30 Day Yoga Challenge: Day 7: Athletic & Kinetic<br>Robert Sidoti

30 Day Yoga Challenge: Day 7: Athletic & Kinetic
Robert Sidoti

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Paige G
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Thanks Robert! Sorry I wasn't clear about the blocks and keeping the hips square in downward dog--I meant they are harder to keep square when I lift one leg up high, before bringing the knee to the nose. When I have blocks under my hands, my hip automatically turns out when I lift the leg high. Thanks for the tips on the side plank--bringing attention to the obliques definitely helps! After trying that, I realized I wasn't engaging them at all!
Brianna V
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Enjoyed today! Felt very accomplished to do a week straight of yoga. Cannot wait to see how I feel on day 30! Thank you!
Elle H
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I thought I'd never master the downward facing dog, properly, but today I have..yippee. And, I wanted to say, that, daily yoga is such a good feeling because of the slower pace of progression and the exhilarating feeling it leaves afterwards
Erika H
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New shorts for Robert! I love it -- since I imagine that you're not exactly filming 20 minutes a day, for 30 days.
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Robert I don't have any blocks and don't know if I am going to be able to get any before the challenge is done. I have tried books but they do not work so I am doing it without the blocks - it seems to be working do you have any comments about that. Today was hard as I was really tired but I made it. BTW I am finding that I am getting cramps in the bottom of my feet. Do you have any suggestions. Thanks and see you tomorrow.
Robert Sidoti
Thanks for your comment and for joining Brianna! I love the feeling of doing yoga everyday! Seenyou along the way of the challenge:)
Robert Sidoti
Elle, congrats on your down dog accomplishment, I love when I'm able to feel a posture in a new way .
Glad you are enjoying the slow and progressive style and approach
Robert Sidoti
Morning Erika! Yes, new shorts for me, love this pair:)
How are you feeling?
Robert Sidoti
Good morning Sam! I totally get it about the blocks. It's fine not to use as long as you don't force or overdue a pose due to reaching to the floor, maybe you can find a way to gently use your thigh or shin area for support, to keep your spine lengthening etc. You are still early (ish) on, it may be worth ordering some blocks, could be nice to have moving forward.
Cramps in feet is totally normal! I'd say take a moment to pause and rub the area a bit until it goes away then resume practice, happens to me still at times and it's not a big deal. I feel it's happening because the muscles in that area are being used in a way they have not in a while and are struggling a bit, make sense? :)
All my best!
Kristi C
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So my 30 day challenge has been ever so slightly stretched out (I just finished day 7 after starting 11 days ago), but still, I showed up!! I thank you for seeing me too Robert!
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