Dynamic Flow Artwork
Season 2 - Episode 1

Welcome to Season 2

1 min - Show Intro
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Robert welcomes us to Season 2 of Dynamic Flow. Together we flow through 60-minute practices working on flexibility, mobility, and strength, with a strong emphasis on breathing, humor, vulnerability, and good times. These routines are designed to be accessible and functional, offering plenty of ways for you to modify, adjust, and to make your own.

All episodes were originally broadcast live from Robert's home studio on Martha's Vineyard.

What You'll Need: No props needed

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Sep 09, 2020
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Welcome to Season 2 of Dynamic Flow on Yoga Anytime. I'm Robert Sudodi. These practices are recorded live from my home here on Martha's Vineyard. Together we flow through 60-minute practices working on flexibility, mobility, and strength with a strong emphasis on breathing, humor, vulnerability, and good times, of course. These routines are designed to be accessible and functional, offering plenty of ways for you to modify, adjust, and to make your own. Let's do this.


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