Your 30-Minute Go-to Yoga Sequence: Go-to Sequence v.1<br>Alana Mitnick

Your 30-Minute Go-to Yoga Sequence: Go-to Sequence v.1
Alana Mitnick

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Joan J
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Alana, happy to find a new practice from you.  Nice pace, not too fast, and I love the leg stretches.   Just what I needed on a gloomy day🌻🌾🦋         Hoping for more Yin with you🌺
Diane C
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Thank you Alana for a lovely class. I always enjoy your spirit and energy. Namaste. Diane
Alana Mitnick
Hi Diane, Lovely to hear from you! So delighted to be practicing our Go-To together. Keep me posted on how the practice feels and evolves for you. Namaste and Love,  Alana 
3 people like this.
This couldn’t be more perfect! I loved all the postures, I loved the transitions, I loved the timing, I loved your clear, calm instructions and your cues to open the heart. Beautiful. It will most definitely be a ‘go-to sequence’. Thank you, Alana.
Alana Mitnick
Oh wonderful Ali! So delighted to hear and FEEL your sincere enthusiasm. It's like sunshine on a rainy day. Stay close and keep us posted on how your relationship with sequence feels and reveals new things with time. We are in the process of honing in on our sequence for season 2! Love, Alana
Cheryl S
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Wow!!!!  Love this practice.  Perfect for me, thanks!
Alana Mitnick
Hi Cheryl! Wonderful to hear! Keep us posted on how the Go-To sequence is feeling and evolving for you. Love, Alana
Glenford N
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Lovely idea and really enjoying the show. It's a beautiful way to start the day with meditation plus prayers for an added bonus. My body is gently pulsating  and energised and ready to face the cold winter mornings of Melbourne. My mind and emotions are calm and soothed. Namaste.

Alana Mitnick
Thank you for sharing, Glenford! Hearing from you always puts a smile on my face. I admire your dedicated yoga practice. Stay with it and enjoy! Namaste, Alana
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This is a great practice for traveling or if you’re short on time. It was a bit faster paced than I expected, but it still goes into my favorites folder.
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