Outdoor Yoga Flows Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 2

Groovy Grounding Flow

30 min - Practice


Let your breath inspire the movement, honoring your inner rhythm and flow. Alana guides a grounding feel-good flow to inspire a sense of ease and peace. We move through a series of Sun Salutations and standing postures to awaken the feet, legs, hips, and spine before closing with a stabilizing Bridge and some core work. You will feel grounded, connected, and aware. 
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Welcome to Outdoor Yoga Flows on Yoga Anytime We Made It. I'm so glad that you're here. So this will be a grounding flow today just to help us tap into our bodies and feeling present and alive and tapping into strength in our legs, our hips, and hopefully a bit more freedom and expression through the spine. So when you're ready, we're going to start in a kneeling position. You might have a blanket to pad your knees if your knees are feeling a little bit tender.

And we're going to start with our feet today, tucking your toes under, and you might lean forward on the hands just to ease into the feet. And then begin to just feel how you can kind of draw a bath a little bit. You might stay where you are. If and as you want to make it spicier, you might bring the hands onto your legs, and then kind of sit down towards the heels. Feel your ability to lengthen, and then exhale to soften.

You might interlace your fingers and begin to stretch your arms up towards the sun, towards the sky, feeling that lift through the back of the heart, lengthen the neck. How are your feet feeling? Yeah, I'm feeling a big stretch. And then exhale, release the arms. Let's rub the palms together, a few moments here, rub, rub, rub, and then stretch and reach out.

Feel your ability to expand and reach, and then draw the fingers in. Stretch the top of the wrists, finding some ease in the neck. One more time, press and reach out, spin the fingers down towards the floor, keep the arms long as you begin to draw the hands in, stretching the top of the forearms, the wrists, the hands. Allow for another inhale, and then exhale, release the arms, few shoulder rolls before we get off our feet, stretching the plantar fascia, soles of the feet and toes. And then let's interlace the fingers and a few wrist circles here.

Shake it out. Let's get off our feet as you're ready, come into your tabletop, spread the fingers nice and wide. We'll move into our Cat-Cow. Inhale to lengthen, exhale to curl and round. Stretch your back, it might feel nice to draw your hips back towards your heels, kind of feeling that dull, achy stretch in the back of your body.

And then shoulders over the wrists, drop the belly, inhale, lift the heart, feel your ability to extend, and then exhale, curl and round, continue moving, exploring at your own pace with the breath. And as you feel into your body and move around, you might keep your hands where they are. You might experiment with fanning your fingers out a little bit wider, or maybe even spinning your fingers towards the knees, which can feel quite flavorful through the hands and the wrists. And finally, exploring your edge, it might feel nice in your Cat-Cow to move around circling the hips, the ribs, getting into any sticky areas through the shoulder blades and up through your neck. When you feel ready, find a neutral position.

Let's extend back through our left leg, tuck the toes under and just begin to rock forward and back, waking up the back of your left leg. Nice. And then stabilize here, begin to crawl your right fingers out. You might stay here, you might lift your left leg and maybe lift your right arm. Feel your ability to draw the ribs in as you extend.

Easy side plank, ground through your right hand, inhale, sweep your left arm up towards the sky, rooting through the outer edge of your left foot. You might stay here, circle that left arm down and up a few times, opening up through your shoulder. Feel your ability to open, extend, make it your own. You might pause, root and reach, and then play with crouching, bending, and then re-reach and extend. Two more times, bend, crouch, extend and reach.

Maybe one more, reach. You might stay here, you might play with lifting your top left leg and maybe reaching back for a little chapasana variation, kick back, open the chest, and then release back into your tabletop, cat-cow a few rounds before we ease into the second side. Exhale to curl, inhale to arch, finding the breathing pattern that feels right for you. Simply come into neutral, extend back to our right leg, and just wake up the back of your leg, rolling forward and back, stretching through the heel, the calf, back of the knee, and then crawl the left fingertips forward, draw the ribs up and in, lift the right leg. Find that internal rotation and maybe lift that left arm up, stabilizing, and then easy side plank, round through your left hand, root through the outer edge of your right foot, float your right arm up to the sky.

If it would feel nice, sweep that right arm down and overhead a few times, waking up the shoulder, opening up through your ribs, side body, beautiful, eventually let that arm reach overhead, stay here, bend and crouch, shift the hips back towards the right foot, and then extend and reach, two more, right elbow towards the right knee, and reach, maybe one more, and reach, pause, stay here, float the arm up, lift that right leg, bend, kick back, maybe find the top of the foot, chapasana variation, opening the chest and the shoulder, little back bend here, slow, release the leg, the arm, shift the weight back into your table, look how a few times back into your child's pose, rounding, sink the hips back towards the heels, kind of snuggle the arms forward, snuggle the hips back, finding your variation of child's, feel your ability to like reach out through the arms, the fingers, and as you're ready, round your way back up into your table, easing our way into our first full plank, extend back through the legs and pause, feel how you can reach back through your heels, forward through your heart, drawing the deep low belly up towards the spine, inhale together, exhale back into your down dog, might feel really nice to just stretch out through the back of your legs, walking it off, feeling into what you're working with, nice, let's come high up onto the balls of the feet, waking up the toes, and then shift back heels heavy towards the earth, long through the back of the neck, as you're ready, inhale back into your plank, let's lower the knees and lower all the way down for three rounds of rolling cobra, bend the knees, kick back through the legs and begin to lift up through the heart, any amount, drawing the elbows in, lead with the heart, lower down, bend, kick and lift, second cobra, spacious, lead with the heart, lower, maybe one more, bend, press, finding your edge, and lower, beautiful, check the toes, downward dog, easing back up and in, breathing, as you're ready, inhale, lift the right leg up towards the sky, open the hip, bend the knee, beautiful, stretch the right leg back up to the sky, square the hips, we'll inhale, exhale, knee to nose, curl and round, one more time, inhale, right leg reaches, exhale, step it through, runners lunge and pause, wanna wiggle back through the ball of your left foot, forward through the heart, ground your left hand, twisting lunge, sweep that right arm up to the sky, reach back through your left foot, forward through the heart and find a place where your neck feels wonderful, nice, reach that right hand down, shift back into the center to the left for Skandasana, turn the toes out, bend your left knee and sink down, waking up the inner leg line, and then we'll walk it over to the right, lifting the left toes and then over to the left and a few times side to side, stretching the hamstrings, inner leg line, waking up the hips, you just feel like a ninja, a Yogini ninja, find your way back into the lunge, right foot forward, left foot back, downward dog, pedal the feet, walk it off, second side, inhale, left leg reaches, open the hip and the knee, stretch your left leg up to the sky, square the hips, inhale, exhale, knee to nose, hover, shoulders over the wrist, inhale, left leg reaches, exhale, runners lunge, step it through, wiggle back through that right foot, forward through the heart, round the right hand, twist it out, twisting lunge, reach back, lengthen forward, breathe, find that ease in your neck, sweep the left hand down, walk it over to your right, for Skandasana again, turn the toes out, heels and bend the right knee, shifting to the right and then over to the left, side to side a few times at your own pace and breathing into where you feel the stretch, let this be like a kind of a groovy exploration, side to side, over to the right, eventually find the shape of the lunge, top of the mat, left foot forward, right foot back, step back, downward dog, from here inhale forward into your plank, exhale lower, for one cobra bend the knees, kick back, lift up through the heart, exhale lower down, tuck the toes down dog, breathe, how are you feeling, what are you noticing, what are you sensing, from down dog walk the feet towards the hands for a Malasana squat pose, so toes out, heels in, shift down, feel your ability to ground and open, bottoms of the feet opening to the earth, your version, ground the right hand, inhale lift the left arm up, it might feel nice to circle out through your wrist a few times, breathing, ground the left hand, inhale, right arm reaches, opening up through right hip, circle through right wrist, beautiful back to center, Uttanasana forward fold, toe heel your feet towards each other, soft bend through your knees, soft bend through your knees, chin into your chest, let's roll up together nice and slow, curl the tailbone under, rounding up, feeling the heart, feeling the shoulders, feeling the head and paws, let's ease our way towards the top of the mat, moving through sun salutations and various shapes, take a few moments to really feel, feel the support of the earth, feel how the bottoms of your feet can open, you let the palms open, open and listening, like elephants listen with their feet, beautiful, let's bring the hands together, listening to the flow of breath, as you are ready on your inhale, sweep your arms up, and on your exhale, fold, diving forward and in, soft bend through the knees, release the head, inhale, draw the hands up the legs, half arch to lengthen, exhale, bend the knees, step the right foot back and pause, left knee bends, runners lunge, now before we lower that right knee, feel the strength in the outer left hip, the strength in the back leg and maybe let your arms reach back as you open the chest, reach back through that right foot and forward through the head, long through the neck, we're going to lower, slowly lower that right knee down, you might pad it with a blanket, inhale, arms sweep up, feel your beautiful crescent moon, your crescent lunge, that support up through your spine, back of the heart, freedom in the neck, inhale, exhale, release, tuck the back toes, down dog, stay here, inhale, forward into plank, exhale, lower for cobra, bend the knees, kick back, lift the heart, cobra, spacious, beautiful, exhale, lower, tuck the toes, find your downward dog, inhale, right leg reaches to the sky, exhale, knee to nose, step it through, pause, strong outer right hip, back knee, maybe lift the arms, challenging your balance, lower the back left knee, inhale, sweep the arms up, second side, crescent lunge, back of the heart lifts, face brightens, notice the quality of the breath, inhale, exhale, arms reach down, tuck the back toes, step the back foot forward to meet the right, inhale, hands slide up the shins to lengthen, exhale, bend the knees forward full, ground through your feet, inhale, sweep your arms up to the sky, reach, reach, reach, exhale, hands together at the heart, take a moment to pause, feel your beating heart, the warmth in the body, the flow of prana, energy, second side on an inhale, arms sweep up, exhale, forward fold, release, release, inhale, half arch to lengthen, exhale, bend the knees, step the left foot back, right knee bends, pause, strong in the legs, sweep the arms back, lower the back left knee, this time we'll hook the thumbs, inhale, sweep the arms up, feel your ability to gather and reach from the base of the spine upwards, pull the thumbs apart, feel the shoulder blades drop back and down, inhale, exhale, release, tuck the back toes downward dog, inhale, forward into your plank, exhale, lower, bend the knees for cobra, kick back, lift the heart, find your lift, your edge, exhale, lead with the heart, lower, tuck the back toes downward dog, as you're ready, inhale, left leg reaches, exhale, knee to nose, step it through, whoever you'd like, wiggle back through the ball of the back foot, strong active legs, right knee slowly lowers, inhale, arms sweep up, we'll hook the thumbs again to help us kind of wiggle and lengthen and lift, breathing, inhale, exhale, release, tuck the back toes, lift the back leg, step the right foot forward to meet the left, inhale, hand slide up your shins to lengthen, exhale, knees bend to fold, bend the knees, spread the toes, inhale, arms sweep up, exhale, hands together at the heart and take a moment to pause, feel and notice, bottoms of the feet opening, toes spreading, adding on moving into chair pose, utkatasana, inhale, arms sweep up, exhale, bend the knees, shift back into your chair, feel the strength of your legs, breathing into the back ribs, inhale, exhale, forward fold again, inhale, hand slide up the shins to lengthen, exhale, we'll step the right foot back and pause runner's lunge, left knee bends, stay low and strong through the legs, arms might reach back, stay here, inhale up into your high crescent lunge, beautiful, feel the tailbone draw under, feel the lift and support through the spine, hugging that outer left hip in, steady your gaze, inhale, exhale, release, long pyramid pose, so press into the ball of that left foot, gonna draw that left hip back, nice groovy stretch here to release, beautiful work, bend that left knee, step back, downward bob, stay here, inhale forward into plank, exhale, lower all the way down for locusts, shalabhasana, forehead on the floor, bring the legs together, inhale, lifting up through the heart, feel the back body drawing into your spine, energy through the fingers and toes, the inhale lifts you out, the exhale lowers you, tuck the toes, press down through the palms with knee and downward facing dog, few moments here, walking it off, from downward dog, step or hop the feet towards the hands, once you arrive inhale, half arch, exhale, forward fold, prepare for chair, spread the toes, bend the knees, inhale, sweep the arms up, feeling the heat, the energy, the strength, inhale, exhale, press through the feet, reach your arms up, little celebration as you release the arms, palms together and pause and notice, easing into our second side, spread the toes, in preparation for chair, inhale, arms sweep up, exhale, bend the knees, shift the weight back towards the heels, feel the glutes, the hips, inhale, exhale, dive forward and in, inhale, hand slide up the shins to find length, exhale, bend the knees, step the left foot back, right knee bends, runners lunge, low and strong and the legs stay here, sweep the arms back, maybe rise up into your crescent lunge, tailbone draws under, spine lifts, brightening through the heart, feel the strength of your back leg, steady the gaze, beautiful work, inhale, exhale, release the hands, press into the ball of your right foot, nice long groovy pyramid stretch, kind of drawing that right hip back and breathing into the back of the leg, bend the knees, step back downward dog, stay here, lower the knees or inhale into a plank, exhale, lower all the way down, salabhasana, inhale, lift up, up, heart legs, arms reaching, you might swim a little side to side, inhale brings you up, exhale lowers you down, hands under the shoulders, draw the elbows in, tuck your toes, find your down dog and you might pedal the feet, walk it off, be honoring your internal timing, rhythm and pace, it's the beauty of a home practice. Again as you're ready you might step the feet towards the hands are hot, once you arrive inhale, half arch to lengthen, exhale, bend the knees to fold, chair pose, spread the toes, bend the knees, inhale, sweep the arms up, breathing into the back body, inhale, exhale, press to lift and open and pause and notice, feeling the body kind of reorient to space, to light, sound, continuing on as you are ready, take a sun salutation to down dog, inhale, arms sweep up, exhale, forward fold, release the heads off them through the knees, inhale to lift and exhale into your down dog, again easing back however you'd like to get there, spreading the fingers, long through the neck, adding on as you're ready, inhale, lift the right leg up, open the hip, bend the knee, inhale, stretch the right leg up, as you're ready, right knee to right elbow, firing up the core, inhale, shift shoulders over wrists, right knee to elbow, inhale back, exhale, knee to nose, step it through for warrior two, ground through the outer edge, strong through the legs, inhale, sweep your left arm up, so beautiful, here we are warrior two, few moments to arrive and land, just notice what you find yourself doing here in your warrior two, palms open, inhale, press through the ball of the foot, arms reach, exhale, warrior two, inhale, arms reach, exhale, warrior two, last one, exhale, warrior two, and reverse, slide the left hand out, right arm reaches, exhale, side angle, right forearm onto the leg, lengthening, few breaths here, stay low in the legs, inhale, warrior two, and then press through the ball of your right foot, as we ease into triangle, you might toe heel that back left foot in, inhale to lengthen on the right side, and we're reaching, and reaching, right hand might find the shin, you might pull a block in, pop arm reaches, might feel nice to roll that left shoulder forward, bend the elbow, turn and open the chest, and find a place where your neck feels good, bring that left arm up towards the sky, ground through the feet, inhale, come on up, turn that right foot in, toe heel the feet a little closer, sweep the arms out, roll the shoulders forward, inhale, lift up through your heart, exhale, forward fold, hinge at the hips, feel the strength in your legs, arms reach up, knees in the neck, when you're ready, release the hands down, let's walk the hands back towards the front of the mat, shape of the lunge, right foot forward, left foot back, step back, down dog, inhale, forward into plank, exhale, lower knees or chaturanga, inhale to cobra or upward dog, exhale, downward dog, last side, inhale, left leg reaches, exhale, open the hip, bend the knee, stretch the leg up, inhale, exhale, left elbow, left knee, left elbow, hover, inhale, up, exhale, knee to nose, step through, warrior two, ground through the back foot, stay low, inhale, sweep the right arm up, warrior two, few moments here to settle, grounding through the outer edge of back foot, open the palms, inhale, press through the ball, the left foot, arms gather and reach, exhale, warrior two, two more, inhale, press through the ball, the left foot, arms reach up, exhale, warrior two, last one, inhale, up, exhale, warrior two, reverse, right hand slides down, inhale, left arm reaches, exhale, side angle, left forearm onto left leg, right arm reaches, feeling that strength and length through outer right edge, then ease in the neck, inhale, back into reverse, press through the ball of the left foot, moving into triangle, maybe toe heel that right foot in as you reach and lengthen your bottom left ribs, left hand might find shin, ankle, block, rotating the ribs, right arm reaches, ease in the neck, you might explore that internal rotation as you bend the elbow, maybe wrapping the right hand around the left thigh, find a place where the neck feels good as you breathe, so slow, free that right arm up to the sky, ground through the feet, inhale, come on up, turn that left foot in, toe heel the feet a little closer, arms reach out, roll the shoulders forward, find that interlace opposite finger on top, open the chest, exhale, forward fold, releasing, a few moments here, take your time with this as you're ready, release the hands back underneath you, travel back to the top of the mat shape of the lunge, left foot forward, right foot back, stepping it back for our last vinyasa here, from down dog, maybe inhale forward into your plank, feel your strength, lower the knees or chaturanga, inhale to cobra or upward dog, taking a breath, exhale, beautiful work down dog, walk your feet back towards your hands for a malasana squat, turn the heels and toes out, find your your malasana, your version, mindful of your knees and hips, when you're ready we'll slowly, carefully, mindfully lower onto the sit bones and roll onto our back, find your way, supine, once you arrive interlace the fingers behind your head, we'll inhale here and then exhale, lift the head up, curl the tailbone under, few sit ups, lower down, inhale to arch, exhale, lift and curl, elbows towards each other, lower down, inhale, extend, exhale, curl, a few more, inhale to open, arch, exhale to curl, one more, inhale, lower, breath, exhale, curl and then slowly lower down, setting up for around a bridge, bring the heels in line with the sitting bones, feet parallel, feel the essence of your cat cow as you inhale, exhale, curl the tailbone under, lift up through the pelvis, lengthening, stay here, maybe draw the shoulders underneath you, find that beautiful interlace, if that feels good, lengthening and breathing, you feel the buoyancy of the lungs, the strength of your legs, your ability to ground through your heels and you hug the muscles into the bones of your legs, might stay a bit longer, slow, free the arms, roll the spine down, upper back, back, middle back, low back and pause, soles of the feet together, knees wide or a few windshield wipers to close, side to side, arms might stretch up, feet nice and wide, windshield wiper the legs to release the back, stay with this as long as you'd like, eventually you might draw the knees into your chest, giving yourself the space for shavasana, gradually easing your way up to a seat to close your practice, few precious moments to sit together, joining the hands together, gathering up the energy of the practice and offering it up and out for the benefit of all beings everywhere, breathing in, soft bow forward and in, and thank you so much for being here, namaste.


Sarah B
2 people like this.
Perfect post mountain bike yoga flow!  Thanks Alana
Jenny S
4 people like this.
Perfect sunrise practice complete with bright sun and singing birds outside. Always such a pleasure to practice with you and your sweet self! 🌅🪶❤️
Alana Mitnick
Sounds wonderful, Jenny S! So good to feel your presence and know that we are in the flow of life together. Sending love xo Alana 
Alana Mitnick
Sarah B, fantastic! I bet it felt like a nice release for the hamstrings, quads, and hips. Mountain biking, hiking, and yoga is the perfect combo. So glad you're here! xoA 
2 people like this.
Feels sooooo good! And it made me realize how much I miss Cali and the beaches.
Anda Seale
2 people like this.
Yet again, a WONDERFUL class! Thanks Alana! Loved the flow and the outdoors backdrop. Namaste 🙏
Christel B
2 people like this.
Simply delicious! Beautiful outdoor backdrop!
2 people like this.
Oh, and I just noticed, my profile pic was taken at Zuma Beach last february right  before the pandemic hit. So, again thank you Alana Mitnick  not only for your beautiful practice but also for bringing a little bit of California vibes until I can come back!
Kit & Dee Dee
Wonderful morning! Thanks
Kare H
2 people like this.
Love your spirit. Thank you for sharing yoga from the heart!
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