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Season 1 - Episode 13

Meditation to Remove Conflicts

20 min - Practice


Sukhdev shares a simple meditation and mantra practice to remove inner conflicts. We go inwardly to connect to the unity and oneness of all.

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What You'll Need: No props needed

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Sat Naam, welcome back. I am so excited to share this meditation with you because it is such a simple meditation that anybody can do at any time. And it's very effective in 11 minutes you can really feel your energy shift. It's a meditation to remove inner conflicts. And in Kundalini Yoga, the way we talk about the inner conflict is really connected with the kind of communication that you're dwelling in internally. Not only the communication, the subconscious communication that you're having with yourself, but also connected to the words that come out of your mouth. So in this day, in this modern age, our language has become very loose, right? And we're not focusing our words in a way that what they're created for, which is to manifest. So this really helps to go inwardly and realize that we are not just human, we are half human, half soul. And how do we connect the dots? How do we merge inside of that unity, which is essentially what yoga is. This mantra helps us to connect to that goal, that unity, that oneness. The mantra is hummi hum brahm hum. And it simply means we are we, we are the divine, or we are God, we are the universe, whatever it is that you relate to as a higher power. We are we, we are the divine. So understanding that the reality of the divine lives inside of us, that we are half human, learning how to be the most graceful human being we can be on this planet, and that we are also half soul. And we need to acknowledge that. And the way that we do that through this meditation is by allowing this chant to really focus our internal and external communication because when communication is communicated to uplift, to elevate, and to be about truth, the inner conflicts dissolve, the inner conflicts disappear. So hummi hum brahm hum is that affirmation of that truth within us. So here is the mudra, we're going to bring the hands together in a Venus lock, simply going to intertwine them and place the thumbs on top of the each other. And we're going to bring it like a cup at the solar plexus. This is a powerful center right here because it is the center of our personal will. It is the center that really activates us to be a disciple of our own truth, to be disciplined, it all begins in the navel.

So we cup the hands right here, the elbows are resting by the ribcage, the eyes are closed focused at the brow point and we chant together, hummi hum brahm hum. Let's begin by tuning in with Aung Namo Guru Dev Namo. Place the hands at the heart and let's take a deep inhale to begin. Aung Namo Guru Dev Namo. Aung Namo Guru Dev Namo. Aung Namo Guru Dev Namo. Deep inhale, hold the breath and set your intention to clear yourself to allow your communication to be based in truth and uplifting. Exhale and let's cup the hands at the solar plexus, focus in on your intention and I will play the mantra and you will chant along for 11 minutes. Aung Namo Guru Dev Namo Guru Dev Namo. Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Lift up your hearts Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma Ammiham Brahma And inhale deeply Hold that breath and assess yourself Is your communication real? Is it based in truth? Is it affirmative? Is it uplifting?

Exhale, hold the posture Inhale deeply Squeeze the root block and hold Go to the third eye and assess yourself Assess your communication Inner communication and outer communication Exhale powerfully And last one, inhale deep Pull mola bandh, rise the energy to the crown And resolve yourself All inner conflicts resolved Working on our communication To be effective and uplifting That is the real reality of who we are Exhale And rest your hands on the knees And be still Take a deep inhale Exhale And know that this is a practice Know that working on our communication inwardly And outwardly is a lifetime practice And in each conversation we can just take that moment of mindfulness and awareness Or shift the energy, the frequency of the communication And always end on a high note Even if we spiral down, we always look to end on a high note And that is the work of this half human, half soul And what we've come to do So let us go forward with knowing that we have the capacity, the caliber And the knowingness to live in this kind of consciousness What we call in Kundalini Yoga the Aquarian Consciousness Let's bring our hands together and do a long sat and a short naam to close Sat Naam Blessings to all, light to all, love to all Have a beautiful day Sat Naam


Sara S
Tiny vibrations

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