Freedom Yoga Immersion Artwork
Season 4 - Episode 6

Freedom Yoga Practice, Day 4

15 min - Practice


Listen for inner guidance, and become aware of what you find yourself channeling. We begin with a freedom practice for about 10 minutes, and then Erich guides us in a closing meditation. We invite you to play your own music, or click here for the song Erich used in this class.


1. Nomad Song ~- Stephen Micus

What You'll Need: Mat

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Okay, this will be one song. Let the free form, one song. This is a beautiful song. Watch how you get out of where you are. Watch how you get out of there.

Watch how you get out of there. Watch how you get out of there. Watch how you get out of there. Watch how you get out of there. Watch how you get out of there.

Watch how you get out of there. Watch how you get out of there. Watch how you get out of there. Watch how you get out of there. Watch how you get out of there.

Watch how you get out of there. Watch how you get out of there. Watch how you get out of there. Watch how you get out of there. Watch how you get out of there.

Watch how you get out of there. Watch how you get out of there. I watched a little just then. That was beautiful. This is cool watching people do free form.

Watch what you're doing. It's a brand new event. Be in learning mode, observing mode. Grounded. Through whatever is on the ground.

Wobble gently, even micro wobble as you grow tall. Head on perfectly. And then relax and bloom open. But do stay aware of your surroundings. Aware of sounds, aware of breeze, of temperature.

And get really good at relaxing, releasing tension all around your eyes. And again, watch where you go when you take your attention to the area of your eyes. Watch what direction you flow. All through your cheeks, all through your face. Watch what direction you go.

Watch what direction you go. Watch what direction you go. Watch what direction you go. Again, practice saying the body authorization. I authorize my body to release whatever is not necessary to its perfect functioning.

And I withdraw any prior conscious or unconscious authorization to the contrary. I authorize my body to release whatever is not necessary to its perfect functioning. And get the feeling of the healing. If there's a particular part of your body that's wonky, then you say, I authorize my shoulder to release whatever is not necessary, whatever is whatever it was. Okay. You get the idea.

Okay. Peace. Swim through the manual. Thank you for being here today. Very fun. Very fun. We're doing great work, I think.


2 people like this.
1 person likes this.
Just an fyi, the you tube video of the song is no longer available. I realize it's been 3 1/2 years, but thought you might like to know anyway. Thank you.
Kira Sloane
Lori, thank you! I found it on Spotify so we will update. xoKira
Sarah Beston
Lori , this has been updated. Thank you!
Sarah N
1 person likes this.
TY 🙌
Erich Schiffmann
and thank you too
Shelly R
What manual?  May I purchase?  Loving this! 

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