Vibrant Flow Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 5

Full Circle Flow

60 min - Practice


The full moon is our guide as we explore circling around the mat in this mindful, expansive practice. Surrender to the flow in sun salutes, wring it out in twists, feel the expanse in all directions in Triangle, go inward and find easeful strength in Goddess, and explore your balance in Half Moon. You will feel open and connected.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Welcome, everyone. It is such a joy to be back with all of you. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, wherever you may be in the world. As fate would have it, we are practicing together on a full moon. So typically, the energy around a full moon is really expansive, just a lot of energy flowing through. So we're going to work with that as mindfully as possible. We'll also be kind of playing with full circle movements, right? Maybe turn it around a few times. If you get a little disoriented, all the better, just kind of let this thinking mind surrender so often and have fun with it. Okay, so a comfortable seat. We're going to do just a little pranayama. If you like to prop up your sit bones, grab a pillow or a blanket or whatever. And then any seat that works for you and a wiggle in, root down, let the hands rest wherever they're most comfortable. And then just a soft gaze or close the eyes. Take a moment to ground through the sit bones. And then really tall through the spine, lifting all the way up through the crown of the head. And then we kind of let everything around the spine, around the central channel, soften a little. So eyes and brow, jaw and neck, shoulders always. Now finding a little ease. And then for now, noticing your own natural rhythm of breath. And then gradually, begin to let your breath expand. The inhales move out in all directions, like a big expansive, bright, full moon. And with each exhale, just kind of let yourself settle in ground. Stay without at your own pace. In a moment or two, what we're going to do is just take a big inhale, pause at the top, complete exhale, pause at the bottom. And if for any reason, my rhythm of breath doesn't serve, just let it go and follow your own inner wisdom. Okay, so wherever you are in your breath, exhale, just release it, let it all go. And then together through the nose, let's take a big inhale. Hold. Through the nose, exhale. Hold. Through the nose, inhale. Hold. Through the nose, exhale. Hold. Couple more cycles. Inhale. Hold. Feel that expanse. Through the nose, exhale. Hold. Again, inhale. Hold. And through the nose, exhale. Hold. Beautiful. And then just let the breath flow freely at your own natural rhythm. Notice how you feel. And we'll take the hands to prayer at the heart center, and open together with a gentle arm. Exhale, clear any remaining breath out. And then through the nose, inhaling. Take a moment of stillness here, drop into your intention. Anything at all you'd like to welcome in or clear out, just being really mindful about where you're directing your focus. Yeah, distill it down, let it root in the body. And then as you're ready, let the eyes open. Let's take a big inhale, reach the arms out and up. And then with the exhale, just go ahead and rock it forward, lift up onto the hands and the knees, pausing here, root, crease of thumb and first finger, just a few cycles of cat cow checking out the spine. As you inhale, lift, tailbone, heart, gaze. And as you exhale, round, belly to spine, release the weight of the head, really dropping through the tailbone. And again, inhaling. And with the exhale, rounding belly to spine, releasing the head soft through the neck. Last one, take it at your own pace. And as you do, just notice how is the spine feeling in this moment. Good. And then we'll draw ourselves back to a neutral spine and just start to move the whole torso over to the right and back towards the right hip and then the back center of the mat towards the left hip, left side and forward. Just huge circles with the whole torso, bringing in that circular expansive feeling. One more in this direction. And then when it feels good, just kind of pause, sway and take it the other way for three or four cycles. Your rhythm, your breath, it's kind of notice what you notice, what's showing up as you bring movement into the body. And then gradually, as you're ready, draw yourself back to neutral. And then we root the hands, take a big inhale, tuck the toes and exhale up and back, downward facing dog. About five breaths, easing in, take whatever you need, puddle the feet, to float hip side to side. If you like to spin on the balls of the feet, feel free. It's still just arriving and tuning in.

Play with it, explore within it. A couple more breaths. Okay, then gradually finding stillness. With your next inhale, you're going to ripple forward into plank pose, shoulders over the wrists. And then with your exhale, go ahead and lower the knees to the earth, come all the way down and then extend the arms out, legs back. We're going to play with the vinyasa a little bit this morning. So arms go out, legs go back. With your inhale, go ahead and lift the right arm and the left leg. And then with the exhale, release arm and leg back to the earth. And the other side, inhale, reach left arm, right leg, strong through the back body. Exhale, release. Just again on each side. Inhale, right arm, left leg. Exhale, release. Inhale, left arm, right leg. And exhale, release. Good. Take the hands back alongside the rib cage and help press up onto the hands of the knees. Tuck the toes and exhale, go back into downward facing dog. Stay there. Take a big inhale and just open the mouth. Let it all go on the exhale. A couple more cycles. With your inhale, ripple forward, plank pose.

Exhale, lower knees and come all the way down. Then extending the arms out, legs back. Inhale, lift, right arm, left leg. Exhale, release. Inhale, left arm, right leg. Exhale, release. Again, each side. Inhale, right arm, left leg. Exhale, let it go. Feel the expanse reaching out all directions. Inhale, left arm, right leg. Exhale, let it go. Hands outside of rib cage. Inhale, press to hands and knees. Tuck the toes. Exhale, downward facing dog. Again, stay here. Big inhale through the nose. Exhale, let it go. And then last cycle. Inhale, ripple it forward and with your exhale lower. Knees first, elbows hug in, come all the way down, and then reach it out. Inhale, lift, right arm, left leg. Exhale, let it go. Really warming up through the back body. Inhale, left arm, right leg. Exhale, release. Again, each side. Inhale, right arm, left leg. Exhale, release. Inhale, left arm, right leg. Exhale, release. Good. Hands outside of the rib cage. Inhale, press to hands and knees. Tuck the toes and exhale all the way back. Downward facing dog. Big inhale and open the mouth. Exhale, release. Good. Slowly on the inhale, simply walking the feet forward to the front of your mat.

Take your time. Enjoy each step. Feel the earth beneath you. And then when you arrive, let the feet be about, hips distance. Let the hands fall to the earth. Or maybe hold elbows or even brace on the legs. Take whatever you need. A few breaths, really surrendering the weight of the head. Let the neck relax. A couple more breaths here. Good. Whatever you need. Just finding it in your own body. And then if you're swaying, find the center. If you have any bind, let it go. We're going to take the right hand over to the left ankle. Let the right knee bend and inhale, reach left arm to the sky, twisting and opening, kind of ringing things out internally, waking it all up. Stay for a big inhale. And then exhale, float it back down to the earth. Just switching sides, left hand over to the right ankle. Bend that left knee. Inhale, reach right arm to the sky. Pull shoulder blades down the back. Reach to the heart. Three. And ring it out. And stay for a big inhale. With the exhale, release back into the fold. Keep the head heavy, the neck soft. Keep a gentle bend in the knees and just slowly on your inhale, begin to roll all the way to stand. Keep the head heavy until you're all the way up. And then when you arrive, exhale, roll the shoulders down the back and just shake it out a little bit. Good. Samastitihi. Feet together, front of the mat, hands to prayer, heart center. Drop a little through your tailbone and draw that deep belly in and up. Stay right here. Take a big inhale. Steady. Exhale. With your inhale, just reach the arms out and up. With your exhale, just trace the midline hands right back home to the heart. Big circles with the arms. Inhale out and up. Exhale, draw hands to the heart. Feel that huge expanse. Big circle. Inhale, rise. Exhale, draw the energy back to heart center. Moving on. Inhale, again, reach out and up. This time with the exhale, bow out and down, deep fold. With your inhale, lengthen halfway. And then with your exhale, root the hands, hop or step into your plank pose. Let's pause here. Stay for a big inhale, belly to spine. This time with your exhale, stay with knees first or chaturanga dhanasana. With your inhale, you can play with that shalavasana variation or cobra or up dog. And then with the exhale, take it all the way back, downward facing dog. Long spine, deep full breath for three. And continuing to ease in to warm it all up and wake it all up to. And bottom of the exhale, soft bend in your knees, hop or step forward as you arrive. Inhale, lengthen halfway, shine through the heart. Exhale, release back into the fold. Strong through your center.

With the inhale, come all the way up, reaching it out. And exhale, hands to prayer, heart center. Again, inhale out and up. Exhale, bow out and down. Just halfway. Inhale, reach through your heart. Root the hands, hop or step it back with the exhale, lower as you choose. Take any variation, shalavasana or cobra or up dog. And then all the way back on the exhale, downward facing dog. Just playing with that vinyasa. Taking anything you feel for, maybe skipping it from time to time, make it yours. A couple more breaths here. Bottom of the exhale, soft bend in your knees, hop or step front of the mat. When you arrive, inhale halfway. Exhale, bow and fold. Strong through your center. Inhale all the way up, reaching it out. And exhale, hands home to the heart. Last one. Inhale, rise. Exhale, bow and fold. Inhale, just halfway. Root the hands, hop or step it back. Exhale, lower as you choose.

Play with the vinyasa, any variation you feel for. And we meet in downward facing dog. Again, three breaths, long through the spine, just warming, opening and dropping in, letting the rest start to fade as much as possible. Okay, give it another breath here. Bottom of your exhale, soft bend in the knees, hop or step front of the mat. Inhale, halfway. Exhale, bow and fold. We're going to pause here. Just stay in the fold, take the feet about hip distance and playing with this a little bit, another huge circle with the body. Take hold of opposite elbows and just kind of keep a soft bend in the knees throughout this. Let the legs be intuitive. You'll know how much of a bend you need. Okay, then just sway the upper body over to the right and very slowly inhale, start to roll up the right side. And then towards the top, you're going to let that left elbow lead, heart rising to the sky. And then as you exhale, start to roll down the left side of the body. Good, a couple more in that direction. Let's sway right and inhale, roll it all the way up, let the left elbow lead and then the heart rises and then easing down the other side.

One more in this direction. Inhale, roll it up, heart rising. Exhale, rolling down, stretching side body. Stay in the fold at the bottom, sway a little side to side. And then let's go the other direction and inhale, rolling up the left. Then start to let that right elbow lead and lift and open the heart at the top. Exhale, roll down the right. Two more this direction. Inhale, roll it up, offer the heart at the top. Exhale, roll down the right. Last one, inhale, roll up the left, rising. And exhale, back into the fold. Stay here, just sway. And then release the hands to the earth. Directly up the midline, gentle bend in the knees. Inhale, roll to stand and exhale, melt shoulders down the back. Heel, toe the feet together, hands to prayer, heart center, samasthiti. Through the nose, inhale. And through the nose, exhale.

Utkatasana, bending the knees. Inhale, scoop it up, pause, feel the strength here for a moment, draw that deep belly in and up, weight back in the heels a little bit, really fire up the legs. And then stay here, inhale. And then exhale, just bow about halfway forward. Arda Utkatasana. Inhale, arms go wide. Exhale, reach them forward. Inhale, go wide. Exhale, forward. Last one, inhale, reach. Exhale, come forward, press through the feet. Inhale, lift again. Utkatasana. And then exhale directly out and down into your fold. Inhale, halfway. Here we go. On the exhale, step your left foot to the back of the mat and then press through the feet. And with your inhale, rise up into a high lunge, crescent pose. As you exhale, sit deeper into it. Knees the hips forward, deep and bend in the front knee. Yeah, good. All right, let's play with this a little bit. Stay here on your inhale. And then with your exhale, just let the arms come down alongside the body. Inhale, reach the arms forward and lengthen the right leg. Exhale, bend right knee, arms come down again. Yeah, inhale, rise, let the leg lengthen. Exhale, arms out and down, deep bend in the knee. Again, inhale, rise up. Exhale, bend, arms down, keep the legs as is.

Inhale, reach the arms straight up. And then exhale, open it, warrior two, nice and simple. Extend the arms wide, settle in, steady gaze three. Good. Inhale, just lengthen your right leg. Exhale, spin the feet to parallel, release the hands to the hips. Then let's turn the toes out, heels in, start to sit down into goddess pose. What better full moon pose? Gently rest the forearms on the thighs, keep drawing the deep belly in and up. And then inhale, reach the arms out and up as the legs lengthen. And exhale, sit deeper. Good, two more. Inhale, rise. Exhale, descend. Inhale, up. Exhale, deep bend. Good. This time, inhale, rise. And with your exhale, turn the feet to parallel, just release hands to the hips. Drop the tailbone, inhale, lift the belly, lift the heart. And then exhale, fold, cross, three to padottanasana A, hands to the earth. Inhale, halfway. And exhale, deep bend. We'll get a few chances to revisit this shape. So for this first cycle, just let it be classic, let it be still. Yeah, find the essence of the pose. Legs strong, weight tipping into the front of the feet and really lengthening the back body.

Few more breaths. Good. Okay. With your inhale, lengthen it about halfway up. Here's where it gets really fun. So your left foot, exhale, pivot to the back of the mat and just pause there, hands either side of that left foot, and then lower the right knee. We're going to come into lizard here. Deepen the bend in the left knee as the hands walk inside, and then just start to ease towards the earth. Maybe this is your edge, maybe down onto forearms, left knee hugs in or opens out. See where it shows up in your body. Take the breath there. Just another moment or two. Okay, and then as you're ready, inhale, walk upper body back in and up. Exhale, hands either side of that front foot again. Tuck the back toes, lift the back knee, step straight into plank. Stay here. Inhale, belly to spine. Exhale, lower as you choose. Inhale, lift as you desire, and exhale all the way back. Downward facing dog. Take a couple breaths. Just reconnect. Maybe you're facing the back of the mat. Maybe you're not. It doesn't matter. Again, just kind of surrender to the flow. Go with it. Don't worry so much about the linear mind. Keep grounding through the hands. Inhale, reach right leg to the sky. Exhale, open the hip and the knee. Yeah, let's give that a moment. And then inhale, reach it up. And with your exhale, step right foot forward between the hands. Spin the back heel down to the earth. With your inhale, the left arm opens you into warrior two. Here we are again, just facing another direction. Settle in, legs strong, heart open, arms extending. Three, two.

Inhale, lengthen the right leg. This time exhale, reach it out and down, triangle pose. Any placement of the right hand, soften a little through that left side body to help lengthen the right side body. And then reaching it out. Yeah. Feel that expanse. Forward and back, up and down. Reaching in all directions. Yeah, take a big inhale. From here with your exhale, wrap left arm behind the back. You're always welcome to stay in triangle or we're going to start shifting up into half moon. Start to ease the back foot in and then reach out, plant the right fingertips and always grab a block if you'd like and take it out. Stay here, maybe shift left hand to left hip, maybe left arm to the sky. And then as is, or tapasana, left hand holding left foot, which some people like to call full moon. So see if it's available, see if you feel for it. A few more breaths, just play. Heart shines out. All right. If you have that left foot, very gently let it go and then re-engage through the center. Start to bend that right knee and as you exhale, float it back, warrior two. Settle in, take a moment, just feel into your foundation again and then inhale, lengthen the right leg. Exhale, pivot to the left, hands to the hips and then again into goddess. Turn the toes out, heels in, sit way down into it, gently rest forearms. Here's that rise. Inhale, reach up, exhale, sit deeper. Two more. Inhale, rise, exhale, descend. Inhale up, exhale down. Good. Then inhale, rise, exhale, turn the feet to parallel and just gently trace the midline, come back down into that classic cross rate of shape and then we'll play with it. Keep the legs strong, inhale, lengthen and then exhale, walk the arms out in front of you for hammock. Let the arms get long and let the spine melt. Heart just releases towards the earth, easing down. Three, two, and then slowly inhale, walk it back in, exhale just to ground, hands under the shoulders.

Inhale, just halfway, see your left foot. Here's the full circle. Exhale, pivot back to the front of the mat, hands either side of the foot, lower the back knee. This time we're coming into arta hamasana. Hip straw back, lengthening the left leg. Inhale, reach through your heart and exhale, descend. Good. Breathing into whatever you find. A few more breaths. Mm-hmm. As you feel ready, slowly with the inhale, guiding the hips forward. Exhale, tuck the back toes, lift the back knee, step straight back into plank. Stay there, inhale, belly to spine. Exhale, lower as you choose. Inhale, rise any variation and exhale all the way back, downward facing dog. Take a moment or two here, just coming back to your center. Again and again, always the through line. Your own breath, your intention, your experience within your flow. As you feel ready, bottom of the exhale, soft bend in the knees, hop or step front in the mat when you arrive. Inhale, halfway. Exhale, bow and fold, bending the knees. Inhale, returning to utkatasana. Rise up, sit a little deeper. Good. This time, big inhale and with your exhale, reach back and interlace the fingers. Inhale, lift through the heart and exhale, fold forward. Yeah. Arms go up and over, breathe into those shoulders. Sweet release here, a few more brah.

All right, just for a moment, bending the knees with your next inhale, drop back up into utkatasana. As you exhale, sit a little deeper. Good. Press through the feet. Inhale, all the way up. Exhale, open arms, open heart. All right. Yeah. Inhale, back up and exhale, bow, go right back down into your fold. Inhale, halfway. This time with your exhale, step the right foot to the back of the mat, grounding through the feet, steady foundation with your inhale, rise up, high lunge, pressing forward, second side. Exhale, sit a little deeper. Feel into your stability. Good. Give it a big inhale and then exhale, just let the arms float down to the side. With your inhale, reach them forward and up as you lengthen the left leg and then exhale, arms go out and down, deepen the bend. Again, inhale, reach forward and rise. Exhale, out and down and bend. Steady gaze for balance. Inhale, reach forward and rise. Exhale, out and down, deep bend. Last one, inhale up. Exhale, out and down. Keep the foundation. Inhale, just reach the arms up and then exhale, wide open, warrior two. Here we are, settle in and just feel expanse from heart all the way out, arms and fingertips. Inhale, lengthen that left leg and with the exhale, spin the feet to parallel, release the hands to the hips, toes out, heels in, goddess pose, sitting down into it and then inhale, let the legs lengthen and rise. Exhale, deepen, inhale up, exhale down. Again, rising and descending. This time, inhale, rise, exhale, spin the feet to parallel, interlace the hands behind the back, deepening into the shoulders. Inhale, heart lift and exhale, fold it forward. Good, easing in, soft through neck and jaw. Now just be with it. Another breath or two here.

Yeah, and then with the exhale, simply release, hands come back to the earth and then with your inhale, just halfway, see the right foot, exhale, pivot to the back of the mat, hands either side of right foot, lower back knee down to the earth and here we are on lizard, second side, hands in the side, front foot and then just ease towards the earth. If it's available to you, if not, stay on the hands. That right knee can hug in or open out, it's up to you. Go, yeah, breathe into that. One more breath. And as you're ready, unraveling, inhale, walk the upper body back in and up, exhale, hands either side of the front foot, tuck back toes, lift the knee, step straight into plank and pause, big inhale, exhale lower however you choose. Inhale, lift the heart, any variation and exhale all the way back, downward facing, pausing here. And again, maybe you're facing the back of the mat, maybe not, doesn't matter, just keep going with it, surrendering to the flow, not a breath in your down dog. Come in full circle, inhale, left leg to the sky, exhale, opening the hip, bending the knee. Inhale, reach it up and with the exhale, step left foot forward between the hands, bend the back heel down, right arm opens you, inhale, warrior two, exhale, settle in.

All right, just reconnect to that stability. And then inhale, lengthen the left leg and exhale, reach it out and down, triangle, second side. And yeah, feel the softening in a right rib cage, lengthening in the left. Expanse in all directions. And then with your next exhale, wrap that right arm behind the back, find the hip crease, low back, right hip, doesn't matter. You're welcome to stay right here, or turn gaze down to the earth, start to ease the back foot in, and then reach left hand forward and out a little bit, grab a block if you'd like, and then reach that right leg straight back, press through the heel, keep the right arm bound or hand to hip or arm to sky. And then if you feel for it, chapasana, right hand to right foot, and then opening.

Three, and three, and two. If you have that right foot, very gently let it go and extend the right leg straight back, right arm straight up, reengage through your center, big inhale, slowly exhaling, start to bend the left knee and float the right foot all the way back, warrior two, reconnect. Nice. Inhale, lengthen the left leg, exhale, spin the feet to parallel, release hands to the hips, toes out, heels in, sit way down into it, last goddess cycle. Maybe remember, visualize the last time you saw a full moon rising, inhale, let the legs lengthen and the arms reach up over a mountain ridge, exhale down, over a body of water, inhale, rise, exhale down, wherever it was, picture that beautiful expanse, inhale, rise, exhale, descend, feeling that energy within, inhale, rise, this time with the exhale, turn the feet parallel, trips midline, and release into the fold again. Right, from here we're going to open, toes out, heels in a little bit again, and play with skandhasana, so start to bend the left knee and ease the hips over to the left, could be here, could be a little deeper, could be almost all the way to the earth, absolutely zero pain in this knee, okay, super happy knees, and then just be with this, breathing into hamstring muscles, inner thighs. Good, one more breath, inhale to center line, and exhale just gently over to the other side, come to the right knee, keep the spine tall and vibrant, breathing here, really nice, as you're ready, inhale back to center, exhale just ground here, feet parallel, hands under the shoulders, and then inhale halfway, full circle, exhale back to the front of the mat, lower the back knee, pull the hips back, lengthening the right leg, arda, hanumanasana, second side, find your own edge, inhale, reach through your heart, and exhale, release back into the fold. Yeah, a few more breaths.

Um, as you're ready, slowly inhale, guide the hips forward, bending that front knee, and then exhale, just tuck the back toes, lift back knee, step straight back into plank pose, stay here, inhaling, exhale lower however you choose, inhale, rise, and exhale, downward facing dog, excellent work, so sweet to get lost in the flow, turn it all inside out, upside down. Yeah, it helps us release attachment and control, maybe even just a little bit. Okay, from your down dog, take a big inhale, and then with the exhale, simply release, knees come down to the earth, hips to the heels, child's pull, hips are heavy, spine is long, um, let it be comfortable in your body, take any support you need, and then just release, always so beneficial to balance the vigorous movement, the constant flow with moments of stillness and integration, letting both the physical and the energetic body kind of settle. Yeah, a few more breaths here. As always, you're welcome to just stay in child's as long as you like, when you do feel ready, inhale, lift it back up under the hands and the knees, talk the toes, and exhale, press it back into down dog just for a moment. If you feel for Alavinia here to kind of wash it all the way, keep clearing it out, go for it. Okay, if you want to stay in your down dog and just reconnect with center and breath, do so, here are four more breaths.

Yeah, and then just gradually find stillness in your down dog and take a nice big inhale, the bottom of the exhale, soften the knees and then come all the way through to sit. I'm going to turn towards you for Upavishta Konasana, legs go wide. And of course, if there is tension, tightness in the back body, hamstring muscles or back muscles can be super helpful to support the sick bones, whatever you need. And then let's just start very simply, fingers tend behind the hips and let them press into the earth, feel that help to lengthen the spine. Rooting down, rising up. Yeah, so for some of us, just sitting straight and tall here is challenging. That's you. Enjoy this. Let it be your pose or nowhere else you get. If you feel for the fold, big inhale, reach the arms up and with the exhale out and down. Yeah, just go as far as feels. Good.

When you feel like you might be at your edge, plant the hands on the earth. Inhale, draw the earth towards you. And then exhale, just slowly deepen. You can always take a block under the forehead, a stack of blocks under the forehead. We need a few more breaths here. Mm-hmm. Take your time slowly. If you're in the fold, inhale, walk it back in and up. Exhale, just root. Okay. Inhale, reach the arms out and up. And then with your exhale, take the right hand outside of the right leg, start with those tension fingertips, reach the left arm up and over. And then if you feel for it, you can release to the palm.

This is fairly effortless. You might slide the right arm inside of the right leg. Reach left arm up and over. Keep that left hip rooted. Keep the legs awake, feet gently flexed. Breathing here, expanding through waist and rib cage. More opening through side body. Inhale, draw it all the way back to center. And exhale to the left fingertips outside of the leg, right arm up and over. And then either release to the palm or slide left arm inside left leg. And reach right arm up and over. Heavy through rates of bone. Breathing into side body. One more breath. Yeah, as you're ready, inhale, draw it all the way back to center. And with the exhale, let the arms float down. Use the hands to kind of gather the legs in. And then just slide forward and roll all the way down onto the back. If you have a block beautiful, if you don't, we'll improvise. Rolling down. When you land, hug the knees in towards the chest and let yourself rock a little side to side. Finding air. Okay, keep the knees bent. Just plant the feet on the earth about hips distance and rest the arms alongside the body. Okay, very simple bridge grounding through all four corners of the feet. Scoop the tailbone and then lift the hips up.

All right, arms can rest or you can interlace the hands under the back and kind of crawl your shoulders in and under. You can also slide the block under the sacrum or if you don't have a block but you want more restorative energy, make a little kickstand with the elbows and then just let the hips sink down into the hands. Yeah, can be really helpful. Okay, see your bridge. Feel into it. Three. Two. Okay, if you're on the block or you're loving the kickstand, then just stay there as long as you'd like. Otherwise, releasing the arms melt from the top to the bottom of the spine back down to here and pause. Okay, we're going to rise again into two more backbends. So personally, for me, this expansive full moon high energy vibe is directly related with a really deep expansive backbend but that's not true for everybody. So if you want to stay with your bridge variation, please feel free, right? Your backbends. All right, so rooting through the feet, scoop the tailbone, lift the hips if you're taking bridge or plant the hands under the shoulders, root through feet and hands and with your inhale, rise. Yes. Full expanse through the front body and especially through the heart center. Breathing into this. Three. Two. And then take a nice big inhale through a supported bridge. Stay there.

Otherwise, exhale. Gently release. Come on back down to the earth. Just let it settle. All right. Third and final backbend. Really tuning in. Listen for what serves your body, your practice and then rise up. Follow the breath. All that internal energy. And then whatever variation you've chosen, expand within it. Use your inhales. Move them right into the heart center. Let it open. Three. Two. When you feel ready, on an exhale, release it all the way back to the earth.

And then, Supta Baddha Konasana, soles of the feet together, knees falling open. Let's take right hand to heart, left hand to belly and just let the whole body start to settle and sink into the earth in like a setting moon. Feel the rise and fall of your breath. Feel the energy of your backbending and of your whole practice beginning to settle. Yeah. And then gently draw the knees together. Hug your legs in towards your chest. Rocking a little side to side and let's counter the backbending with a twist here on the back. Legs as is or either leg can cross over. We're going to go to the left first. As the legs, the hips go left, that right arm reaches out to the right, completing the spiral on the spine. That feels good. You can gaze over towards right fingertips. Yeah. As you're ready, inhale, come back to center. Move the hips to the left a little and maybe if the legs are crossed or switch, let them fall to the right, left arm to the left. Exhale, bringing it out all the way up through the spine, through central channel. Releasing the lower back. Yeah. As you're ready, inhale back to center. Exhale, unwind the legs, hug the knees in towards the chest, rocking the body side to side. And then just check in if you need, if you want anything at all before Shavasana, take it, okay? Close the practice with anything you need and then when you're ready, simply release. The legs extend and roll open, the arms rest, palms roll open. If you like support under the knees, if you like to cover the body or the eyes, to be really warm, nourished, grounded, supported for your final rest. And then let it all go. Feel the weight of the body sink down into the earth and at least for now, at least for these next few precious moments, just offer it all up, okay? Attachments, aversions, fears, plans, concerns, whatever it is, whatever's kind of looping in the psyche these days, offer it away, dropping deeper or maybe moving beyond or maybe a little bit of both. Tune into something else and let it replenish you as you rest and integrate your practice. Gently through the nose, inhale and open the mouth.

Exhale, just rest. You you you you you you and gently Bring a little movement into your hands and your feet, and when you're ready on an inhale, extending the arms up and over, and with the exhale, just bending the knees, feet to the earth. You can roll to either side and walk the pause there for a little while if you'd like, and then just gently guiding yourself up to a comfortable seat, and then always free to pop up the sit bones if you'd like, and then resting the hands wherever they're most comfortable, taking the soft gaze or closing the eyes, and let the left hand rest on the heart and the right hand rest on top of the left, and then just a slight bow of head to heart. Feeling that expansive, fulfilling, creative energy within your own center, the rhythms of nature, the rhythms of the practice can absolutely help us access it, but it's always there deep within, just a few breaths resting in that awareness, and then just keep the hands resting on the body, feeling the vibration in the heart center and the chest as we close with the sound of through the nose, inhaling. Thank you all so, so, so much, it is such a joy, be well, be safe, go gently with yourselves and one another, namaste.


Laura M
2 people like this.
Thank you!! Happy Full Moon
Kristi A
3 people like this.
Rosemary, you give me life. Thank you!
Kate M
2 people like this.
Beautiful, beautiful class, Rosemary! I love the way you've explored the full moon theme in your sequencing. Your calming presence projects across time and geography. Thank you!
Erika H
2 people like this.
Thank you so much! I really needed the medicine of yoga, but it turns out I also needed the medicine of Rosemary's voice/presence/being. Grateful!
Brian M
2 people like this.
Thank you for an amazing practice! Your instruction is always so clear and your energy is warm and grounding! Thank you!
Rosemary Garrison
Yay, Laura ! Happy Full Moon to you. When the next one comes around. ; ) 
Rosemary Garrison
Oh, Kristi , thank you! This comment gives me life!
Rosemary Garrison
Thank you, Kate . It's so reassuring and life giving to know we're reaching one another across time and space. 
Rosemary Garrison
Thank you, Erika . What a beautiful thing to say. Melts me. 
Rosemary Garrison
Thank you, Brian . I'm so glad the instruction is clear, especially when we're spinning all over the mat! ; ) Such a joy to have you here. 
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