The Yoga Flow Show Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 4

Side Body Flow

35 min - Practice


Rob leads us in a fluid and dynamic Vinyasa sequence to open the side body and the hips. We move through a creative Skandasana (Side Lunge) pattern around the mat to strengthen and lengthen the side waist and generate heat and energy in the body. We peak in Half Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana (Half Compass Pose). You will feel energized and inspired.
What You'll Need: Mat

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(water splashing) Namaste. Namaskar. Welcome. Today we're gonna get started in Virasana. Coming onto the knees, onto the shins.

And again, if this does bother your knees, feel free to sit on a blanket, a pillow. You can also, if you have a block handy, sitting a block, placing it between the legs. Allowing yourself really, just to be comfortable, not actually forcing anything but really allowing to be softer. And once you come seated, letting the eyes soften. Begin.

Turning the palms to face up or palms down. Really listen to how you feel. Feeling you need to connect to that energy, that rising of the prana. Let the palms face up, and if you need to be a little bit more grounded, rooted, let the palms face down. Feel the internal gaze awakens.

Beauty is when we soften the eyes. The internal gaze awaken. Our third eye is attuned to the flow. To the breath. To that divine oneness of life.

And just let yourself, in this moment, pause. In this moment here just for you. As you settle from the rush of the day, from all that is going on, and just feel the flow. Feel the flow of the breath, the flow of the body The flow of life here in this moment. Feel there is a gentle sway in your body.

As if you're a bamboo in a gentle breeze. Flowing. Weaving back and forth. Lift the right arm as you inhale. Reach out to the right and let it rise coming up.

And as you lift up to the heavens, let the body crescent over to the left bringing the right arm down. Right hand to the earth, left arm sweep out. Let it rise. And as you lift, lengthen. Let yourself crescent.

Left hand coming down. Just coming into the flow. Inhale, right arm softly rise. Exhaling. Inhale the left arm let it rise.

Exhale soft. Just taking a few more cycles here together. And just as you do, slowing down. Notice how the body feels. As we feel the side waist opening.

Feel that length as you lift up. And in letting yourself come into that flow. Releasing. One more full cycle. Right leg, arm.

Exhaling. Left arm, feel as it rises. Exhaling. And this time let both arms reach out to the heavens. Lifting to the sun, we'll offer the sound of om.

(chants mantra) Feel that intention. Set here at the heart center. The eyes are softly open. And as you turn, coming forward to all fours, just drop the belly, lift the head. Curl the toes under.

And as you exhale press the sacrum up and back rising into down dog. And just allowing to take a moment and breathe. Just letting the body settle, let the mind quiet. And as the feet come together. And today we're gonna do a double leg lift so we start with the right leg.

So we're gonna lift the left. So inhale left leg to the sky. Exhale the left foot down to the earth. And this is just gonna help opening the hamstrings. Right leg inhale let it rise.

As you coil in step the right foot forward between your hands. Feel that spine lengthen. So root the left hand. Take your right arm, extend it straight out and feel that long line from the left heel out to the fingertips. And then let your body crescent.

Right, like we did in the opening. Crescent, opening the right side waist. Bring your right hand along the horizon. Pivot on the right heel turning to a 90 degree and drop to the little toe of the back foot. Lengthen out, just like the back leg was in Vashistasana.

Bring your right hand along the horizon, spinning it around, bending the left knee. Straighten the right leg. And then press into the little toe as you lengthen the spine. Feeling the shape of Skandasana. And the hands can be here under the shoulders for support.

And again if you're feeling more engaged let the arms open. And today, feeling nice and gentle with your practice as we're going deep. Bend the right knee straighten the left leg. And this time if you like, lifting the ball of the foot. And again, hand support, hands into the heart.

And we'll get into a flow. And as you come to the back of your mat, and that same opening now. Left arm extends straight out. Feel the body as you crescent to the side. Left arm along the horizon.

Pivot turn to the left, draw to the little toe of the right. And then bringing the left arm back along the horizon. Shift, bend the right, straighten the left. And as you shift, lifting the ball of the foot stay higher now. Stay to the inside, come forward.

Left arm sweeps out, body rising up. Reverse, pause for a bit or two. Cartwheel it down to the earth. Step back into plank. Feel the dhanda, let it lengthen, high to low.

Chaturanga Dandasana. Heart will rise, up dog or cobra. And drawing it back into down dog. And breathe. Feet are active.

Heart bowing towards the earth. Let your head go. So that double leg lift again. So feet together. Right leg inhales to the sky.

Exhale the right foot by the left. Inhale the left leg, left side. Exhale, step the left foot forward between your hands. As the right hand grounds, left arm extends out. Feel as you lengthen, crescent.

Exhale as you turn to the left. Drop to the little toe of the right. Bring that left arm along the horizon. Spin to the inside. Bend the right knee, straighten the left.

Press into the little toe of the left foot. And then shift. Bending the left, straighten the right. Looking to the back as you come to your lunge, right arm extends out. And then letting yourself crescent, grow long.

Reaching out. Right arm along the horizon. Turn to the right, drop to the little toe of the left. And then bringing it back along the horizon. Bend the left, straighten the right.

Shift and change. Bend the right, straighten the left. Stay to the inside, move forward. Right arm sweeps out, left arm rises. Reverse.

Exhale it down to the earth. Stepping back. Your vinyasa. And as you rise, up dog or cobra. Drawing it back into down dog.

Just breathing here. Take a moment. So we're gonna do this one more cycle. Just 'cause it feels so good and I love it. So feet together.

Double leg lift. Inhale left leg. And now just letting it flow. Exhale left foot by the right. Right leg inhale.

Exhale in. Right arm feeling that. Inhale, extend as you crescent. Exhale, turn to the right. Reaching back.

Bring it along the horizon. Shift right, hand support are open. Pulling it in, looking to the back. Move to the back. Plant, left arm extends.

And as you do, crescent, open the side body. Shift to the left, turning, reaching back. Left arm along the horizon. Shift it around. And then pulling it in, straighten.

Stay to the inside. Left arm sweeps out, rise up, reverse. Cartwheel it down, stepping back. Your vinyasa. And again, if it doesn't serve you, don't do Chaturanga.

We're gonna honor the practice of the vinyasa. And breathing back into down dog. So feet together. Double leg lift. Right leg inhale it.

Exhale. Left leg inhale. Exhale as you step. Left arm extending as you crescent. Turn to the left, reach it back.

Stay strong, stay active. Extend it out. Bring it along the horizon. Shift right. And pulling it in, looking.

Move to the back. Right arm extends as you crescent open. Along the horizon, turn to the right. Reaching back. Spin it around.

Bend the left, straighten the right. Shift. Looking forward. Stay to the inside, coming forward. Right arm sweeps out.

Rise up reverse. Cartwheeling down to the earth. Stepping back in Chaturanga. And as you rise, Up Dog or Cobra lifting the heart. And drawing it back.

Down dog. Take a moment. Letting yourself just pause, breathing. Feel how the body feels in that moving meditation around your mat. Moving together with the breath.

So we'll continue with that double leg lift. So feet together. Right leg, inhale, let it rise. Exhale, step the right foot forward between your hands. Keep the back heel lifted.

Let it rise coming up. High crescent. And as you draw the hands down to the heart, twisting to your right, take the left elbow across right knee and feel that length. From the back heel you're pressing out lengthening the spine and allowing to open. And some of you are just gonna stay here.

Just breathe a few breath. Some of you might want to open the arms. And it's okay, don't force the body. I enjoy keeping the hands in prayer and really listening. Take one more breath, inhale.

Exhale. As you inhale windmill the arms. Lift the left arm up. Right arm follows. Drop the back heel and then bend down draw to the center.

That variation on skandasa. Now take your left hand reaching out to the arch of the left ankle. Right hand to the right ankle. Elbow presses the knee away. Like you're in Malasana.

And then bow the third eye. So you're still hovering. You're nice and buoyant right in the hip. And as you come back up, looking to the back of the mat. Moving to your lunge.

Step back into plank. Chaturanga, half or full. And then letting the heart shine right. Feeling that lifting up. And drawing it back in to down dog.

And just pause. Feet together, feeling that deep awakening here. So as the feet come together, double leg lift. Left leg inhale to the sky. Exhale the left foot down by the right.

Inhale the right leg, let it rise. Exhale as you step the right foot forward between your hands. This time let the left foot turn parallel to the back edge. Left arm sweeps out as the body rises, coming up and then landing. Feet are too.

Proud strong warrior right. Veera right. There's strength yet there's a soft compassion with it. Turn the right palm up. Inhale reverse.

And as you exhale, Parsvokonasana. Right forearm to the thigh. Left arm by the ear. And again, we've been deep into that hip. Stay here.

Or maybe taking the right hand down to the earth. Pressing out, lengthen. Circle that left arm down. Rise up veera two. Cartwheel down to the earth.

Lower the left knee, straighten the right. And just bowing over, Ardha Hanuman. And as you come back forward, just like in our opening movement. Lifting that left knee. Extend the right arm, let it lengthening out and then crescent over to the left.

Bring your right hand along the horizon. Turning to the right, drop to the little toe of the back. And then bring that right arm back along. Spin it around. Bend the left knee, straighten the right.

And this time, as you bend the right knee straighten the left. Ah, you get to sit down. Yay, I like those moments when we sit down. It feels good right? So here, you're gonna take your left hand.

Taking hold of the right ankle, and your right arm is gonna come up. Just like the movement of the moon. Lifts up, keep reaching forward. Keep lengthening that right side. And eventually, your right hand will take hold of the left.

Now, if the right knee is collapsing in, open to the back and roll the heart up. And just breathe. Exhale, gaze down to the earth. And then inhale. Roll the heart up.

And feel the body rising, coming up. Turn to the front. Stay to the inside and come forward. So you should be coming down right? So lowering the right knee.

And take a moment, coming down onto the forearms. I feel we spend a lot of time in the hip this afternoon. So really feeling that deepen. Now as the right shin turns parallel, take your left shoulder and thread it underneath. Lean forward, lean in, don't back off.

I know everyone wants to get out of the hip right. You gotta get deep, you gotta get in there. So stay moving forward. And then squeeze that left leg around the left arm and lift up. And maybe this is your edge.

That's it. And some of you are gonna lean to the left hand and squeeze that left leg around the left arm. Some will take the right hand to the left foot. And now if it's there press the heel away. And roll the heart up.

And then softly coming down, a long thread as we step back into down dog. Take a deep inhale and exhaling completely. So completing this wave, feet together. We'll start with the right. Inhale the right leg out and back.

Exhale the right foot by the left. Inhale the left leg, let it rise. Exhale, step the left food forward between your hands. Keep the back heel lifted. Charge the legs.

Let it rise coming up. High crescent, Anjaneyasan. Draw into the heart. As you twist to the left, taking the right elbow across and again, I enjoy hands at the heart. Really feeling the support.

If you're called to open the arms, open the arms. Listen to your body. Listen, if you're losing the breath you're going too deep. So breathe in here. Now the right arm will lead as the right arm sweeps out, windmill come up.

Left arm follows and you'll come down. Bend the left knee, right leg still straight. And you'll hover. You'll feel that buoyancy in the hips. Right hand reaches to the arch.

Left hand holds the left ankle. Elbow presses the knee and you bow your third eye. And as you come up, moving to the back of the mat. Coming into your lunge. Step it back through your vinyasa.

Or no vinyasa. Listen, listen is the best teaching as that inner voice. And drawing back, down dog. So we'll complete this wave, this cycle. Feet together.

Right leg inhale. Exhale the right foot by the left. Left leg inhaling. And as you exhale, step the left foot forward. Right foot turns.

Right arm sweeps out, veera two rising up warrior two stand. Dialing and root down. Left palm turns up, inhale reverse. Exhale left forearm to the thigh. Right arm by your ear and again, lengthen.

Stay here. Or hand coming down to the earth. But really lengthen the side body. Rolling the heart up. Up to you.

And as the right arm circles, lift up veera two. Cartwheel down, lower the right knee. Give your hip a moment, a break. And bowing over, Ardha Hanuman. And as you come up, lengthen, to that opening movement.

Hands plant, come to your lunge. Left arm, inhale as you extend in crescent. Exhale as you turn to the left. Drop to the little toe of the right. Bring it around spinning it.

Bend the right, straighten the left. And then shift. And this time (exhales) sit on down. Right hand comes to the left ankle. Right shoulder works to the inside.

Left arm up and over. And as you reach, and today, you may not be going that deep. But just feel this side waist. Opening, lengthen. And if you're here opening the knee to the back, extend out through the right leg.

Gaze down to the earth. And then lengthen heart up. Feel the body rising so we're set up. Ooh coming forward. Stay to the inside.

And then lowering down. Back knee coming down onto the forearms. And again, pause here. Be happy. If this is your edge stay here.

Honor where you are. Honor the journey of your practice. Not just because I'm doing something. I'm offering you these body mudras, you take whatever is right. And so as you turn the left shin, right shoulder comes underneath.

And maybe this is your edge. Arms like chaturanga to start here. And then if you like, squeeze the right leg around the right arm and lift up. And maybe you hang out here. Maybe the left hand comes to the right foot.

Press the heel away, and rolling up. Half compass. Coming back down. Stepping back as you come out. And step into down dog.

And just letting your knees come onto the earth. Sit onto the heels and coming into child's pose. As you slowly now roll the body up. (exhales) And just sitting off to the side and bringing your legs around. Extending one leg out, opening the other.

Actively press the heels away. Lifting right. And so feel that length of the spine lifting the heart. And then as you hinge from the hips coming forward, bring your hands forward. Try not to lose that length of the spine, the lifting of the heart.

Keeping that as you come forward. Not leading with the head, but leading with your heart. And if you like, sweep in deep coming down onto the forearms. And again, coming down to the earth. And we're gonna feel just another little side waist 'cause now we're deep in there.

It's beautiful to really enjoy this little opening. So as you thread your left hand over to the right. Walk your right hand across the earth. Reaching your right hand to your left foot. And roll the heart up.

And bring that right arm back out. Thread the left arm out. Take your right hand, thread it over the left. Walk your left hand across the earth. And roll the heart up.

And in bringing the left hand out. Right arm and bow. And slowly coming up and bringing your legs around. We're gonna set up coming into bridge. We're gonna take two heart rising cycles.

So rolling down onto your back. And the first cycle we're just gonna set up in for bridge. So lightly brush the backs of the heels. Keeping the knees right in line with the hips. Imagine you're squeezing a block or a soft pillow between the thighs.

And as you press the feet down, lift the hips up. And again, feel free to stay here or roll onto the shoulders. Staying here or interlace the fingers. And drawing the shoulders deeper, heart lifting. And then tilt the chin away just so you're not collapsing in the throat.

So that the throat chakra still open, able to breathe, heart lifted. Inhale, lift up. And exhale, coming down. And just take a moment. Pause, try not to move going into other asanas.

Other things. Just take a moment and rest. So we're gonna take one more heart rising. And I like to call them heart rising instead of back bends. Because you're opening your heart.

You're lifting the heart right? So it's a rising energy at the heart center. So again, either come into bridge, or for those who would like, we're gonna set up in for wheel Urdva Dhanurasana. So hands by your ears for those coming up into full wheel. Press to the crown.

Elbows in and then press up and away. Lifting the heart. Letting it shine to the heavens. We're slowly coming down. And this time, one hand to the belly one hand to the heart.

Soles of the feet together. Knees drop off to the side. Supta Baddha Konasana. And just let the eyes close. And if this becomes too much for the hips, feel free to extend the legs straight out onto the earth.

And if you have blocks or pillows you can place them underneath the knees or thighs for support. And just letting yourself go. Just surrender. And these moments, just for you. Feel the softness of the breath.

Feel that radiance of the divine as it slows. Draws you deeper, deeper within. So for those who still have their soles of their feet together, just letting them extend out. And just feel a complete surrender. As the earth cradles the body as you let go.

And just feel that oneness of life. So my friends, for those who wish to stay here longer please do so. For those ready to come out take a deep inhale through the nose. Open the mouth and let it go. (exhales deeply) And gently feel the body softly awaken.

As you roll to the right side. And then finding your way rising as you're coming up to seated. Just take a moment to pause now. Feel the flow of the breath. As you draw your hands into the heart, honor your practice, your time.

This coming together as we offer the sound of om. Inhale, feel the breath rising. (chants mantra) As you honor the God, Goddess within. Satguru. Namasate.


Kelsey W
1 person likes this.
What a lovely class! Enjoyed this flow a lot.
Hanneke S
1 person likes this.
I love the solid build-up and the flow in this class is both smooth and stimulating........
Frederic M
1 person likes this.
Thanks Rob, great flow!
Heike S
1 person likes this.
Thank you for this very Special Flow, i love it and i love your voice
Macarena V
1 person likes this.
Thank you Rob. We practice Yoga in family with yours class. You're great.
Simon ?
1 person likes this.
Love your teaching style. Love your sweet words. Feeling free. Namaste Rob.
1 person likes this.
Thank you Rob! So helpful and healing
1 person likes this.
Loved this flow with scandasana. The hip and heart opening feels amazing. Thank you Rob.
Annabelle B
love your classes Rob thankyou
Kate M
Beautiful class - loved the resonant word imagery you used. Thank you.

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