Vibrant Flow Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 2

Deep, Sweet Flow

60 min - Practice


Join Rosemary for a spicier, mindful practice. Flow through Sun Salutes, investigating how repetition allows a meditative quality in the movements. Explore longer holds and challenging transitions in a heating standing flow, find deep twists to wring it all out, and then unwind and integrate with forward folds. You will feel strong and focused.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Welcome, everyone. Such a joy to share this practice with you. Thank you for being here. We're going to be working with kind of a slow, deep, sweet flow this morning, this evening, depending on where you are. We'll definitely build some heat and strength and within that, find some fluidity and also some deep twisting to help bring it all out.

If you have a block, that would be wonderful, but it's not necessary and you can improvise. Okay, let's dive in. Beginning in a comfortable seat. If you'd like to prop up your sit bones, feel free. And then just rooting down, letting the hands rest, whether comfortable, soft gaze or close behind.

Oh, yeah, here we are. Starting to deepen and expand the breath, right? And as the breath deepens and expands, it draws the awareness into the body. So as much as possible, we start to let the rest fade. Whatever it is, distractions, fears, concerns, we're all holding so much these days.

But as much as possible, we unhook at least for the time being and we take refuge in the practice. Another moment of stillness, just the breath. And then let's take the hands to prayer at the heart center. So empty all the breath out together through the nose, a big inhale. Do you have any personal intention that you'd like to weave into the practice this morning?

Open that in now. And then as you're ready, letting the eyes open, lifting the gaze, let's take a big inhale, reaching the arms out and up, interlace the fingers, exhale, press the palms to the sky, keep the shoulders soft down the back, keep the neck relaxed. Take a big inhale, lift, lift, lift through the heart. And as you exhale, just ease to the right. Let that left sit bone sink down into the earth and breathe through that whole left side body as the palms press out, a couple more breaths here.

Whatever feels best for the neck, looking down or up and under the left arm. With your next inhale, let's draw it back to center, reaching straight up. And then with the exhale, just ease to the other side, heavy and grounded through the right sit bone. A position of movement, creating the space in the body. A few more breaths, gaze where your neck is happy.

Right, good. And then with the next inhale, draw it back up to the midline. And from here with your exhale, twist to the right, hook the hand to the opposite knee, spiral the spine, and just gently gaze back over that right shoulder. That's our first twist of many. So just easing in and kind of get a taste, lengthening as you breathe in, kind of deepening as you breathe out, no effort or strain, just kind of allowing and exploring a couple more breaths here.

Good. Okay, with the next inhale, let's draw it back to the center, reach the arms up, extend through the fingertips. And then with the exhale, just spiral to the other side. Again, nice and tall through the spine, lengthening all the way up the crown of the head and beyond as you breathe in. And then just deepening, deepening, deepening as you breathe out.

A few more breaths here, warming slowly, mindfully, intentionally. Okay, with your next inhale, draw it back to center, reaching the arms straight up. And then with your exhale, just let yourself rock forward and let's transition up onto the hands and the knees, spreading the fingers wide, really actively root through the base of thumb and first finger, knees are directly under the hips, spine is neutral for now. And then continuing to warm, simple cat cow, inhale, lifting the tailbone, heart, gaze. And then with your exhale, rounding the back, draw the belly up towards the spine, release the weight of the head.

In together, big inhale, lift, tailbone, heart, gaze. And with the exhale, rounding belly to spine, surrender the weight of the head. Once more together, big inhale, heart rising, exhaling to round. And then let's take a few more cycles. So please feel free to just kind of tune into your body and feel into your own rhythm.

Maybe you love to circle the head and the neck, the hips, kind of spiraling the spine. Maybe you find kind of a sticky, tight spot and you want to pause and dig into it a little bit, move the breath there, right? Using your own intuition, just easing in, a couple more breaths, moving it all the way through the whole body. Nice, all right, and then as you feel ready, just come home to a neutral spine. You might want to walk the hands forward just a little bit.

With your next inhale, tuck the toes, and with your exhale, press it all the way up and back, downward-facing dog, Adho Mukha Svanasana, a full five breaths here, puddling the feet, shifting the hips a little side to side. Just kind of check out the backs of the legs, continue to lengthen the spine. Every time we come to the mat, it's a new moment, new practice, so bringing awareness into what's going on right here, right now, and of course, whatever it is, we meet it with a lot of curiosity, a lot of kindness, all right, take a breath or two just to settle yourself in your down dog. And then together with the next inhale, let's ripple forward into plank pose, gentle Vinyasa. With your exhale, lower the knees to the earth, keep your elbows hugging in, come all the way down, slow soft cobra, inhale, rise, shoulders melt down the back.

From here, as you exhale, melt all the way back to the earth, and then inhale, press up on the hands and knees. And as you exhale, sink your hips to your heels, child's pose, super gentle Vinyasa. Take a full breath here, lay it all down, offer it all the way. With your next inhale, float up on the hands and knees, tuck the toes, exhale, go back into downward facing dog, take a big inhale here. Maybe open the mouth and exhale, let it go, two more like that, inhale forward into plank.

With your exhale, lower the knees, elbows hugging, come all the way to the earth, inhale to cobra just as high as feels, good, exhale, melt it back to the earth, inhale onto hands and knees, exhale, sink back into child's pose, a full breath here, offer it all, looking for every opportunity to release and let go. With your next inhale, rise up, hands and knees, exhale, tuck the toes, lift it up and back, downward facing dog, stay here, big inhale, and open the mouth, let it go on the exhale, last cycle here, inhale forward into plank, exhale, lower the knees, come all the way to the earth, inhale to rise, cobra as high as feels, good, exhale, melt it back down to the earth, inhale onto hands and knees, exhale, hips to heels, child's pose, full breath. With your next inhale, float it back up onto hands and knees and then tuck the toes and exhale, go all the way back, downward facing dog, here's that cleansing breath through the nose, inhaling and open the mouth, exhaling, alright, slowly on your next inhale, begin to walk the feet forward to the front of the mat and take an easy forward fold when you arrive, Uttanasana, the feet are hips distance, there's a nice generous bend in the knees, the hands might drop, they might hold the elbows, give yourself a few breaths here to completely surrender, and then just find that center line if you have any variation and we're going to move into another twist, right hand to left ankle, feel free to bend that right knee as much as you'd like and then inhale, sweep left arm to the sky and again honor your neck, you can look down or up past the left fingertips, ring it out, three, two, with the exhale just float it all the way back to the earth and shifting, left hand to right ankle, bend the left knee as much as you'd like, inhale, reach right arm to the sky, opening through the heart, three, shoulders down the back, two, with your next exhale release back into the fold, keep the head heavy, keep that soft bend in the knees and then slowly on your inhale begin to roll all the way up to stand, take your time, enjoy it, when you do arrive exhale roll the shoulders down the back and just kind of shake it all out, let it all go, feet together, hands to prayer, heart center, samasthiti, grounding here together through the nose, inhale, through the nose, exhale, surya namaskar a, inhale, reach the arms out and up, belly in flat back, exhale bow out and down, hands on the earth or the shins inhale come halfway up, root the hands, hop or step back into your plank pose on the exhale stay with knees or shift to chaturanga nandasa, inhale stay with cobra or upward facing na and exhale go all the way back downward facing dog, long through the spine, deep full breath, five, keep playing with it, you're still warming, still kind of arriving in the body, couple more breaths here, easing in, good, at the bottom of your exhale take a soft bend in the knees then hop or step to the front of the mat, as you arrive inhale halfway heart shines out, exhale release back into the fold, strong center flat back inhale rise all the way reach beyond the fingertips, exhale hands to prayer heart center, two more inhale out and up, exhaling bow out and down, with your inhale lengthen halfway, root the hands, hop or step it back, exhale lower knees or chaturanga, inhale to cobra or up dog, exhale go all the way back downward facing dog, deep full breath for five, rolling the shoulders away from the ears, small through the mat, reaching the heels towards the earth, doesn't matter if they ever touch, just energetically descending and reaching the sit bones up and back, another breath or two, good, bottom of your exhale soft bend in your knees, hop or step front of the mat, as you arrive inhale lengthening halfway, exhale deepen into your fold, strong through your center flat back inhale to rise all the way up, exhale hands to prayer heart center, once again inhale rise, exhaling bow, rest halfway, inhale extend through your heart, root the hands, hop or step it back, exhale to lower knees or chaturanga, inhale to cobra or up facing dog and exhale all the way back downward facing dog, breathing fat, using the repetition of the opening sun salutes to really draw the mind into a more meditative state to warm the body, to synchronize the breath in the body, shedding those initial layers, distraction or agitation or fatigue or whatever you may be working with, one more breath, the bottom of your exhale soft bend in the knees, hop or step front of the mat, as you arrive inhale lengthen halfway, exhale return to the fold, strong through your center, inhale all the way up, reach reach reach it out and then exhale hands to prayer heart center, one breath together here in the stillness inhaling, exhaling, surinamaskar b, bending the knees inhale scoop it up, udkatasana, exhaling bow out and down, with your inhale come halfway up, root the hands, hop or step it back through the vinyasa, follow your breath, we meet and downward facing dog, root the hands, inhale reach right leg to the sky, exhale step it forward ground your back heel, one inhale warrior one, Virabhadrasana, one exhale hands to the earth, step back lower as you choose, inhale lift the heart, exhale downward facing dog, inhale left leg to the sky, exhale step forward, ground your back heel, rise on the inhale warrior one, second side, exhale release hands to the earth, step back chaturanga dandasana or your variation, inhale up dog, exhale down dog, five breath be with it, building the heat, building the energy in the body, intentionally creating those fires of transformation, couple more breaths here, yeah bottom of your exhale, soft bend in the knees, hop or step front of the mat, as you arrive inhale lengthen it, heart shines up, exhale pour yourself back into the fold, udkatasana, bending the knees, inhale reaching up, exhale come home to samasthiti, two more cycles bending the knees, inhale udkatasana, exhale bow out and down, it's getting lost in the flow, inhale halfway reach the heart out, root the hands hop or step back, exhale to lower, inhale reach the heart up, shoulders weight on the back, exhale downward facing dog, inhale right leg rising, exhale step it forward, ground the back heel, inhale warrior one, bhirvadrasana a, exhale hands to the earth, step back chaturanga dandasana, inhale upward facing, exhale downward facing, inhale left leg rising, exhale step it forward, ground your back heel, inhale warrior one reaching up and down, exhale release hands to the earth, step back, wash it away, heart rising, inhale take it back to down dog, exhale pause five breaths, long spine, hear your breath, feel the breath moving through the body uprooting the sticky spots, the obstacles and the stagnation, clearing it out physically and energetically, another breath or two here, good bottom of your exhale soften in the knees hop or step front of the mat, as you arrive inhale heart shines out, exhale return to your fold, bending the knees inhale utkatasana, exhale samastitihi last one, bend the knees, inhale scoop it out and up, exhale bow out and down, halfway inhale extend, root the hands hop or step back, exhale to lower, inhale lift the heart, exhale downward facing dog right leg inhale rise, exhale step it forward, root that back heel, inhale warrior one reach reach reach, exhale release hands to the earth, step back and lower, inhale heart up, exhale down dog left leg, inhale rise, exhale step forward, root back heel, inhale warrior one, exhale release step it back and lower, build the heat, build the intensity, inhale heart up, exhale down dog five breaths and bring it home to center, good, all right from your downward facing dog nice big inhale, the bottom of the exhale soft bend in the knees, hop or step to the front of the mat, as you arrive inhale to lengthen halfway, exhale bow and fold we're going to pause here in the fold, just opening the feet about hips distance and then grab the big toes first two fingers and thumb padangu shasana, inhale reaching out through your heart shoulders down the back and exhale just release into the fold tip the weight into the front of the feet with the quad muscle strong opening hamstring muscles softer than that, good just pour the weight forward move the heat and energy of generated into the backs of the legs into the length of the spine and back muscles one more breath if this is fairly intense then just keep working with what you've got otherwise inhale halfway up exhale slide hands under the feet padahasasana inhale heart shines exhale deep and into the fold breathe into the back body open it up good let the head go saw through neck and jaw three two good keep the grip whatever you have inhale just come halfway then exhale release it and just kind of shake out the hands on the wrists a little bit let that go heel toe the feet back together deep bend in the knees inhale returning to utkatasana and then exhale sit a little deeper legs super strong glute muscles engaging belly drawing in and up building the heat and the strength and the capacity three two yeah stay for your inhale and as you exhale let the legs lengthen and just sway down into the fold and swing the arms back inhale bending the knees come back up into utkatasana do that a couple more times exhale let the legs lengthen as you fold and sway the arms back inhale bending the knees rise up lift the heart exhale release back into the fold good from here inhale bend the knees scoop it back up utkatasana and then keep the foundation and as you exhale take the hands to prayer at the heart center here we go inhale just lengthening the front body and then exhale turn to the right hook that left elbow outside of the knee spiral the spine here we are twisting again keep the foundation super strong gaze to the earth keep that right leg really strong and then very slowly step the left foot to the back of the mat for twisting side angle and of course you can take the hands down first for that transition okay five breaths here keep what you've got maybe lower the back knee if you want a little more support maybe change the arms it's your variation explore within it three two all right we're going to keep the foundation just as it is and then unravel the torso on the inhale finding a high lunge press and core as you exhale sit down into it really descending through the tailbone keep drawing the belly in and up breathe into those left hip flexors steady for another breath or two all right more than welcome to stay right where you are or let's play with this twisting and challenging the balance start from the deep belly start to spiral the spine to the right and then reach right arm back left arm forward use the wall if you need it right feel free to fall just keep coming back spiraling the spine maybe gazing back strong through the legs totally up to you stay there or right hand to left thigh and reach the left arm up and over breathing into it three good to strong through legs and center as you're ready inhale draw it back to center line arms up and then with the exhale wide open for you to take a moment here just let the right leg lengthen give the leg a breather and then bend the knee again and settle down into it steady gaze over right fingertips strong through the whole body fire it up and then keep your foundation big inhale reverse your warrior reach it back getting lengthen that side body again just enjoy it one more breath good inhale arise warrior two and then with your exhale come into side angle form to thigh and to earth or block and then the left arm reaches up and over palm facing down hold that left shoulder blade down the back roll the whole circle the rib cage up to the sky five breaths again you can take it into your variation if you prefer good three two feel your legs feel your center rise from there inhaling come back up into your warrior two just for a moment exhale reverse it reaching back again let's stay here for a huge inhale and then with your exhale hands to the earth either side of the front foot pause spin the back heel up release the back knee down hands come inside of the front foot the lizard let's build this slowly stay on the hands or come down to the forearms maybe forearms on block if you want kind of a middle path option right knee hugging in or opening out your choice yeah only if it serves only if you desire it no added strain ever right hand back for left foot no strain period ever take that foot and then just kind of hug it in or ease it open staying in the fold with the upper body or letting the right shoulder play a little few more breaths your body knows the variation that serves three two we want to unravel really mindfully especially if you have that back foot gently let it go and then from the fold inhale start to walk the upper body back in and as you exhale take the hands either side about front foot tuck the back toes with the knee with your inhale reach the right leg up and back and with your exhale go ahead and open the hip bending the knee yeah a few breaths here that leg is working hard for you give it a moment to kind of open right inhale reach it up exhale release into downward facing dog pause right there or inhale forward to plank exhale to lower inhale let the heart rise exhale back downward facing dog through the nose inhale open the mouth keep letting it go exhale the bottom of the next exhale soft bend in the knees hop or step front of the mat as you arrive inhale halfway exhale dive back down into the fold bending the knees inhale katasana here we go again strong foundation exhale hands to the heart inhale again lift that front body and then with your exhale twisting hook the right elbow outside of the left knee give this a few breaths you can take it anywhere you'd like just feeling the ringing out of the internal organs maybe something clearing through the energy body good stay in your twist just turn your gaze down to the earth keep grounding through that left foot super strong through the left leg use your gaze to steady yourself and then on the next day I'll step the right foot all the way back for twisting side angle again your variation keep it right where it is maybe lower the back knee for a little more support sometimes I find that digs into the right hip flexors even more or open the arms bind just play a few more breaths okay three two keep your foundation unravel as you're ready on the inhale turn it forward float up highland press and pull exhale sit a little deeper dropping tailbone lifting belly in and up tall through the spine enjoy this feel the stability for a moment all right and again you can stay right where you are or start to spiral from that deep belly spinning through the spine start to turn to the left and reach left arm back right arm forward it's really easy to let the whole torso pitch forward here try to drop it back yeah and again while around fall out of it who cares just keep coming back maybe left hand to right thigh right arm reaching up and over breathe as you're ready unravel turn it forward inhale rise up high lunge and then exhale open at warrior two go ahead and let the left leg lengthen just for a breath or two give it a moment and then sit down into it super strong energy out through the fingertips steady gaze steady mind big inhale reverse reach it back breathe in the left side body as you're ready inhale float up again and exhale side angle again it's your variation forearm to thigh hand to earth or block you might even be moving towards the bind explore maybe you start in one variation and after three four breaths you deepen into another or ease out into another nice be with it whatever form it takes three two all right strong leg strong center inhale float yourself back up just for a moment exhale reverse it again reach reach reach stay for your inhale and exhale hands to the earth pause in the back heel up lower the back knee down and walk in into lizard hands inside the front foot stay up on the hands or release down the forearms and elbows be really kind to that left knee joint keep it hugging in or let it open if it's happy yeah maybe this side's really different maybe what you need here isn't quite same as on the right new awareness in each moment maybe the bind reaching back for the foot maybe not doesn't matter a few more breath kind of let it move from the inside out listen to the body when we honor the body when we accept what we're feeling for everything changes okay unravel slowly especially if you have that back foot it's a little spring-loaded gently let it go and then inhale walk the upper body back in and exhale hands either side of the front foot tuck the back toes from your center inhale reach left leg up and back and exhale open the head then the knee give it a moment here whoo right into the outer left hip you can shake it circle it whatever you need one more breath and then inhale to reach exhale to release downward facing dog feel free to pause or maybe clear it away with the vinyasa inhale to play exhale to lower inhale upward facing and exhale go back downward facing extraordinary work really strong really focused really deep excellent from here take a nice big inhale and then exhale just release child's ball hips to heels knees together or wide arms out or back lay it all down and offer it attachments aversions whatever it is offer it at least for now feel more breath yeah good as always stay in child's as long as you like as you feel ready inhale just lift back up on the hands and the knees and exhale ground and settle here and make sure knees are under hips okay and then keep grounding through the left hand inhale reach right arm out and up and with your exhale thread that right arm under right coming to the back of the right shoulder side of the head you can keep grounding the left hand into the earth or you can reach that arm to the sky you can even wrap it behind so obviously another twist here but now we get to relax a little into it and we use the heat we've generated from that vigorous aspect of the practice to really open cross the upper back back of the shoulders back of the heart so much gets stored or stuck if the left arm is up just release left hand down with your inhale take the right arm back to the sky reach exhale really second side inhale left arm rising exhale thread it under come to the back of that left shoulder and the side of the head root the right hand or reach it out you can even wrap it back sometimes I find keeping the right hand on the earth allows me to press gently a little deeper into the twist you might play with that you might be perfectly happy where you are upper mornbra yeah if the right arm is up exhale release it right hand grounding inhale reach left arm all the way back up and exhale let it go all right from here big inhale and as you exhale just walk the arms out into on the hatasana releasing either onto the forehead or the chin and dissolving between the shoulder leg good three heart melts to the earth to stay low and exhale just slide back hips to heels let it settle just a couple breaths okay again stay as long as you like or when you're ready inhale lift the hands and knees and then exhale release forearms and elbows down to the earth just a brief alignment check hands to outer elbows on opposite sides obviously don't let them go any wider than that and then release forearms out again okay here we go dolphin pull root down elbows forearms palms inhale to upper toes and then exhale lift the hips lift the knees and start to walk the feet in towards the upper body just as far as feels doable and as you do reach the heart back for the legs yeah you've done so much building of heat deep twisting warming of the spine so that mid and upper back that thoracic spine area should be really nice and warm allowing for more mobility here of course always a forearm stand as a part of your practice you're welcome to come up otherwise just really focusing on this maybe after a few breaths the feet can walk in a little bit more the heart can reach a little bit more yeah good another breath or two all right then we keep the upper body as it is you might need to walk it forward a little depending on the length of your torso and your legs and then start to walk the feet back coming into forearm plank oh just one cycle hug it all in towards the midline press back through soles of feet reach tailbone the heels shine through the heart and breathe seven six five belly in and up four burn it up three whatever it is just throw it into the fire let it go two one more breath child's pose knees to the earth hips to the heels lay it down really strong again just let it go balancing those moments of noble effort with ease and surrender okay moving it down to the earth inhale lift the hands and knees just for the transition tuck the toes lift up and back downward facing dog take a breath or two here and then slowing it down at the bottom of the exhale soft under the knees hop or simply step through to sit and extend the legs straight out for dumbbells and a seated staff if the back body hamstring muscles or back muscles are tight you can always support the sit bones blanket hello whatever you've got and of course help to move flesh from out out from under the sit bones and then just root and outside of hips we're walking back a little arms are longer than torso lift center of belly to center of heart to crown to sky wake up the legs the feet traditionally gazing at the tip of the nose it doesn't feel quite right gaze at the top of the thighs or maybe close your eye great with your inhale reach the arms up and then with the exhale simply hold forward take hold wherever the hands land it doesn't matter then once you have your grip inhale extend through your heart spine gets a little longer and then exhale go ahead and pull okay to let the background here try to keep the low back lifting up out of the pelvis and then just ease down give this a fair amount of space in this practice you worked hard rung a lot out really important to have moments of stillness and grounding to help integrate all that deep work okay keep whatever grip you have inhale just to lengthen and then exhale let's keep the left leg extending and just take the sole of the right foot to the inner left thigh for Janice your shot more grounding and rooting just for a moment twist a little to your left so you're kind of orienting the upper body over that left leg big inhale and then exhale go ahead and fold again just take fold wherever it serves and once you have your bind inhale lengthen reach out through your heart and exhale deep in five four again keep your grip inhale just to lengthen and then exhale let it go and switch the leg nice and simple sole of the left foot to inner right thigh wiggle around a little get a firm foundation just for a moment twist a little to the right you're kind of lining up the upper body with that right leg big inhale and exhale fold again hold wherever it serves and once you have it inhale draw the heart forward lengthening and then exhale deep and deep in deep in back of the right leg up into a little back in the mid back creating space in one breath yeah keep your grip inhale lengthening and then exhale really strap back up let's extend to both legs and then just kind of rock it in and out a little bit okay both legs in bada canassana okay just a little love for the hips before we release all the way to the ear holding the ankles or the feet thumbs wrap inside arching start again with that tall spine lifting up through the central channel and if this is relatively challenging then just stay with it you can prop up the sit bones as well if you feel pretty steady inhale lift the heart and then exhale take it into the fold right and this is where the block can be so sweet if you're in the fold but not all the way on the earth or even if you are taking the block at any height or a stack of blocks or books and blocks under the forehand can be amazing for the neck and you can keep holding the feet or you can let the arms extend out you can kind of be there to help adjust the position of the block hip opening oh I'm kind of restoring a little few more graphs here and then inhale draw yourself up if you have the block move it away for now and then as you exhale keep the soles of the feet together just slide them forward a little bit so you're moving from a triangle shape of the legs to more kind of a diamond shape taking hold shins ankles root through the sit bones inhale kind of draw the heart forward and again feel free to stay here or exhale again fold forward okay depending on length of torso in relationship to length of legs block might come inside of the feet or even between the feet or beyond if you want that support for head and neck okay so we're looking to surrender and restore even as we continue kind of work the opening of the head you can also just release your head right down onto your feet to inhale draw back up remove the block as you exhale just draw the knees together and then sliding forward and gently rolling all the way down onto your back hug your knees in towards your chest and let yourself rock a little side to side yeah really strong really deep work and we'll close as we begin the gentle twist this time on the back knees to the left first hips to the right a little you can take any twist here you like maybe binding the legs add a leg on top and then the right arm goes out to the right and you might follow your right fingertips with a soft gaze and let this be kind of gentle ringing out any remaining remnants about loosened up stir it up in your practice slowing down through the nervous system through the physical body inhale let yourself come back to center hip to the left a little bit and then lower the knees to the right yeah and reach the left arm out maybe following left fingertips with a soft gaze maybe you know letting the eyes close breathing down a little lower back couple more breaths here and then as you're ready inhale let's come back to center and then exhale hug the knees in towards the chest and just gently rock side to side very simple close happy baby knees wide hold ankles or feet keep it still steady or maybe rock a little side to side just play with it four or five more breath finding center finding stillness and then just take a big inhale here and with your exhale let it all go releasing into as always take the final shape that is best for your body if you're tender in the low back you might bend the knees take the feet wide and let the knees fall in towards each other otherwise just extend the legs maybe taking support under the knees maybe covering the body or the eye for physical comfort yes of course but also to kind of send the message to the nervous system to the energetic body that it can release here that it's supported and warm and safe now and it can drop soft your neck and jaw the face and the eyes brow relax lay it all down let's take just one last intentional breath here together through the nose inhaling gently hold and open the mouth exhale just rest let it all go and just rest so gently begin to deepen the breath and as you're ready big inhale reaching the arms up and over and then exhaling bending knees feet to the earth you can roll to either side and maybe stay there for a little while if you'd like in your own time coming all the way back up to a comfortable seat prop up the sit bones if you'd like rest the hands wherever they're comfortable nice and tall through the spine just a moment of stillness here transitioning mindfully from your practice into whatever the next moment holds tall spine deep breath just kind of noticing how you feel allowing whatever arises to arrive giving you lots of space lots of compassion and then taking hands to prayer at heart center exhale empty all out through the nose a big inhale gently inhaling and a soft bow forward with your exhale thank you all so so so much for joining me look forward to hearing from you and welcoming your questions your feedback go gently with yourselves be safe be well namaste


Michelle F
3 people like this.
Dear Rosemary,
I really did feel like I literally melted onto and melded with the floor at the end of this most wonderful session! Thank you so much - it was good for me to push my stamina a bit to get through and the sensation of  stronglightness (haha thats how it felt!)as I lay in savasanah was like a blessing!
Have a beautiful day
Kate M
1 person likes this.
This felt so good in my body/mind. Invigorating and at the same time, so comforting and healing. Thank you for this  gift.
Tetyana M
2 people like this.
Thank you for this beautiful practice!
Laura M
1 person likes this.
What a beautiful practice thank you so much!!
Brian M
1 person likes this.
An amazing practice with the right combo of intensity and sweetness! Thank you!!
Shandi S
1 person likes this.
Rosemary, you always hit it outta the park! Thank you for the slower, mindful pace, perfect for going within and going home; I am one. Love the heat, I feel like a phoenix reborn. Thank you!
Rosemary Garrison
Thank you, Michelle ! I love "stronglightness" ! What a beautiful way to feel. Brava for challenging yourself. And thank you so much for showing up so whole heartedly. Much love. 
Rosemary Garrison
Thank you, Kate . It is oh so nourishing to hear from you... and to know we are sharing the practice far and wide. More love. 
Rosemary Garrison
You're welcome, Tetyana ! Thank you for sharing in it with us. 
Rosemary Garrison
Thank you, Laura ! I'm so happy you enjoyed. Be well and much love. 
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