Yoga Power Hour: Shoulder Opening Flow<br>Rosemary Garrison

Yoga Power Hour: Shoulder Opening Flow
Rosemary Garrison

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Briana N
3 people like this.
really enjoying this series of classes, love the power hour show.
Rosemary Garrison
Thanks, Briana! I'm so excited they are live and happy to hear you are enjoying them.
Diane C
3 people like this.
Wonderful class Rosemary. I enjoyed your energy and creative to unwind a tight right neck and shoulder area. thank you.
Rosemary Garrison
Thanks, Diane! I'm so happy to hear it. Enjoy and Namaste.
Staci H
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Thank you for the beautiful practice, rosemary. My body and spirit feel refreshed.
Rosemary Garrison
Thanks, Staci! What a sweet feeling that is...
2 people like this.
So glad I found this divine practice today...unraveling some of this past week's challenges. Grateful for you. See you soon.
Rosemary Garrison
Love to you, Lori. So looking forward to being back in the Shala together again soon.
Kate M
2 people like this.
Beautiful practice. I am continually amazed at your ability to hold a long sequence, such as this, in your memory - ! -while performing the asanas and providing such excellent cueing. Inspiring!
Rosemary Garrison
Thank you, Kate! I'm honored. Enjoy!
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