Yoga can be such a great way to start the day. Greetings from LA to you. Warmest, Birgitte
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