45-Minute Yoga Flows Artwork
Season 5 - Episode 4


45 min - Practice


Investigate your inner world with kindness in this dynamic and energizing flow. We move through postures that focus on side bending while bringing balance to the entire body, leaving you feeling strong and receptive.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Welcome. Thank you for joining me for this practice where we will move into a flow practice that is all about opening and heating and just developing some strength and opening specifically in the side body. So we'll move into some side body stretches and really just an invitation to investigate inward with kindness. So I'll periodically ask you to just check in to scan through the body and just kind of notice where things are landing in your body as we move through this flowing practice. So please join me seated. We'll take a moment to land. We'll start by stopping and just arrive here on your mat. You might close your eyes to shift your gaze inward. Begin by noticing your breath, the natural rise of your inhale, the fall and the letting go quality of your exhale. And just take a moment to scan through your physical body from the tips of your toes all the way up through the crown of your head. And as you scan through the body just noticing along the way any areas where you might be holding tension or any discomfort. Inviting those spaces to soften a little bit. And also as you scan just noticing any areas that might feel open, relaxed, without judgment, without getting stuck in any one space, just simply becoming aware. Beginning from wherever you are today, can gently blink the eyes open. We'll inhale to sweep the arms all the way up over the ears. And as you exhale, bring the right hand down to the outside of your right wrist and just reach up and over to the right side. So feel that side body stretch at the left side. Good. As you inhale, come back through center, arms sweep up. As you exhale, tilt over to the left. So left fingertips come to the earth. You can soften your left elbow and reach up and over. Feel that right side body stretch. Good. And then a couple times on either side. So tilt up and over to the right. Inhale center. Exhale left. Go one more. Inhale center. Exhale right side. Inhale center. Exhale left side. Beautiful. And as you come back through center, take a moment to ground, to land. Beautiful. And then meet me in all fours. So we'll come to tabletop. Let's stretch the wrists a little bit. So I'm going to take my right hand and either face it to the side of your mat or you can let the fingers face towards you if that feels okay, pressing the palm of your right hand down to the earth. And then moving into cat cows from here, as you inhale, we'll arch through the spine, lift the heart and the gaze. As you exhale, navel to spine, tuck your chin and press the floor away. Let's do two more. So the inhale come into cow pose.

Exhale cat round and open the back body. One more inhale, open the front body arching lift the heart and the gaze. Exhale press the floor away and round. Beautiful. And then come to neutralize your spine. So that space between cat and cow will turn the right hand forward and then getting into the left side, either turning hand to the left or fingers towards you cat cow. Inhale as you come forward. Exhale round, press the floor away. Two more inhale arching lift up and lengthen. Exhale round. One more inhale front body opens heartless. Exhale navel to spine, press the floor away and round. Beautiful. And then again neutralize, come to that place between cat and cow, turn the left hand forward. And then as you draw your shoulders over the wrist, let's step both legs back to plank pose, come to the top of a pushup. Good. And just take a moment to land in plank. Let the shoulders come over the wrist, hips in line with shoulder blades, gently engaging through the core. Find a little heat here. Good. And then keeping this length, lift your hips up and back into our first down dog. And then you can start to move around. So maybe pedal it out through your feet, bending one leg, straightening through the opposite leg. Maybe sway your hips side to side, really feeling that length in the side body. As you press through both hands, let your torso start to melt back toward the top of your thighs. Good. And pressing through inner and outer hand, let your spine be nice and long. Beautiful. And then on your next breath in, come back to plank pose. So we'll let the entire length of the inhale bring us forward into plank. And then let the entire length of your exhale bring you back to down dog. So fluid with the breath, two more like that. Inhale to plank. Exhale, down dog.

One more inhale forward to plank pose. Good. Exhale, landing in downward facing dog. Good. And then sweep your right leg all the way up and back. As you exhale, draw your knee to your nose and hover in the top of a pushup. So pause there for a moment and then lower your right knee all the way down to the earth. Good. From here, we're going to spin onto the left heel. You can kickstand your right shin back, setting up for art of ashi stasana. Bring the weight into your right hand and then start to sweep your left arm up and over your ear. Good. And then as you come into that nice side body stretch, you'll feel the length from your left fingertips all the way back to your left heel. Beautiful. And then press off your right hand to come to stand on your right knee. Bring your left hand to the outside of your left leg. Gently press the fingers down and then reach your right arm up and over your right ear. So you're stretching through the right side body. Gate pose. Beautiful. And then to come out of there, we'll circle the hands back to the front of the mat, come out the same way you came in. So press through your hands, tuck your back toes, draw your right knee in toward your chest, and then sweep that right leg up and back. Three leg dog. Good. And then just step your right foot down. We'll come to down dog and just take a moment, pedal it out, let that go. And we'll bring that all to the second side. So as you're ready, inhale, left leg lifts. Exhale, draw the knee in toward your nose, press the floor away and hover top of a pushup. Good. And then lower your left knee all the way down to the earth. Good. Art of ashi stasana, spin onto your right heel, kickstand your left shin back. As you press through the left hand, start to bring the right arm over your ear. Feel the length in the right side body. And so you find that line of energy from fingertips back to the right heel. Good. And then press through your left hand, come up to stand on your left knee, and we'll bring the right hand to the outside of the right leg, reach your left arm over your ear. And just breathe all the way up through the left side body. Good. Good. As you unravel, we'll circle hands to the front of the mat, come out the same way you came in. Left knee to nose, and then sweep the left leg up and back. Three leg dog. Good. Step your left foot to meet the right, downward facing dog. Let that go. Big breath in and big full breath out. Beautiful. And then slowly let's walk the feet to the front of the mat, coming into a forward fold. Take a moment to pause here, soften your knees, let everything melt down. Maybe shake your head.

Yes, no a few times. Noticing where you might be holding any tension, the head, the neck, the shoulders. Just inviting that to release. And as you soften the knees, we'll take a slow roll up to stand. Good. Maybe draw your shoulders up towards your ears and roll them out a few times in one direction, and then the other direction. And just take a moment to pause in Tadasana, Mountain Pose. If you'd like to check in with an intention here for your practice, just take a moment to call that in. Beautiful. You might check in with, where is this landing in my body? Where am I holding in my body? Just that somatic element of noticing the physical body. Beautiful. As you're ready, draw hands to heart. On an inhale, sweep your arms all the way up, lengthen through the spine. As you exhale, dive forward. Uttanasana, soften the knees a little bit here. Step your left foot to the back of the mat, and then step your right foot back for downward facing dog. On an inhale, come forward into plank pose, top of a push up. Lower halfway or all the way down through Chaturanga. Inhale, cobra, maybe up dog. Straighten the arms from the thighs up off the earth. Lift the heart.

Good. As you exhale, meeting back in downward facing dog. Good. Then sweep your left leg up, three leg dog. As you exhale, step your left foot through between your hands. Let your back knee lower down. As you sweep your arms forward and up, find an interlace with everything but the index fingers. Find steeple mudra. Good. Then lift up and out of the side waist, and start to tilt over to the left any amount. You feel that right side body stretch. Beautiful. As you inhale, we'll come back through center. Exhale, hands to the earth. Tuck your back toes, and then step your right foot to meet the left forward fold front of your mat. Go down through the feet to rise. Come up to stand as you sweep the arms up. Good. Exhale, hands to heart. We'll take that to the other side. As you're ready, inhale, arms sweep up, maybe gaze up toward your fingertips. Exhale, fold. Good. This time, step your right foot to the back of the mat. Left foot meets the right, downward facing dog. Inhale as you come forward into plank pose. Exhale, lower halfway or all the way, chaturanga. Inhale, cobra or upward facing dog. Exhale, landing back in down dog. As you inhale, right leg lifts. Exhale, step through. Let your back knee lower. Arms sweep up, steeple mudra, everything but the index fingers. Lift up. This time, tilt up and over to the right. Feel that side body stretch in the left. Breathing into the side body.

Beautiful. As you inhale, back through center. Exhale, hands to the earth. Step your left foot to meet the right, forward fold. Good. Root down to rise. Arms sweep out and up. Exhale, draw hands to heart. Good. So we'll move through another round. A little different this time with the breath. Inhale, arms sweep up. Exhale, fold. Good. Step your left foot to the back of the mat. Maybe keep that back knee lifted as you step back right to plank pose. Shift forward, chaturanga. Inhale, cobra or up dog. Exhale, meeting in downward facing dog. Staying with the left side. Inhale, left leg lifts. Exhale, step through between your hands. We'll stay on the ball of the back foot. And then as you find that stability, come up into crescent pose. Inhale, arms sweep up. We'll find that interlace again, steeple mudra. And then tilt up and over to the left side. So reach up and out of the side waist. Stretch through the right side body. Good. Let your inhale bring you back through center. This time as you exhale, hands to the earth. Maybe lift that right leg up to the sky, standing split. And then step your right foot to meet the left, forward fold. Good. Root down to rise. Inhale, arms sweep up. Exhale, gather your hands together in front of the heart and we'll take it to the other side. As you inhale, arms lift, gaze lifts. Exhale, forward fold. This time step your right foot to the back of the mat.

Maybe step right into plank pose, top of a push up. Chaturanga, exhale. Inhale, cobra or up dog. Exhale, meeting back. In down dog. Staying with the right leg. Inhale, right leg lifts. Exhale, step through. Stay on the ball of your back foot as you come up to crescent. Find that interlace with your fingers. Settle in. And then you might reach up and over to the right side. Find the stretch through the left side body. Good. Inhale, center. Exhale, hands to the earth. We float that left leg up, standing split. And then soften as you step your left foot to meet the right. Root down to rise. Arms sweep up. Maybe gaze up.

You might lean back a little. Good. As you exhale, draw hands to heart. Notice where that lands in your body. Check in. Beautiful. And let's come to chair pose. Utkatasana, bend your knees and sweep the arms up. As you exhale, forward fold. Let that go. Inhale, lift halfway. Exhale, plant your palms. Step or lightly float back. Chaturanga, move through your vinyasa. Inhale, heart lifts, cobra or up dog. Exhale, landing. In down dog, allowing a couple breaths here. Finding one point to focus your gaze. Listening to the teacher within. What do you need here? Listening in with kindness, with understanding for where you are. Right here, right now. Good. And as you're ready, let's reach the right leg up. Big breath in. Step through between your hands. We'll set up for a warrior two. So spin your back heel down.

Let your left arm guide you up and open as you come to Virabhadrasana two. Center your weight and sink into that front leg toward 90 degrees. Good. Now as we come into reverse warrior, we'll flip the front palm. As you tilt back, take your left hand to your right wrist and gently draw it back. So you feel that length through the right side. That nice stretch in the arm, the side body, good. And then from here, we'll start to straighten the front leg. And then as you come forward, release your right hand down for triangle pose. Right hand comes below the knee. Left arm lifts up. Stack your shoulders for Trikonasana, triangle. Gently engage through the right quadricep. You might take your gaze up toward your fingertips. Let's breathe here. Breathing in. Breathing out. Take out some space. Take up space. Maybe lean back a little bit. Good. And then from triangle, start to put a bend in your right knee. You can bring your elbow to your thigh or fingertips to the inside of your front foot will come to extended side angle. So start to reach that left arm up. And then from triangle, start to put a bend in your right knee. Reach that left arm up and over your ear. And then breathe here. Couple of deep breaths. Feel the length in the side body. Breathing in. Stay for your exhale. Good. And then start to sweep that left arm in front of your face. Shift to face the side of your mat. So parallel your feet. Hands come under shoulders. And let's plant the right hand down right under your nose. Sweep your left arm up and open your chest to the left. Good. Now you can stay here if you want to find a bind.

We'll sweep that left arm under the right. Reach for the outside of your right leg and bring your hand towards your ankle, your shin, and then maybe reach your right hand forward and take a nice gaze up under that right arm. So prasarita with a little twist here. Breathe. And then go ahead and just release. Come through center on an inhale. Lift halfway. Crawl back to the front of your mat. Come into your runner's lunge. And then from here, plant your left hand down. Sweep your right arm up. Take a twist. Twisting from the navel up. You might roll out your wrists a few times. Good. And then lower your right hand. Step back. Plank pose. Chaturanga. Inhale, cobra or up dog. Exhale, meet me in down dog and then let that go.

Big breath in. Long, full breath out. Beautiful. And then coming to the left side, inhale, left leg lifts. Exhale, step through. Set up for warrior two. Spin the back heel down. Let the right arm guide you up and open. Take a moment to land, to settle in. Find your alignment. Let your shoulders soften. Just relax your gaze. Beautiful. As we flip the front palm and tilt back for reverse warrior, this time we'll bring the right hand to the left wrist. As you sink deeply into that left knee, feel that length in the left side body. Breathing into the stretch. Good. And then start to straighten through your front leg. So you're in reverse triangle. And then as you come into triangle pose, we'll keep that length in the left side body. Let your left hand fall somewhere below the knee and reach your right arm up. Good. Engage gently through the left quadricep. Maybe take a gaze up toward your right fingertips.

And then again, can you take up space here? Lean back. This posture is all about spaciousness. Find some ease in your effort. Breathing in and breathing out. Good. And then we'll put a gentle bend in that left knee. As you come to extended side angle, you might rest your elbow on top of the thigh. Feel free to bring hands down to the earth or a block. And if it feels okay in the shoulders, we'll bring that right arm up and over the ear. Extended side angle. And again, we have that intention of feeling the length through the side body. From fingertips to back heel. Breathe. Good. And then sweep the right arm in front of your face and pivot so you're facing the side of the mat. Hands under shoulders. Walk the hands back in towards you. And then maybe we'll take that twist. If you did that on the first side, draw the left hand right under your nose. With your hips level, you can sweep the right arm up, open up to the right side. You could stay right here or start to thread your right arm under your left. Find the outside of your left leg this time. You can walk the left hand forward and then take a gaze under your left arm. A little twist. A couple breaths. Beautiful. And then slowly release that. Come back through center and then walk to the front of your mat. Find your runner's lunge. We'll take a twist here as you come onto the ball of your back foot. Plant your right hand down and then sweep your left arm up. Twist from the navel up. Stay active in your right quad. Maybe roll out your wrists a few times in either direction. Beautiful. And then lower your left hand down. Step back. Plank pose. They're moving through your vinyasa. Feel free to skip it. If you're moving through, come halfway or all the way down. Chaturanga. Inhale, cobra or upward facing dog.

Exhale. Crack, crack, crack. Downward facing dog. Breathe in. Breathe out. Good. And then let's take a moment. Rise high up onto your toes. Let your knees come down to the earth. And then if it feels okay, we'll untuck the toes. Sit back on the heels and pause for a moment. And as you pause here just for a moment, you might draw one hand to your heart. Maybe close your eyes and just take a moment to notice where that lands in your body. Just checking in with the question of what am I experiencing in my body right now?

Where's the predominant sensation? Feel your heart beating in your chest. And you're welcome to stay here as long as you'd like in this inquiry. The rise will move into one more standing sequence. So take your time as you come back into downward facing dog. We'll tuck the toes, lift our hips up and back. Good. Right leg lifts on an inhale. As you exhale, step your foot through between your hands and lower your back knee down to the earth. Good. Sweep the arms forward and up on your breath in. And then draw your hands to your heart center. So we'll move into a twist from here. As you keep the length in your spine, hook your left elbow to the outside of your right leg. Now you can start to wiggle in a little bit so the leg comes high up on the arm. And then you could stay right here. I'll give you some steps. If you want to go a little deeper, you'll tuck the back toes and lift the back knee up. You can stay here or start to bring your left hand to the outside of your right leg. Maybe reach your right arm up and over your ear. So that's a pretty big twist. Go easy with that without force. You can feel into that side body stretch. Couple full deep breaths. And then you can release on your exhale. Gaze down. Bring your hands to frame your front foot. Pyramid pose.

Step your left foot in into the left a little bit and let everything melt down over that front leg. Let your torso drape down. Try to let your hips stay level. Good. And then from here, step your feet together at the back of the mat in downward facing dog. From there, glide back into plank pose. Top of a push-up. And then start to roll to the outer edge of your right foot. Now you're welcome to bring the right knee down like we started with. Art of Ashi Stasana. Or wait until you get to the right foot. You're welcome to bring the right knee down like we started with. Art of Ashi Stasana. Or wait until the right hand. Sweep your left arm up. And then maybe you take that top arm over your ear. Feel the stretch in the side body. If you want to come into tree pose, you'll find your left ankle. Bring the foot to the inner upper thigh.

And then left arm over ear as you tilt to the side here. Engage your core. Move through center. Slowly. You can keep tree as you come back to plank if you have it. You might move through a vinyasa here. Chaturanga. Replacing that left foot down as you come to cobra or up dog. And then meet me in down dog. Big breath out. Inhale. Maybe stick out the tongue, lion's breath. Lion's breath. Let it go. As you're ready. Inhale. Left leg lifts. Exhale. Gaze forward. Step your foot through between your hands. Let your right knee come down to the earth.

Sweep the arms forward and up on Jnayasana. Good. And then draw your hands to your heart. Now keep the length in the spine. Find this foundation so you're pressing through the right shin. And then from the navel up, hooking the right elbow on the outside of the left leg, you might scoot in a little deeper as you bring the leg to the upper arm. And then prayer in front of your heart. So you could stay right here. Maybe tuck your back toes. Lift that back knee. You might bring that right hand to the outside of your left foot and the left arm up and over your ear without force. And feel that length through the side body. Big breath in. As you exhale, gaze down. Hands frame your front foot. Pyramid pose. Step your right foot in into the right a little. Just letting the torso drape down over that left leg. Press into the ball of your left big toe. Hips level. More than anything. Find your breath. Beautiful. And then step your feet together at the back of the mat in down dog. Glide forward into plank pose. Top of a push-up. Roll to the outer edge of your left foot this time. Welcome to bring the left knee down or weight into the left hand. Reach your right arm up for Vashisthasana. Maybe bring the right arm over your ear. If you want to take tree pose, you'll find that right ankle. Bring the foot to the inner upper left thigh. Maybe reach that right arm back up over the ear. Breathe. Good. And then from your core, if you have tree, maybe keep that position. We'll come to Chaturanga.

Replace the foot down as you come to cobra or up dog. And then meet me. And down dog. Beautiful. And one more time. Come high up onto the toes. Knees find the earth. Take a moment to sit back on your heels and check in. Take a moment to notice where you're experiencing this internally. Again, welcome to stay here as long as you like. Otherwise, we'll move into a headstand prep and you can stop anywhere along the way as we come into this inversion. So I'm interlacing my fingers, tucking the pinky finger in so I don't smoosh it, and then bringing hands down to the earth, forearms down. So as you open up your hands, that will create support for the back of your head.

And I want to tuck my chin and let the very top, the crown of the head, come down to the earth, gently pressing into the crown of the head and then letting the hands rest on the back of the head, hug your elbows in, press a lot of weight into the forearm so that the shoulders start to draw down the back. And then again, you can stop right here. This might feel like enough for you. If you want to go a little deeper, you'll tuck your toes, start to lift the knees up, and you can start to walk the toes in towards you as your hips start to come over your shoulders. Now, instead of kicking up, you want to lift from your core. So you might play with drawing one knee in toward your chest, and then placing that foot back down, drawing the other knee into your chest, really engaging through the core here, keep pressing into the forearms, draw the shoulders down. And if you're going upside down into headstand, you'll draw both knees into your chest, lift from your core, straighten the legs up toward the sky, and then squeeze the legs together, engage your glutes, and breathe here, a couple full deep breaths. And then as you come down, slowly bring the feet back to the earth, lower the knees. As you come to child's pose, maybe reach your arms back behind you. You might feel a big rush of energy after going upside down. So again, just taking that quick scan to notice where does this land in the body, investigate with kindness, breathe. Beautiful. And then slowly roll up. As you sit back onto your heels, we'll set up for camel pose. So stand up on your knees and let your knees be about hips distance. I'm going to tuck my toes and let the hips come over the knees.

And again, you can stop anywhere along the way here as we progress into camel, bring your hands to support your low back, I'm bringing the fingers to face up, hug your elbows back, feel the lift from your sternum. So it's as if your sternum had a string that went straight up toward the sky, hug the elbows back, lift the heart, and you could start to lean back, keep the hips over the knees, you could stay right here, or maybe reach your hands back to find your heels, keep reaching the sternum up toward the sky, lift the gaze. Breathe. Big expansive heart opener. Good. And then coming out the same way we came in, we'll support the low back, lift from your core, and then gently sit back on your heels. And again, it's one of those poses, at least speaking for myself, where I feel big, giant rush of energy after the pose. So just feel your heart beating. And again, noticing where in the body it lands, where am I experiencing this? In this moment, it might be different today than it was yesterday, or it will be tomorrow. Be here now. Beautiful. And as you release that, let's just bring the weight off to one side, we'll bring the legs out in front of us, setting up for a seated fold. So as we come into Janu Sarsasana, we'll bring the right foot to the inner upper left thigh, let your left leg open up to the left, flex your left foot. And you can kind of center your weight here, reach your left hand to the inside of your left leg, you can soften that left elbow, and then reach the right arm up and over your ear. So tilting over to the left. And again, you're feeling that nice side body stretch on the left. Eventually, you might find your toes. And breathe, feel the opening in the lower back on the left side. Rotate open a couple breaths. Good. As you inhale, gently come up out of there, we'll find a twist. So bring your right fingertips behind you. Left hand comes to your right knee, sit up nice and tall on your sitting bones and gently gaze over your right shoulder. Big breath in. Exhale, gaze forward and release that. We'll take it to the other side. Let your right leg go out to the right, bring your left foot to the inner upper right thigh and then center your weight. So you might lift your hips up and gently place them back down on the earth. And as you set up here, we'll reach the right hand to the inside of the right leg. Soften your right elbow, and then lift up and out of that left side waist.

Tilt up and over, feel the length in the left side body, maybe gaze up. Couple breaths. Breathing in. And stay for your exhale. Good. As you inhale, slowly come up and we'll twist to the other direction. So left fingertips come behind, right hand to left knee. Lengthen through the spine, maybe gaze over that left shoulder. Breathe in. Breathe out. Good. And then take your gaze forward, unravel, bring both legs out in front of you, flex through your feet. As you inhale, sweep your arms up, and then exhale, fold coming into Pashimottanasana. Ah, just letting everything melt down. Let your hands down, let your hands down, and then exhale, fold coming into Pashimottanasana. Ah, just letting everything melt down. Let your hands fall wherever they fall. As you inhale, lengthen through your spine, lift the heart and the gaze. As you exhale, soften and release back into your fold.

Good. And then slowly come up to seated. We'll bring the hands behind us. Fingers face in towards you. Point your toes down to the earth, lift your hips, and lift your gaze. Purbottanasana, big full breath in. Maybe stick out your tongue, lion's breath. Good. Let your hips lower, lower, and then gently we'll roll onto our back. Take the knees with you as you hug your knees into your chest. Gently rock a little side to side. Beautiful. One more twist here. We'll keep the right knee hugged in. Let your left leg go long. As you come into the twist, start to draw that left knee across your body. Reach your right arm out to the right and gently gaze over your right shoulder. Ring it all out. Beautiful. And gently as you come back through center, soles of the feet, find the earth, lift your hips and just place them back down on the earth. Good. And let your right leg go long. Hug your left knee into your chest. Give it a squeeze. And then draw your left knee across the body with your right hand. And you can reach your left arm out to the left and gazing over your left shoulder. A couple of breaths. As you inhale, find some length. As you exhale, ease into the twist a little bit more. Big breath in. Long breath out. Good. As you come back through center, take a moment, bring the soles of the feet to the earth, lift your hips, place them back down. Take a pause for a moment. Maybe draw hands to belly. Just noticing how you feel and what comes up for you here.

Good. And then stretch both legs long on your mat. Reach your arms up over your ears, take hold of your left wrist and just start to tilt up and over to the right side. So it's a side body stretch on your back. Feel that nice length. One more side body stretch. Maybe gaze to the right. Good. And as you come back through center, we'll hold the right wrist, tilt up and over to the left. You can kind of let that right hip sway to the right. Breathe into the side body here. So nice. And then slowly as you come back one more time, gather the knees into your chest, rock a little side to side, massage your lower back, and then take happy baby holding on to the feet, the ankles or your shins. Let your knees go wide. See if you can get the spine to elongate. So the tailbone melts down, the shoulders soften, and you might rock a little side to side. You might straighten out through the legs here. And if there's anything else that you need in your practice to feel complete, listen to your body. What does it need in this moment?

Otherwise, we'll draw the knees back in and wrap the forearms around your shins, draw your nose up to your knees. So you're hugging everything in to a tight little ball, allow a big full breath in holding the breath up at the top. Sip in a little bit more air, open the mouth, sigh it out. And as we come into our final resting pose, we'll just move us into a body scan. So we come into the shape of Shavasana, letting the legs go long. Let your feet relax open, can bring your palms on either side of your body, let your shoulders release. If it feels safe, let your eyes close. And then bring your awareness to your toes. Relax your toes, soles of the feet, softening, ankles, shins, knees, thighs, entire legs, the length of your legs, let them be heavy and held. Softening the lower belly, your hips, through the rib cage, the heart space, chest, let your shoulders soften, throat, right arm, right wrist, wrist, palm of your right hand sensing from the inside out, softening, left upper arm, lower arm, wrist, palm of your hand sensing from the inside out and softening, jaw, soften the space behind your eyes, third eye, crown of your head, your neck relax and the entire length of your spine feel held. And just rest.

And gently bringing the awareness back to the physical body, inviting any movement back to the fingers, the toes, the ankles, wrists, full body stretch as you reach your arms up over your ears, point through your toes, big breath in as you grow long and release on your exhale. Let the soles of the feet find the earth, bend your knees, roll to either side, you might take a moment to pause on your side, notice what you notice. And then with that ease of shavasana, we'll press our way up to any comfortable seat, just taking a moment to land where we started, check in and notice how you feel, scan through the body, drawing hands together and anjali mudra in front of the heart, this mudra of gratitude, checking in with one thing you feel grateful for today, and holding that with you as you move out into the rest of your day. Thank you for sharing this practice. Namaste.


Jenny S
4 people like this.
There’s nothing like a big beautiful full body stretch first thing in the morning … this was lovely…and oh! that savasana! Feeling so peaceful 🌅🍂🙏🏻
David G-
2 people like this.
Jenny: so right! This is my active recovery day, and I saw a new session, and good times! Then the Nidra element. Please add more of that in Savasana and any Professor Miller insights... Also, the watery flow transferred to the mat with a Lydia practice. So thankful for that. ".    
3 people like this.
Sarah, this practice was so nourishing! I came in with upper back pain and stiffness and within just the first few minutes and all the delicious side stretches, all pain was relieved. I had no idea the side body opening would be so helpful. Always great to practice with you and the sequencing was excellent as usual. Thank you!
Sarah Beston
Good morning, Jenny S!  Ahhh ... you're inspiring me to go do some side body stretching this beautiful fall morning. Sending love!
Sarah Beston
Good morning, David G-! Yes! I am filming another season of 20 minute flows in a few weeks and will see if I can sneak in a yoga nidra practice as well. Thanks for the inspiration!
Sarah Beston
I am so happy to hear that this practice relieved some upper back pain and stiffness, Shawn! I absolutely love side body stretching and also find that it helps with back tension. Thank you for practicing with me here. Warmly, Sarah
Christel B
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One question: So if you need to kick up to get into headstand, does that indicate that maybe your core isn't strong enough?
Sarah Beston
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Hi, Christel B! Thanks for asking. Not necessarily, however, I teach it this way because it feels safer to me to focus on the core strength and the weight supported by the upper body as a way to keep the integrity of the posture and keep the neck safe. Headstand is a beautiful shape and definitely has many benefits, but needs to be approached with caution and care to stay safe. I hope this helps. Feel free to reach out with any questions. Warmly, Sarah
Diane C
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Sarah Beston
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Thanks for sharing and for practicing with me, Diane C!
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