Your 30-Minute Go-to Yoga Sequence Artwork
Season 2 - Episode 9

Go-to Sequence 2 v.8

30 min - Practice


Exhale everything. With ease and special awareness on the heart, Alana guides us in an uplifting and energizing flow practice. You will feel expansive and peaceful.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Welcome to our go-to sequence. Join me at the top of the mat for sun salutations. Let's interlace the fingers, spread the toes, soft bend through the knees, and rise up, lengthening, taking it over to the right, lengthening the left side. Inhale, back up, over to your left, lengthening the right side. Inhale, brings you up, exhale, release the arms, roll the shoulders forward, interlace, inhale, lift up, exhale, forward fold, soft bend through the knees, release the head, stretching the arms up out and over, maybe you're rolling the weight forward into the balls of the feet, soft bend through the knees, release the hands as you're ready, roll up, head last, chin into the chest, take your time unfurling your spine, cross through the feet, feel the heart, the shoulders and head. Let's walk the feet together, bring the hands with the heart, clearing breath, inhale, exhale, everything, moving with the breath, inhale, sweep the arms up, lengthen, exhale, diving forward and in, release the head, inhale, half arch, lengthen your spine, exhale, plank pose, pause and plank, feel your foundation strong through the legs, draw the deep blood belly up into the spine, let's lower the knees, lower onto the belly and inhale, rise up, cobra, lift the chest, press into the palms and then lead with the heart, slow lower down, tuck the toes, press up, downward facing dog, couple of breaths here, pedaling out the feet, stretching out the back of the legs, any movement here, you might come high up onto the balls of the feet and then let the heels get heavy towards the earth, lengthening through the sitting bones, the spine, as you're ready, walk the feet nice and easy towards the hands, the inhale brings you up halfway and exhale, folding forward and in, strong through the legs, inhale, sweep the arms up, press through the feet, feel that energy up through the arms and exhale, bring it back to the heart, two more rounds, inhale, arms sweep up and exhale, diving forward and in, release, inhale, half arch, lengthen, exhale, plank pose, pause and plank, strong through the legs and the core, lower the knees, lower down and inhale, rising up, cobra, roll the shoulders up, lifting up through the chest, broadening through your collarbones, lead with the heart, slow lower down, tuck the toes, press up and back, downward facing dog, let's take three breaths here, really lengthening through the spine, back of the neck, soft, soften through the knees, look forward, walk or hop your feet towards your hands, inhale, half arch, exhale, folding in, strong through the legs, inhale, rise up, sweep the arms up, draw the tailbone under, lengthen, exhale, hands to the heart, last one like this, inhale, arms sweep up, exhale, forward fold, releasing, hinge at the hips, inhale, half arch, lengthen, exhale, walk or hop back, plank pose, pause again and plank, lower the knees or slow chaturanga elbows in, inhale, cobra or maybe you're ready for an upward dog, lifting the thighs, the chest, exhale, navel to spine, downward facing dog, few breaths here, we'll walk the feet together, as you're ready, inhale, reach the right leg up, bend the knee, open the hip, circle out the ankle, softening through the neck, inhale, stretch the right leg up to the sky, as you're ready, exhale, right knee, right elbow, hover, inhale, right leg reaches, exhale, need a nose, curl and round, step through, twisting lunge, inhale, sweep the right arm up, lift that back left thigh up, reach from the heart into the hands, easy up through the neck, sweep the right arm down, lower the back left knee, rising up for your low lunge, hands might find that right thigh, drawing the hips forward, drawing the tailbone under, nice and easy through the neck, inhale, let's sweep the arms up, feeling that lift from the back of the heart, beautiful, today let's bend the elbows, cactusing the elbows, opening up through the chest, easy through the neck, beautiful, inhale, sweep the arms up, exhale, frame the foot, draw the hips back, little hamstring action here, half split, nice, slow bend that right knee, tuck your back toes under, high crescent lunge, strong through the legs and hips, as you're ready, inhale, bring the hands onto the hips, draw the tailbone under, let's inhale, sweep the arms up towards the sky, let's play with bending that back knee today, drawing the tailbone under, beautiful, arms reach up towards the sky, or you might cactus the arms again, breathing, stabilizing, nice, arms stretch up, back leg straightens, inhale, exhale, hands frame the foot, sweep that right leg back and up, shake it out, downward dog, nice, from here moving through the nyasa, inhale forward into your plank pose, lower the knees or maybe chaturanga, inhale to cobra or upward dog, lifting up through the chest and thighs, exhale back into your downward dog, take a moment here, as you're ready, inhale, lift the left leg up to the sky, bend the knee, open the hip, you might circle out the ankle, stretch that left leg up to the sky, inhale, exhale, left knee, left elbow, hover, inhale, left leg reaches, exhale, knee to nose, step it through, twisting lunge, inhale, left arm reaches up to the sky, easy up through the neck, reach from the heart into both hands, sweep that left arm down, lower the right knee, low lunge, hands might frame or come on to that front thigh, drawing the tailbone under, maybe inhale, sweep the arms up, gather the energy, feel that support through the back of the heart, bend the elbows, cactus, opening up through the chest, the throat, sinking down into the hips as you feel that uplifting energy, beautiful, inhale, arms sweep up, lengthen and exhale, hands frame the foot, draw the hips back half split, take a moment to lengthen, slow, bend that left knee, setting up for high crescent, tuck the back toes under, strong through the legs, with an inhale rise, up hands on the hips, draw the tailbone under, feel that lift from the pelvic floor all the way up as you reach the arms up towards the sky, maybe a soft bend through the back knee as you sink down a little lower, curl the tailbone under, you might play with a cactus variation here through the arms, feeling that strength through your legs, straighten the arms, strengthen the back leg, inhale, reach, exhale, release the hands, float that left foot back and up, shake it out, nice, back from your downward facing dog, Vinyasa, inhale, forward plank pose, strong here, exhale, lower the knees or chaturanga, inhale to cobra or upward dog, feeling that space through the spine, chest, collarbones, exhale, slow, meeting downward facing dog, taking a few moments here to pause, again you might lower the knees for a moment, sink back, child's pose, really listening to your body, take your time as you're ready from downward facing dog, we'll inhale, stretch the right leg up to the sky, bend the knee, open the hip, stretch that right leg back up, square the hips, inhale, exhale, right knee, right elbow hover, inhale, right leg reaches, exhale, knee to nose, step it through, warrior 2, inhale, sweep the left arm up, sink down, settle in, palms open, inhale, press through the ball of the foot, arms reach, exhale, warrior 2, inhale, arms reach, lengthen, exhale, right knee bends, grounding, last one, inhale, arms reach, exhale, warrior 2, peaceful, slide the back hand down the back leg, keep that right knee bent as you reach and lengthen, take a nice full breath here, exhale, side angle, right form onto the right thigh, sweep the left arm up, framing the ear, right form might stay on the thigh, or you might reach the hand down on the inside or outside of your right foot, opening up, strong for the legs and core, inhale, rise back into your warrior 2, peaceful, and then toe heel that back foot in a little bit, press through the ball, that right foot lengthening, reverse triangle, and then reach and lengthen into your variation of triangle, right hand on the right thigh, our shin, left arm reaches up today, let's internally rotate that top arm, bend the elbow, and bring the back of the hand to the sacrum, or maybe you're wrapping it around that right thigh, we'll soften the right ear towards the right shoulder, stretching the neck here, you might nod the head a little bit down and up, opening up through the shoulder, the neck, and then just slowly unwinding the arm, reaching it up to the sky, inhale, come all the way up, turn the feet in, toe heel the feet a little closer together, inhale lengthen, exhale hinge at your hips forward fold, releasing the hands and the head, with your inhale lengthen a little bit, and exhale, bringing the head towards the earth or a block, bending the elbows like chaturanga, and then lifting the shoulder blades up, and you might play with rolling some weight forward into the balls of the feet, you might stay here, walk the hands up, inhale lengthen, turn the toes out, bend that left knee, skandhasana, coming over to the left, and then over to the right, bending that right knee, lifting those left toes up, little side to side movement here, opening up through the legs, the hips, hamstrings, as you come back to center turn, look at the right foot, spin onto the ball, the back foot shape of the lunge, lower that left knee down, coming into lizard, hands on the inside of that right foot, you might toe heel the right foot a little wider, maybe you're turning the toes out here, you might stay up on the hands, lower onto the forearms, today you might play with stretching that right arm back, coming into a twist, maybe you're even lifting, playing with catching a hold of that left foot, opening up through your chest, beautiful, one more inhale here, exhale gracefully release that foot, come back into the half split, toe heel that back foot, front foot back into the midline, nice and long here, lengthening, breathing in, and exhale, bend that front knee, tuck the back toes, downward facing dog, pedal the feet, walk it off, inhale forward plank pose, exhale lower the knees or chaturanga, inhale to cobra or upward dog, exhale downward facing dog, taking a moment walking the feet, settling in, from down dog let's walk the feet next to each other, as you're ready inhale sweep the left leg up to the sky, bend the knee, open the hip, stretch the left leg up to the sky, square the hip, inhale exhale left knee, left elbow, hover, inhale left leg stretches up, exhale need a nose, let's step it through warrior two, inhale sweep the right arm up, warrior two settling in palms open, inhale press through the ball, the left foot arms reach, exhale into your warrior, inhale reaching the arms up, left leg straightens exhale warrior two, last one inhale gather the energy reach, exhale send it out warrior two, peaceful inhale sweep the left arm up, opening that left side body, nice full breath in here, exhale side angle, left forearm onto the left thigh, sweep the right arm over the ear, then you might stay here as you roll the chest open, bring the left hand down to the floor, outside of the left foot, inside of the foot, we're working with your block here, couple of breaths easy in the neck, strong through the legs, as you're ready inhale rise up warrior two and we'll reverse reach that left arm up again, press through the ball the left foot toe, heel your right foot in a little closer, reverse triangle, inhale reach back lengthen, let's take this length into our triangle pose reaching and extending, lowering that left hand, reaching the right arm up and rolling the right shoulder forward bending the elbow, right hand finds the sacrum or maybe you're wrapping it around that top left thigh and if you're here in the bind you might play with drawing the left ear towards the left shoulder, maybe you're nodding the head down and up a little bit, kind of opening up through the right shoulder and the neck, breathing, slowly if you're in the bind unwind reach that top arm up to the sky let that energy carry you up into our wide forward fold, toe heel that left foot in, toe heel the feet just a little closer, inhale sweep the arms out, roll the shoulders forward, we'll interlace, inhale lifting up through the chest, exhale hinge at the hips forward fold, we're in this variation of prasarita padottanasana see, head releasing down, arms stretching up out and over, nice, you might stay with this or as you're ready release the hands, slowly walk the fingers out, hammock pose softening the heart towards the earth, reaching your sitting bones away from the hands, neck releasing here, slow walk the hands back underneath the shoulders, we're going to travel back to the top of the mat framing that left foot, nice, and then slow lowering that back right knee down to the floor, toe heel the left foot a little wide coming into lizard, again you might stay up on the hands or lower onto the forearm, today I'm going to play with twisting towards the left, your left hand might stay on the the leg there, reach up as you lengthen, maybe you're playing with bending the right knee and grabbing a hold of the foot, if you're there inhale feel the length and opening and settling in for a moment here, it's a big juicy stretch through that back right by, nice, one more inhale and exhale slow let it release, toe heel that front foot back into the midline, draw the hips back half split, take a moment here, as you're ready bend that front knee, tuck the back toes under, step back down, we're facing dog, inhale forward into plank pose, exhale lower the knees or chaturanga, inhale cobra upward dog, exhale back downward facing dog, from down dog walk or hop the feet towards the hands, inhale half arch, exhale forward fold, strong through your legs, let the inhale bring you up, reach up through the fingers, exhale hands to the heart, take a moment to pause, feeling the energy, feeling your heartbeat, your strength, settling in for tree pose, grounding through the right foot opening the left hip, bringing the heel towards the inner ankle, the calf or the upper thigh, pressing the foot into the leg and then feeling that uplifting quality through your spine, you might play with reaching the arms up, again we're allowing for that wobbling, that movement, the energy here in our tree pose, drawing the standing hip in, one more inhale, exhale hands to the heart and lower down, shake it out, nice work, let's feel into that left side, spreading the toes opening the hip, bring that right foot wherever you'd like, strong through the standing hip, lengthening through your spine, beautiful, maybe you're reaching the arms up, maybe you're playing with sending the gaze up, notice the quality of your breath, quality of your gaze, beautiful, one more inhale in your tree, exhale slow and steady, bring the hands to the heart and then just release that right foot, let's shake it out, setting up for our chair pose, spreading the toes and as you're ready bend the knees, sweep the arms forward, sink back into your heels, nice and strong through your legs, full breath here, exhale forward fold, releasing your head, diving in, inhale half arch lengthen, exhale plank pose, pausing here, strong and steady in your plank and then lowering nice and slow onto the belly for a locust, alabhasana, forehead down, stretch the fingers towards your toes, setting up for a locust, inhale lift the heart, lift the legs, really reaching back to draw the back body into the spine, if it would feel good today, sweep the arms out and overhead, swimming the arms reaching up and then sweep the arms back and slow lowering down, pausing here, let's interlace our fingers, second locust, when you're ready, inhale lift up, lifting and opening the chest, long through the neck, feeling the energy through the body, inhale brings you up, exhale lowers you down, slow bring the palms and elbows in and then pressing up, little cat cow to release the spine, inhale arching, exhale curl and round, press the earth away, stretch the back, inhale extend and lengthen, exhale round, let's do one more, cat cow, inhale lengthen, exhale slow and round, sink the hips back towards the heels and we'll rise up for our camel coming up onto the knees, finding that internal rotation through your thighs, lifting up through the pelvic floor, bring the hands together at the heart, inhale lifting up, hands might stay at the heart if it's available and would feel good today, you might slow begin to reach the hands back towards the feet, you might set up your blocks and with an inhale feel that rise and lift, keeping the chin in or opening up through the throat, camel ustrasana, feeling that strong connection through the legs, the pelvic floor, beautiful gracefully chin into the chest, use the strength of your legs and core, hands on the hips and then settling back and in sitting back, take a moment, pause, notice how you feel, right, so backbends are designed to be energizing, right, can you feel that life force, second round rising up onto the knees, get hands might stay at the heart, you might prefer previous practices, bringing the hands to the low back opening the chest or you might begin to slow walk the hands back again towards the heels, opening up, chin stays in or if appropriate for your neck, chin opens, head drops back, tailbone drawing under, sacrum in, strong for the front body, beautiful work here, take your time slow and mindfully chin into the chest, bringing your hands back onto your hips and sacrum, rising up, hinging at the hips and releasing into your version of child's pose, forehead softening towards the earth, releasing the back, yeah, allow for a nice full exhale here, wobbling the hips, stay in child's pose as long as it feels good for your body, when you're ready to stretch out your legs, rise up, tuck the toes, nice and easy downward dog transitioning into our pigeon, nice, slow, drawing that right knee forward, setting up and you might stay upright, you might fold forward and in, today I'm gonna play with a variation of bending that back left knee, turning back and then reaching for the foot, so again finding the variation that feels right for your body, if you're in this variation maybe opening up through the shoulder, softening through the jaw, nice, maybe slowly releasing that foot, few more moments here in your pigeon, nice, no rush when you're ready, ready, walk your hands back, tuck your back toes under, stretch your right leg up to the sky, open the hip, shake out the leg, we'll find the left side, draw that left knee through, setting up for a pigeon on the second side, might toe heel that foot towards the right hand, might wobble in, staying up, lowering down, you're propping something underneath that left sitting bone and hip, you might play with a variation of bending the right knee, turning back and maybe you're reaching towards the foot, opening the right shoulder and breathing here, feeling that big stretch in the back thigh, the quad, so releasing the foot, few more moments here in pigeon, I notice where you can consciously soften and let go here, beautiful, slowly bring your hands back, tuck your back toes under, take your time, stretching that left leg up again, you might bend the knee, open the hip, coming back into your downward dog and finding a way to bring your feet forward, stretching the legs forward, coming into staff pose, dandasana, take a moment, finding that central channel through the spine lengthening, boat pose, bend the knees, grab a hold of the legs and lift up, stay here, opening the chest or play with stretching the legs out, the arms out, palms open, breathing, slight smile, can help with this, nice, one more inhale, lifting up, exhale, reverse table, plant the hands and the feet, scoop the tailbone under, lift up, opening the chest, oh this feels really nice, stretching the hip flexors, maybe opening the throat, slow lowering back down, last boat pose, navasana, any variation here, holding up, the core strengthening for five, four, three, two, and one, nice, lower slowly onto your back, I'm going to flip around, go ahead and grab your block for our inversion, we'll move into our bridge pose, press through the feet, arms stretch down alongside the body, inhale, exhale, curl the tailbone under, lift the pelvis up, palms might press into the floor, you might prefer the interlace or maybe your bringing your hands around the lower back area, opening up through the shoulders, lengthening the front body, and spacious through the throat, beautiful, oh this feels so nice, when you're ready to release, stretch the arms up, lift the heels up, high up onto the balls of the feet, slowly roll the spine down, one bone at a time, and then we'll press right on up again, bring the block underneath you, again you decide maybe it's that first setting, second setting, or if it's available maybe it's at that highest setting under the sacrum, roll and tuck the shoulders under the back, maybe finding that interlace around the block, knees into chest, and then stretch the legs up towards the sky, beautiful, nice, feeling the energy through the legs, just enjoying this wonderful inversion, very restorative, a few more breaths here, just allowing the sacrum to receive the support of the block, take your time, no rush, you're ready, bend the knees, bring the feet down to the earth, finding that blueprint of your bridge, press through the feet, lift your pelvis up, remove the block, keep the gaze in the neck, the head forward, and then slowly roll the spine down, let's bring the soles of the feet together, knees wide for a moment, just touching supta bada konasana, allow for a nice full, hands might stay on the belly or you might reach the arms overhead, letting the low back lengthen, and stay here, draw the knees towards each other into the chest, and then let's windshield wiper the legs, stretch the arms out, that'll be our spinal twist to close, let the knees go side to side, just letting the head rock away from the knees or with the knees, allow for this unwinding through the spine, the legs, the hips, and slow drawing the knees into the chest, let's find one more curl up, round up, forehead towards your knees, and then expand, stretch everything out, shavasana, taking up space, allow for a exhale, just relaxing any effort through the mind, the body, or the breath, just relaxing any effort through the mind, just relaxing any effort through the mind, you're welcome to stay here as long as you'd like, you feel ready to transition slow, drawing your knees into your chest, you might rock nice and easy side to side, gradually rolling onto your side, curling up for a moment, pause, keeping the head heavy, and then slowly take your time to transition up, we'll just made an uncomfortable seat, now lengthen, exhale, grounding through the sitting bones, showing the hands together at the heart, namaste, thank you for your practice and may it support you in your day.


Anastasia T
1 person likes this.
What a lovely practice. I only wish it were a little longer. Now back to the chaos! Haha. Thank you Alana.
Alana Mitnick
Thank you, Anastasia! So delighted to be practicing together. Haha... yes, the real practice begins when we step off our mat and into the chaos!  Namaste, Alana
Fabian H
1 person likes this.
Beautiful practice.😍
Alana Mitnick
Fabian, So delighted to be practicing together. I am offering a LIVE class on Wednesdays at 10:30am PDT at Hope you can join sometime! Namaste, A
1 person likes this.
wonderful to have all this flowing together. kind of a 'whole is greater than the sum of parts' experience. many thanks Alana. 
Alana Mitnick
Matthew, thank you for sharing and for being here! I will be meditating on your words all day... Yours in Yoga, Alana 
Christina R
1 person likes this.
That was absolutely beautiful! I am really hoping there will be a season 3.
Alana Mitnick
Thank you, Christina R, for joining us! So delighted that you enjoyed this Go-To season. Stay close, and stay tuned! Love, Alana 
Sandra Židan
Great practice! Thanks, Alana!
Alana Mitnick
You're so welcome, Sandra Židan! So happy to be in the flow together. XoA
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