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Season 1 - Episode 3

The 4th Dimension

10 min - Talk


Erich shares his freshest insights into the nature of consciousness and Infinity, expanding our awareness to allow for new ways of Seeing and Being. He invites us to sink into the possibility that we are 4th dimensional conscious beings. Prepare for your mind to be blown.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Oct 20, 2015
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I've been asked to talk about the fourth dimension, as though I know anything about it, but it is a phrase I used recently trying to describe something, the something that's happening. It's not a phrase that I've used much in my life, but again, it feels like we're going to start talking about it more. It feels like we're on the verge of new languaging about the event we find ourselves in. The fourth dimension, and sort of like the first question you might wonder about the fourth dimension is like, what is the fourth dimension? And just in easy words, it's that which embraces the first three.

And it's sort of like, in practical terms, and partly why I'm starting to talk and think and conceptualize in this way, is that increasingly the sense is that you're not a form being conscious. You're not a body being conscious. You're that which is aware of forms. And that which is aware of forms is not a form. And yet it's really happening.

It's sort of like the fourth dimension is infinity. The fourth dimension, it's sort of like circles within circles, except the fourth dimension, there's no circle. There's no boundary to the fourth dimension, and so the fourth dimension is infinite. Now when I first started using the word infinite, or I remember when I was a kid and hearing the word infinite, what I thought infinite meant was one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one. You know, like a whole bunch of plus ones, infinitely.

Infinity would then be based on infinity. But the word infinite means not finite. Finite is anything with a form. Finite is our forms, anything with a border or a boundary, like this little schmacker is a form. My hand is a form, the ring is a form, the towel is a form.

These are forms, and when you start talking about formlessness, that which is unlimited, that which has no border or boundary, at first it's like, well, what do you mean? How could something which is not a thing even be there? But it's sort of like, in order for a form to even seem to be there, it's got to be, forms are happening in formlessness. It's sort of like planets, stars, galaxies are floating in space, formless space. Space is not a form, it's the place, the context in which forms are happening.

And sort of like the quick understanding of what the fourth dimension is, the fourth dimension is the space in which space is happening. The fourth dimension is mind or consciousness. And you're conscious, I'm conscious. And therefore, essentially we're fourth dimensional conscious beings who are aware of forms. This is sort of equivalent to, we used to think the earth was flat, and then we begin to have insight, oh wow, the earth's not flat, the earth is round.

Nothing changes, except everything starts becoming different. It's not like because the earth is round you got to hang on because you'll fall off. No, things are exactly the same except your assessment changes, your understanding changes. And sort of the significant point is, you're not a form being conscious, you're that which is aware of forms. Forms are always changing, sort of like the weather is always changing, but the weather which is always changing is happening in formlessness which is not changing.

And so part of what this seems to be about is like beginning to just change your address from thinking you're a form in the middle of vast space to the clarity that, oh wow, you're the vast space in which things are happening. You're not in a universe actually, the universe is in your consciousness. You're not in a body, your body is in your awareness. Nothing changes except suddenly everything starts getting turned inside out. Now when people first had insight and began to prove that the earth was flat, was round instead of flat, no one knew what it would mean, but like we're having a radically different experience on the planet now that we understand, have a different understanding about it.

The same sort of thing is my prediction. The same sort of thing is going to, except of a greater magnitude, is going to start happening as we start realizing that we're not the form which is constantly changing. We're actually the formless conscious being which is aware of change. That's going to change how we live, fourth dimension. The one dimension that's actually always been here, the only thing that's actually going on right now, not a new state, and yet everything gets turned inside out to where you start seeing the newness of things.

The big insight for me on this is that when you identify yourself as the form, which is always changing, then you're likely to think, oh man, I'm going to eat it when I'm 80. I'm going to eat it because of my genetics. You believe in death, but increasingly the insight is there's no such thing as death. There's ongoing morphation, but the ongoing morphation is happening within the formless conscious mind that you are, that I am, that we all are. You're not a form being conscious, you're that which is aware of forms.

It's sort of like the all is in infinite manifestation, infinite individuation, and the consciousness of the all is looking at itself from every specific individuation. You can think that you're you somehow in the middle of a vast universe and feel like a little speck and feel little. But if you actually stay with your actual now experience a little longer and a little longer and a little longer, it's easy to start discerning the fact that, wow, you're not in a universe. The universe is in your mind, in your consciousness. And again, just start shifting your address from thinking that you're a speck in the middle of infinity to the realization that, wow, you're infinity looking out at manifest creation.

I don't know what it's going to mean, but I think it's going to like start resulting in improved health, the eradication of disease, etc., we'll see. But yeah, I'm happy to be learning about this. The fourth dimension is a way of talking about it. Increasingly it's just the realization that really there's just one dimension. The infinite, if there is such a thing, is like the only place in which anything is happening.

There aren't other dimensions. There's like one infinite context in which manifest creation is happening. So something like that, talking about it as the fourth, but really there's just one. Nothing changes except your whole world starts turning inside out. From an experiential level, for me what it feels like, it sort of feels like I'm a camera lens.

It's just like walking around looking at things, the all looking at itself from this specific start, ohm, peace.


Anne J
2 people like this.
Thanks for the courage to talk about it, Erich. You're being willing to tell the truth - and we all benefit. Thank you, too, Yoga Anytime, for sharing this.
Katie M
2 people like this.
YES. Onward in joyful curiosity!
Katherine E
1 person likes this.
Thank you, Erich. I always look forward to your talks and
practice. I love how you bring the truth out.
Peace and love.
Gail Thompson
Wow. Cool. It always makes more sense when I hear you explain it.
Selima G
2 people like this.

Many blessings ... I experience awareness and consciousness as separate from Mind...It stands behind. "I" watch my mind launch into gear with its comings and goings but that mind is the layer above/before/in front of the almighty Infinity which is my true nature. The Kingdom, if you will. Have you found that too? OM...! Selima
Stephanie S
Loved this... While listening to it I started to compare it to David Hume's philosophy of self: that we are merely bundles of perceptions (which we have no control over) that attempt to make the perceptions evidence that the self exists, even though this is unjustifiable. However, your way of describing it is much simpler, rather than forms that are conscious, we are all consciousness that is aware of forms (though ultimately the forms are not something we have ownership of or should view as the totality of our being, since our true state is consciousness which cannot be contained ). Thanks Erich, I keep on loving your videos!
Eila B
1 person likes this.
Beautiful. Thanks for the reminder Erich, and for posting these rich insights YA!
4 people like this.
I am amazed. I keep hearing things inside of me saying i am the vastness of the universe..like I'm inside out.. Erick just gave it a name and form (or formlessness 😆) I am genuinely blown away....
Kate M
3 people like this.
Seriously mind-blowing!!
David G-
1 person likes this.
Thought-provoking. Makes me want to be back in college and have a dormitory discussion.  Thanks! 

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